I Think I've Made a Decision...Lace Wig Wearers Help A Sista Out!


New Member
BTW...thanks for all your support ladies during my I HATE MY HAIR meltdown. I talked to a close friend about my dilemma and I think I may actually break down and do a lace wig for a while.

I am not a "fake hair" person, but I think I am stressing myself out WAY too much over this whole hair thing, and it may be a good idea just to leave my hair alone for a while.

My friend suggested getting a lace wig that is equal to or slightly shorter than my natural hair so I won't feel like I am deceiving people too much:blush:, and to choose one with a similar hair density to my own.

It is my hope that if I go this route, I will grow into the whole wig thing (Tyra and Beyonce do it all the time, right?)

Sooooo...lace wig wearers, I need some words of wisdom as well as some pointers on how to accurately measure my head. Thanks in advance!
honestly, the best place to get all of your questions answered is at bhm
blackhairmedia.com they have a whole section devoted to lace wigs

ETA: most of the vendors that sell them have a picture diagram of the measurements they require and how to do them on their site.