I think I'm going on a record!!


New Member
I think I\'m going on a record!!

Hi ladies,
I'm new and so happy that I had to share. I think I am going to hit a new record for time between touch-ups! Tomorrow will be 11 weeks, next week is out, so it'll be 13! I am so excited!! The last time I went was 5 weeks ago and I was sure the stylist would have to trim. She said I was fine

In fact, she was so impressed that she wanted to know what I was doing. I told her about the board and all the new things I was doing. So, this time when I get a trim, it'll be SIX MONTHS!

I have looked in from time to time, but once the board got back up I had to join. I'm so happy to be a member and thanks to everyone who has posted their wonderful advice and tips!!

Take care
Re: I think I\'m going on a record!!

A big welcome and congrats on sucessfully extending your relaxer.
Re: I think I\'m going on a record!!

Feels great doesn't it. I am in week 9 and I normally CAN'T go past 5 weeks. Keep up the great work
Re: I think I\'m going on a record!!

i know that is such an accomplishment, it was hard for me to stretch out my relaxers too, but once you learn how to keep that new growth soft and breakage at minimum, you feel a great sense of relief. this is fabulous, your hair is going to benefit wonderfully, less chemicals. Yay for you!
Re: I think I\'m going on a record!!

LOL, ok ladies I have an ammendment.

I hadn't planned to get my touch-up this week because it's that time of the month (bad according to one post), however this Saturday will be the best day to go for me in November (according to another post about the lunar cycle).

So, I'm going to risk it! It'll be towards the end of that time and I'll be at 12 weeks which is still the longest in a few years.

This forum is the best and you ladies are FANTASTIC!! I'm so happy to be a member, anyone else would look at me like I was crazy if I mentioned this to them.

Take care,
