I Think My Steamer Died This Morning


Well-Known Member
Ok. So I decided to get my steamer out of the back hall closet and use it. It was under 4 boxes and a duffle bag. I forgot I had that duffle bag. It was in the origional box with all the packing around it.

I set it up, added the water and turned it on. It semi steamed for about 15 seconds and cut off. I restarted it and it did the same thing again. The third time it would not even come on.

Here I am on my knees fussing with this thing with a aloe vera, jojoba oil, honey, ao blue green algee and an over ripe banana pre-poo in my hair. I wanna steam!

I wound up using my heat cap instead. The steamer is still sitting on the coffee table. I've been walking pass it all day giving it the side eye. I will try it tomorrow morning to see if it will work.

If it does not work, I'm making a donation to the dumpster.

What kind if steamer did you have? I ask because I have a Heuitful (sp?) And took it from the closet to use after a 7 month hiatus and it came on and steamed for 30 seconds then shut off and everytime I tried to turn it back on it just beeper *puzzled*
Aww no! I'm sorry to hear that. I love my steamer so I would be devastated if that happened to me. Since it was still in the box, do you have the manufacturer's info? You may be able to send it in for servicing or ask for troubleshooting tips. I hope that helps!