I think I've forgotten how to worship the Lord....


New Member
I mean the intimate, heartfelt, prayer and adoration of worshipping the Lord...in the Holy of Holies.... I used to know how to do this.... How do I get started to get back on track? Praise is for what the Lord has done. Worship is for Who He is.... Have I answered my own question? Who is the Lord to me? That's where I begin to resurrect my worship life....
RelaxerRehab said:
I mean the intimate, heartfelt, prayer and adoration of worshipping the Lord...in the Holy of Holies.... I used to know how to do this.... How do I get started to get back on track? Praise is for what the Lord has done. Worship is for Who He is.... Have I answered my own question? Who is the Lord to me? That's where I begin to resurrect my worship life....

It's there, Babygirl... :kiss: Just do as you said. Think about all that He has done for you. Move away from the distractions.

Read Psalm 89, that always get me to crying and worshipping God. It's the Psalm that God gave me, reassuring me of His promise to my children and He then, delivered my son from drugs.

Just let it flow from your heart. The thing is you can't forget what you already remember. You simply 'miss' the intimate moments that you've shared with Him and you want those moments back. Actually, you've grown past those previous moments; and your spirit recognizes the difference in your new level of spiritual growth. So your heart is sending out a signal for 'more'... more of the One you love. More of the God who dwells so richly on the inside of you. More of the heart of being one with Him. More of you that you want to give Him.

No, Angel. You haven't forgotten. You've simply grown beyond the person you used to be and you want to give the new and more of you, to the One, and only...Jesus.

Feeling Better? Sure you are ;) For greater is He who is in you, than he that is in the world.

God bless you, sweet one. :kiss:
There is a pattern of getting into the presence of the Lord that resides in the Most Holy Place (Holy of Holies)....that follows the layout of the Tabernacle of Moses....

Repent outside of the Gate...sin seperates you from God but the Blood of Jesus gives you access...

You enter into the Gate with thanksgiving and praise...so yes Praise Him for everything from the roof over your head to the situations that He delivered you from...Thank Him for the things He has worked out in your life....

That gets you into the Outer Court....Worship gets you from the Outer Court to enter into the Holy Place...Exalt God for who He is.....Bow down before Him and cry Holy is His name....

Brokeness before God gets you into the Most Holy Place...
Recognize your place of helplessness and sin without him...Through Christ we can now lay our lives down as a sacrifice and a sweet smelling incense before God...

The most important part of this is not the pattern...its a state of your heart...but learning the pattern teaches you how to gain consistent access...

I use music to assist me in this journey....my favorite right now is Yes by Shekinah Glory...its 9 minute praise/worship/brokeness combo that truly ushers me into his presence...but I am in the process of making CD's for each level: praise, worship, and brokeness.

I encourage you to read The Threshing Floor by Juanita Bynum to learn about this process more in detail... You can bask in God's presence every day...its just a learning process of finding out what pleases Him and how we get there...

Best wishes...your heart is definitely in the right place. HTH
brownsugarflyygirl said:
The most important part of this is not the pattern...its a state of your heart...but learning the pattern teaches you how to gain consistent access...

RelaxerRehab....I used to wonder how sometimes my prayer/fellowship with God used to be so on point and then at other times it would be lacking. Some days I would be like...God what happened? Where did you go? You were here yesterday :ohwell: So I started studying it and asked God to teach me how to get into His presence daily....what I posted above is what He has led me to understand about seeking His face, His presence, His glory. He revealed it to me and confirmed it several ways.

There is a pattern...and a lot of times we have followed it unknowingly and had the benefit of an encounter with God...BUT I want it everyday...so in order to do that I had to discover the pattern.

The things are God are deep....but if we are willing to open our hearts and our spirits He will reveal things to us that will take us to higher levels in Him.

Be blessed!
Shimmie said:
It's there, Babygirl... :kiss: Just do as you said. Think about all that He has done for you. Move away from the distractions.
This what I was going to say just have a flash back on what He has done and this will make you break out into a praise.