i think my scalp is starting to hate relaxers..


Well-Known Member
my last relaxer was a month ago, and im realizing that its getting more difficult for me to keep relaxing at the pace that i am going..
i usually relax ever 8 weeks, but that is gonna have to end..
2 days after relaxing my scalp gets really flaky...not like regular dandruff but these huge gross flakes like its trying to shed ...and its always in my edges ares..i think i may have sorriosis(sp), im not sure, but ive made an appt. to see a derm..i have to wash my hair 3 x a week just to keep the shedding at bay....its very gross...but it looks like i may be having to do some kind of faux transition type thing whereas i wont be able to relax my hair for quite some time...maybe 3x a yr..i dunno...problem is..i sweat in tmy head really badly and when it sweats it itches badly..so braids ar out..that would look terrible ..and my hair gets really tangled in the root b/c of the sweat..and if i wash my own hair..it never turns out right..it is still tangly after 2 days..
im really upset about this, and it causing my edges to break, and they never seem to thrive b/c as soon as it starts to grow, i get the relaxer and then the flakes begin..
anyhoo, anyone else expierece this as well?
what did u do...
any help would be appreciated...
This happened to me when I was relaxing. I found out that it was mainly do to the type of relaxer that my stylist used. She had switched to a stronger relaxer...and it dried my scalp out something awful. I can't remember which one it was...but I do remember that when she made the switch to Mizani sensitive...the problem wasn't as bad. To help combat the itchyness and flakes...I used KeraCare Dry Itchy Scalp Shampoo and Conditioner for a few months. It really helped. /images/graemlins/up.gif
maybe i need to switch to a milder relaxer like u said erica..i have never used itchy scalp shampoo but i will give it a whirl...thnx
Are we sisters?

I have a similar problem when it comes to getting relaxers, I also sweat in my head and I don't like braids. What I started doing was as soon as I got home from getting my relaxer I would lightly put an oil (some tea tree oil with other oils in it I purchased) on my scalp and massage it in. This has worked to combat the dryness and flakes too. and has worked well. Now I did go ahead and get braids one time /images/graemlins/wallbash.gif I had the worst allergic reaction and had those gigantic flakes that you are referring to. :0 When I had the braids I put that oil in and that worked well to heal my scalp (I have to remember to write the name of it down when I get home to tell you what it's really called) Once I took the braids out (and even when I had them) I shampooed my hair first with Neutrogena T-Sal then followed with my regular shampoo and conditioner and that worked wonders. Maybe try that?
kaddy , i think we are sisters..cause that sounds like my problem also..anyhoo..when u have a chance i would like the names of the oil mix u use..and does that happen only around relaxer time for u?
and i have the same problem with braids too..but maybe if this works for me, i will be able to stretch out my relaxer with braids..i hope the oils help my scalp...thnx
I'll make a point to remember to write it down when I get home so I don't forget. I will probably post it later this evening or PM you with the name of it. However, it was not any special pricey oil. I think I paid 1.99 for one of those bottles about the size of a Kemi Oyl bottle (maybe bigger). I am not good with know measurements so don't get me lying, but it was probably a 4oz bottle.
Yes, this type of mess is possible. I have a similar issue - my scalp started giving me problems like I was becoming allergic - some shedding, stinging, irritated scalp, other weird problems - when I went natural - it all stopped. NOw that I texturize, it's back, but not like before. I have found that every once in a while you need to use a good zinc dandruff shampoo to ward off scalp ailments - I use the one Elasta makes.
i dont have this problem, i dont put the relaxer on my scalp, but I read in some book, that you should clarify 3 days after a relaxing, because a residue can appear on your scalp.
virtuasis, thats why i said i must strech out my relaxers, i notice that after my hair grows out after about 3 weeks..i dont get the problem anymore..
I have a similar problem. As a matter of fact , I just finished shampooing because my scalp was soooo itchy. It gets so dry sometimes it is painful. I have contemplated stopping the relaxers-I've had natural hair before, but I like straight hair. I have thought that maybe I should try a no lye relaxer again since this was not as bad for my scalp. I don't know... I just worry about the dryness of my hair itself.
This is a big problem since sometimes the relaxer causes so much irritation my hairdresser cannot get my hair straight . I had my touch-up August 6th and my hair looks like it needs to be done again.
Sorry this is so long I really can sympathize- try Neutrogena T gel or Tsal. I have and they do work, they are a bit drying though to the hair ,so condition with a good moisturizer afterward.
i will try one of those shampoos...i use no lye relaxer as well and they still irritate my scalp...my poor temples are suffering..they seem to be the most effected by the relaxer..
that used to happen when i was relaxed and a few months after I stopped relaxing. I thought i had psoriasis too, but it doesn't happen anymore now that I'm natural. Tell me what your derm says because I'm curious why that happened