I Think I'm Getting Microbraids

aloof one

New Member
I'm tired of doing my hair. This happens to me every so often (typically in the winter) when its too cold to air dry and too dry and windy to even think about straightening every week. I know it will pass, but lately I have just felt like I spend more time on my hair than anything else.. I called a woman I found in the yellow pages in Bryan-College Station to do some micros, but I need advice before I go through with it. Does anyone know or recommend anyone in this area who does really good braids? The name of the salon is Absolute Images. The person who answered the phone sounded ghetto, so I'm not sure if that's a plus, but then he handed the phone to the braider, who was Nigerian. I remember the woman who did my micros when I was 15 was African and she did an excellent job, and the man told me this woman was outstanding and fast at it too, but I'm still nervous about some things:

  1. What should I do to take care of my braids?
  2. How long should I expect it to last (the braiding)?
  3. How long should I keep them in (what is the longest)?
  4. Should I use real hair or fake (and is fake a definite no-no)?
  5. The longest part of my hair is about an inch above APL, and almost all of it is past shoulder length, is microbraids at this length reasonable?
  6. How do I take care of braids (i.e. washing and conditioning, etc)
  7. How do I take care of my scalp (I don't remember if I itched when I had braids even though I had them for YEARS as a kid...)?
  8. I have been transitioning for 6 months (as of yesterday), is my hair in danger of breaking off if I have 3 inches of NG?
I know theres probably some kinda thread, but I really can't find it in the search and nothing I see is really specifically answering my questions. I will be grateful for any and all responses, whether you're natural or relaxed now or braided or not (preferably someone who has gotten micros before though).
Can someone please just help me out or direct me somewhere? I really would like some help. It's not like I started a race thread or something... :look:

Can someone please just help me out or direct me somewhere? I really would like some help. It's not like I started a race thread or something... :look:


I think I speak for the majority of people on this board who simply don't care for microbraids because they take your hair out(too much manipulation) so that might be why you're not getting too many responses. Now there's always the minority(might not be online) who can tolerate them. Good luck on whatever you decide to do.
I cant advise on where to get them done, since Im not in your area, but I would warn you to be very careful with micro's since they are so small. Growafrohairlong.com is a great site for hair braiding advice which encourages growth. She recommends larger size braids for maximum hair health and growth. For micro's, people usually get human hair, because they like to curl the hair. I would use a good, but not too heavy hair spritz to keep the hair moisturized. On the growhairlong site she has a video showing how to keep the hair clean.

I would keep the braids no longer than 4-6 weeks.

:nono:DON'T DO IT...DON'T DO IT...DON'T DO IT!!!!:nono:

Did I say...DON"T DO IT!

In my signature "before" picture, that's me trying to grow out what micro's did to my hair by putting in tracks with glue! My hair was the length you're at now when I put the micros in. I took them out and there is that before pic from March! I didn't recover til I left it alone, DC'd and wore a bun for months.

Girlfriend, don't let all your progress go down the drain. Do yourself a favor and brainstorm other ways you can wear your hair for the winter.

Good luck and DON'T DO IT!
OMg your hair Im so sorry! I really don't want to lose any more so Im guessing this isn't a good idea. Maybe I can do some bigger braids or cornrows or something...
Thanks for the advice though for those of you tha responded.
I will look at this crown and glory stuff and see what else I can do.. thank you all!
:nono:DON'T DO IT...DON'T DO IT...DON'T DO IT!!!!:nono:

Did I say...DON"T DO IT!

In my signature "before" picture, that's me trying to grow out what micro's did to my hair by putting in tracks with glue! My hair was the length you're at now when I put the micros in. I took them out and there is that before pic from March! I didn't recover til I left it alone, DC'd and wore a bun for months.

Girlfriend, don't let all your progress go down the drain. Do yourself a favor and brainstorm other ways you can wear your hair for the winter.

Good luck and DON'T DO IT!
I suggest cornrows or bigger braids. Trust me when I tell you micros will rip your edges out!!! I had them once because I liked the style of it and NEVER again. They did way more damage than help.

