I think im having a setback..help!


New Member
Please dont shun me for my mistakes i just really need help. Sorry this is long.

So last month i got a sew in to protect my hair and i usually moisturize my braids underneath the weave, but this time the way the girl did it i couldnt get to my hair unless i soaked the weave too so i just gave up and left it alone. i washed it once and tried my best to moisturize after that but that was it.

So i took my hair down and my braids were extra dry which they never are after a sew in, so i knew something was wrong. i washed and deep conditioned as usual but my hair still felt really dry and it was harder to comb than it had ever been and as it dried it became harder and harder to comb even after detangling. I was thinking it would be ok, so since i couldnt get to the beauty shop i slightly blow dried it and flat ironed it.

Well my hair is just horrible the ends are very rough and even though its straight when i comb my hair when the comb reaches the ends it gets stuck. They look very frayed and feel very dry and the worst part is the tip of my ends are ok. The dry part is above the very end which makes me think it's the line of demarcation and my natural hair that is messed up. I thought about cutting it which would mean about 3 inches or more gone, then i thought about getting the split ender to see if that would save my length but its so expensive and i dont want to buy it unless absolutely necessary.

Do you all have any ideas that may prevent me from big chopping before im ready. TIA!
Sorry you're dealing with this - I've never had a sew-in so my suggestions might be out of sync with what is required to revive your hair.

1) Did you clarify before conditioning to ensure any buildup was removed?
2) Perhaps your hair needs to be conditioned again to combat the dryness.
3) Cowashing helps add moisture. I would likely stay away from shampooing for now. I'd cowash every few days until moisture was restored.
4) Snagging ends is sometimes an indicator of needing a trim.
5) You can baggy your hair to help with moisture.
6) Dry spots doesn't necessary mean a trim/cut is required. I've had dry areas on my hair when using products that didn't agree with my hair.

Sorry about your problem. You need to cowash as mentioned before. Stay away from shampoo. I recommend suave professionals humectant conditioner. I also use it as a dc and it's wonderful on me. It's uber moisturizing. Also handle your hair in sections to avoid tangling. Cowash, dc, detangle, blow dry or whatever else in sections. Give your hair as little chance as possible to matte together. If you can, detangle with your fingers instead of using a comb. The comb can cause too much stress right now. Use the comb when you think your hair is detangled enough.