
Well-Known Member
I've had it with this obsession/compulsion with maintain perfect split free ends. My hair had grown back almost 2 inches from the 3 inch cut I did in early december. Now it's gone-Why? Because I saw some more splits and when crazy :wallbash:-quite few ( and this Rochester, NY winter may have something to do with it, because I didn't get them when I went home).

Then I said screw it, I'm keeping my hair and I'll cut, IF NECESSARY, at the end of dec 2008. I gathered my ALL my precious scissor and dropped them down the garbage chute. The first step to recovery is to admit you have a problem:spinning:. I'm not going to necessarily keep my hair in protective styles (because I want to enjoy it). But I'll continue to be low maintenance, alternate rollersets & wash n gos, dc every wash, and stay moisturized. I've also added a BT/MN mix + some other stuff, that has gotten me a little over an inch this month alone :yep:

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Yea! Good work on throwing away those scissors and enjoying your stages. But be prepared for some ugly stages!

I'm going through one right now. My last hair cut was in Oct. of 2006, and after my layered look grew out I got a little sad. I'm giving myself until after my baby is born, maybe Oct. of this year, and then I'll cut off 1 inch. I don't really have split ends, but I do have some knots and just some "old" hair that is too straight.

Your hair is really lovely- thick and luscious!
ITA I'm getting there! Some of my ends are thin and it's driving me crazy. I want to grab some scissors and get to lopping:wallbash:....but I'm refraining. I'm giving myself until June... the halfway mark of the year then I'm dusting. I don't have splits which is great but.... my ends kinda suck (only at the crown and sides... the back is ok)
I want to throw away mine too but I'm too chicken for now:look: I want to be natural too. Do you mind if I follow your progress?
my scissors are hiding from me. last i saw it, was after my rant that scissors and i were no longer friends since i have little to show for a year's worth of growth.

i want it to come out of hiding :grin:

*as i look around*
Yay for you kblc!!!!

8 months ago i told myself that after i chopped i wouldn't even look at a pair of scissors and i haven't. No need to.

i've been fortunate that my hair grows pretty evenly and i've been fiercely guarding my ends, no splits = no chops :grin:.

Grow on girl!! <plays funeral march for scissors>.
I want to throw away mine too but I'm too chicken for now:look: I want to be natural too. Do you mind if I follow your progress?

Of course not..when was you last relaxer? I could leave you some tips for long term transitioning (transitioned almost 20 months, but did a mini big chop half way through )
Yay for you kblc!!!!

8 months ago i told myself that after i chopped i wouldn't even look at a pair of scissors and i haven't. No need to.

i've been fortunate that my hair grows pretty evenly and i've been fiercely guarding my ends, no splits = no chops :grin:.

Grow on girl!! <plays funeral march for scissors>.

But that's just it. I've come to realize that my hair does grow relatively fast (
@ least 1/2 inch per month, 1 with a good diet and multivitamine/hsn). I just cut all of my progress off :wallbash:
Wat to go...i've reduced my triming from 6x a year to 2-4x..now i'm working on 1-2x a year for 2008
I need to toss my scissor out also. I have the same obsession. If I see split ends, I trim...even though I would have trimmed just a month or even a week before. The last trim/cut I did really upset me with my progress. So, I'm going to try going a while without since I'm not using any heat right now.
CONGRATULATIONS!!! :clap::clap::clap::clap::clapping::clapping::clapping:

CONGRATULATIONS!!! :clap::clap::clap::clap::clapping::clapping::clapping:

It is a HORRIBLE compulsion isn't it? You think to yourself, "I'm gonna grow it out." :yep: Next thing you know you're holding the scissors with two inches in the bathroom sink thinking, "Um...right after this." :look:

You have to draw the line somewhere. I was scheduled for two cuts this year. I already did the first one ahead of schedule. I also took off more than scheduled on the rationalization that, "you have to start with completely healthy hair," even though I know that that's not entirely accurate. So now I'm banned from cutting. Which is kind of okay, because this is the first time I actually feel cutter's remorse.

I'm proud of you! I'm very proud.

Is there a scissor-happy support group?