I think Monoi oil is my new magic oil!!

Yesterday I purchased my first bottle of Monoi oil from the health store. Its vanilla scented and tiare which i think is jasmine, anyway i had been having some real breakage from old ends containing relaxer ( i will post how i remedied that ) and having some DRY hair from the cold dry weather in NYC this week. I put it all over my hair and have not washed it out yet from last nite. I usually use jojoba as a pre wash oil and believed it 2 be the best for my hair but I do think the Monoi makes it softer, i think the jojoba hardened my hair a bit. I hope this continues to work, my hair is soooo soft and smells so good!!!!
Amel Larrieux uses that, it sounds very luxurious :D

I am glad it works for you, I will look for this the next time I am at the health food store:)
girl, you didn't know? Monoi oil is one of my favs. I was hipped to it this summer when I got a massage and scalp treatment with it while on a cruise. I have the Monoi & Frangipani oil from Elemis - it smells delightful!

You can purchase it online: http://www.monoi.com/oil.html
I spent all of yesterday beating back the urge to purchase some Monoi oil and finally convinced myself that I do not need one more oil and then here is this thread...You all don't make it easy (smile). I researched it and know how it is different from coconut oil, but could someone tell me if it has a different effect on your hair than coconut oil. I use virgin, unrefined coconut oil among the many oils I use.
JLove74 said:
girl, you didn't know? Monoi oil is one of my favs. I was hipped to it this summer when I got a massage and scalp treatment with it while on a cruise. I have the Monoi & Frangipani oil from Elemis - it smells delightful!

You can purchase it online: http://www.monoi.com/oil.html

Thanks JLove...I'm going to go check it out right now!
Monoï is very well known in Europe. I've been using it for a looooooong time. It is very good, both for hair and skin.

It's a tahitian oil. For Tahitian women (who have beautiful long hair BTW) it's a traditionnal hair product.

Monoi is virgin coconut oil in wich tiare flowers have been made to soak. So, it's even better than coconut oil because it benefits the properties of the Tiare flower.

I read a french study a few month ago that demonstrated Monoi was better for hair than shea butter. Two groups had to test these oils: The first group used monoi, the second used shea butter.
The study clearly shows that monoi is better than shea butter especially to "repair" hair.

That is good information. Thanks for sharing. My resolve is dissipating...I will have to order some...I cannot resist...
I keep telling myself that I will NOT order this oil...but it sounds SO good. Why, oh why, can't I stay away from this thread? *continues fighting urge*

I'll probably break down and buy it sooner or later hehe.
You won't regret it a second !!!
Besides the fact that it's so good for hair, it also smells like heaven :)
Ravenhairbellydancer said:
Yesterday I purchased my first bottle of Monoi oil from the health store. Its vanilla scented and tiare which i think is jasmine, anyway i had been having some real breakage from old ends containing relaxer ( i will post how i remedied that ) and having some DRY hair from the cold dry weather in NYC this week. I put it all over my hair and have not washed it out yet from last nite. I usually use jojoba as a pre wash oil and believed it 2 be the best for my hair but I do think the Monoi makes it softer, i think the jojoba hardened my hair a bit. I hope this continues to work, my hair is soooo soft and smells so good!!!!
I've used monoï oil before, it is great and I love the smell aswell, a Tunisian friend of mine had showed it to me.
navsegda said:
I keep telling myself that I will NOT order this oil...but it sounds SO good. Why, oh why, can't I stay away from this thread? *continues fighting urge*

I'll probably break down and buy it sooner or later hehe.

I just ordered some. I have no will power..none whatsoever...
LOL, I am sorry , I didnt mean to make anyone break the bank,, I really do think this is a SUPER oil,, i still have the monoi in my hair now! I applied super heavily 2 nites ago and just left it in with my hair in a bun( same thing i would do with jojoba) for a couple days b4 wash, ill be washing it tomorrow, so far my hair does feel softer than with jojoba, smells better and there is none of that hardness that id get from other oils, im very excited about this,,, There is an actual flower inside the bottle!! At first i thought ity was something gross, but then i read the bottle and it says theres an actual flower in the bottle LOL
Ravenhairbellydancer said:
LOL, I am sorry , I didnt mean to make anyone break the bank,, I really do think this is a SUPER oil,, i still have the monoi in my hair now! I applied super heavily 2 nites ago and just left it in with my hair in a bun( same thing i would do with jojoba) for a couple days b4 wash, ill be washing it tomorrow, so far my hair does feel softer than with jojoba, smells better and there is none of that hardness that id get from other oils, im very excited about this,,, There is an actual flower inside the bottle!! At first i thought ity was something gross, but then i read the bottle and it says theres an actual flower in the bottle LOL

Wow I'm convinced now! I really need something that smells good that I can leave in my hair. Especially since I use Amla oil alot. There are so many different scents, which ones do you all think smell the best?
mango387 said:
What is Monoi oil supposed to look like? My bottle looks and smells old.

I am to lazy to go look but I have pics in my product folder in my fotki. It is under Oils.
I first heard about Monoi oil from Hairlove a couple of years ago. Forgot to buy it though. Tahitian women have such gorgeous hair. Maybe this time...
Ravenhairbellydancer said:
I like the vanilla one the best although ive never smelld any other lol:grin:

Lol...I love the way vanilla smells. I just hope I can find it at the health store. I really don't need to order anything else!!
Monoï oil is supposed to smell of Tiare flower: genuine monoï has a flowery scent.

But I have a vanilla scented one, and I like it too. But just be careful with the chemical perfumes added, they can be really irritating.

Monoï has exactly the consistence of coconut oil. :D So it's not really a heavy oil (I don't find coconut oil heavy)
It's not just fragranced coconut oil.
It's coconut oil in which Tiare flowers have soaked.

The latin name of the tiare flower is Gardenia Tahitensis