I think I've seen what TRUE healthy hair looks like.


New Member
I see it when I look in the mirror............and see my NEW GROWTH!!!!:lol:

It is AMAZING to me how different my hair looks at the roots. My new growth is shiny and soft. Parts of it seem really fine as well. That's what my hair looked like when I was a baby (around 1). I haven't had a relaxer in 3.5 months, and I am amazed by what I'm seeing in my new growth. I would have NEVER thought that I had wavy or curly hair. I mean I actually see spiral shaped curls!!! I assumed that my mother pressed my hair, then gave me a relaxer for a reason. Well, she did. Her reason just wasn't what I thought it was all this time. Her reason was that she didn't know how to manage my hair.

I am definitely enjoying what I'm finding on my journey to Natural hair. I can't wait to see more!!!!!
Hang in there Ms. T, I'm sure you have beautiful hair and don't even need a relaxer, wait until you make your first 6 months and then 1 year, you won't even think about going back. I'm natural, haven't relaxed in 13 years, I only really used relaxer about 2-3 times a year when I did use it, so I really didn't need it, don't miss it either. I'm kinda lazy when it comes to hair care, I love reading the threads but I don't spend too much time on my hair, no protective styles, I'm trying to get better :D
Yeah, I planned to wait until I hit the 6 month marker before I make it official and say that I'm officially transitioning. From reading some of the other threads, this is the easy part so far. :lol: So, I don't want to count my eggs before they hatch, so to speak. So, until I'm POSITIVE and there is no turning back, I'm stretching for a really looong time!!!:)
Ms_Twana, I know how you feel. When I got to the 3 month mark during my relaxer stretch, I was loving the feel of my newgrowth. I wish I hadn't relaxed it in August, or I'd be almost 5 months post now. Good luck on your transition! How long do you plan to transition?
Good luck with the stretch, transition, whatever you decide. Glad you're enjoying your hair, I'm sure it's very pretty.
TSUprincess04 said:
Ms_Twana, I know how you feel. When I got to the 3 month mark during my relaxer stretch, I was loving the feel of my newgrowth. I wish I hadn't relaxed it in August, or I'd be almost 5 months post now. Good luck on your transition! How long do you plan to transition?

I'm not sure. IF I decide to stick it out (which I probably will), I want to at least be able to do a cute afro puff. And I have NO idea how long that will take. So, who knows!!!:D
Congratulations on your transition/stretch, Ms. Twana. Keep up the good work and keep that healthy hair growing!
Ms_Twana said:
I see it when I look in the mirror............and see my NEW GROWTH!!!!:lol:

It is AMAZING to me how different my hair looks at the roots. My new growth is shiny and soft. Parts of it seem really fine as well. That's what my hair looked like when I was a baby (around 1). I haven't had a relaxer in 3.5 months, and I am amazed by what I'm seeing in my new growth. I would have NEVER thought that I had wavy or curly hair. I mean I actually see spiral shaped curls!!! I assumed that my mother pressed my hair, then gave me a relaxer for a reason. Well, she did. Her reason just wasn't what I thought it was all this time. Her reason was that she didn't know how to manage my hair.

I am definitely enjoying what I'm finding on my journey to Natural hair. I can't wait to see more!!!!!

Yeah, I was thinking the same thing when I started growing out my relaxer. It's amazing what you don't know about your own self until your half way grown.:look: :lachen:

I just found out the other day that my hair was not off black when I was born but a light sandy brown. And I'm walking around thinking I'm the most unique black person out here saying, "My hair has always been black."