I love my micros too, but truth be told the heaviness on the edges will rip that hair out from the root. Taking them out is also a pain and will cause great hair loss. Cornrowns will be better but again not too small and not too tight.

dont do it girl:ban:
I am sort of near you.
I see you are transitioning. Have you considered plaits? That is what I do when I get that feeling you referred to. Plaits offer the convenience of micros without the downfalls of broken out hair. My length is shoulder and the plaits look good without the added hair. A braider can do this also. Since I do my own hair, I dont know of any braiders close by. I have heard of a few people going to Katy and of course Houston.
I can't give you any advice on microbraids. However, I have never heard anything positive about microbraids. I remember one of the members on the LHCF referred to them as zillions. It just seems like way too much manipulation on one's hair. Have you ever thought about getting box braids (bigger braids)?
what are plaits? arent they the same as braids?

i was considering microbraids because i figured since im in rotc they would be more "acceptable" and blah blah... but i did have box braids as a kid and i kinda miss them because they were easy and i liked swinging them around... Im thinking about it, maybe they'll let me...
what are plaits? arent they the same as braids?

i was considering microbraids because i figured since im in rotc they would be more "acceptable" and blah blah... but i did have box braids as a kid and i kinda miss them because they were easy and i liked swinging them around... Im thinking about it, maybe they'll let me...

My family is from the west indies and we call box braids (braids done with only your own hair) plaits.

I love my micros too, but truth be told the heaviness on the edges will rip that hair out from the root. Taking them out is also a pain and will cause great hair loss. Cornrowns will be better but again not too small and not too tight.

dont do it girl:ban:

I agree...my cousin just had her microbraids taken out. She said she lost so much hair from taking the braids out.:nono: She said she also had to cut some of them out. :perplexed She said she would never get them again..:ban2:
My family is from the west indies and we call box braids (braids done with only your own hair) plaits.
This is a WOW moment. All this time I thought box braids were from hair you buy in a box. ....:lachen:ouch, I can feel my mind growing.:drunk:

Okay yeah, let me step into the new century. Plaits are using your own hair. :yep:
I transitioned with braids. IA with whomever suggested the crown&glory website. It sux the search feature isn't working because there are tons of threads on it. She gives a great outline, but you don't have to follow it to the letter. You can substitute your own products. Get the braids done pencil sized as she suggested.

Also, come ready to speak your mind to the braider. No tight braids. No cutting your hair or using a lighter to "clean the braids up." Check the braids after she has done a few to make sure she is doing it right.
I dont think you should get microbriads :nono:. They are too small. they may rip your hair out etc. Now Medium sized braids with or without human hair (I prefer human though) It looks sleek and doesnt get tangled at the end are great :yep: On the other hand, Kinky twists is another atlternative! :grin:

~I keep by braids/Twists for 2 months max! I think if you keep them longer your hair wil lget matted, and tangled:nono:
~Never get braids too tight! Especially around the edges.
~The sides and nape gets matted really fast so you may have to redo them every two weeks or so.
~Dilute your shampoo & Cons
~Moisturize daily :yep:

Hope this helps! Good Luck:drunk:
whats a kinky twist?
Does it look "professional"?
im in college station and a cadet in rotc so it has to pass with these people... :ohwell: lol when i hear kinky i think wild for some reason

I dont think you should get microbriads :nono:. They are too small. they may rip your hair out etc. Now Medium sized braids with or without human hair (I prefer human though) It looks sleek and doesnt get tangled at the end are great :yep: On the other hand, Kinky twists is another atlternative! :grin:

~I keep by braids/Twists for 2 months max! I think if you keep them longer your hair wil lget matted, and tangled:nono:
~Never get braids too tight! Especially around the edges.
~The sides and nape gets matted really fast so you may have to redo them every two weeks or so.
~Dilute your shampoo & Cons
~Moisturize daily :yep:

Hope this helps! Good Luck:drunk:
I'm tired of my hair too and I will be getting my hair done next Wednesday as long as my hair arrives on time. I ordered from Beautymart.com

I would not recommend micros because I think they put too much stress on your edges. Why not just tr some small braids.
Hey I was in ROTC for a short period of time too. I am still confused about why cornrows are banned but white girls that wore plaits were fine. :spinning:

Neway, kinky twist should be fine as long as their on the medium sized or smaller and they they're long enough for you to get in that stupid bun for PT.
Hey I was in ROTC for a short period of time too. I am still confused about why cornrows are banned but white girls that wore plaits were fine. :spinning:

Neway, kinky twist should be fine as long as their on the medium sized or smaller and they they're long enough for you to get in that stupid bun for PT.

i feel ya... its a damn shame when there's 5 black girls out of 2,000 people and the 200 or so white girls that are here can do what they want but a black girl has to write a special letter to get 4 corn rows... its just like a few french braids but since its our hair they act like its a crime :nono:

maybe i can just get small braids and put them in a bun...
I haven't read the other responses, but I would warn you not to get them. They're not worth the damage they can cause.
I have been doing micro braids in my hair for years. I leave them in longer then two months. They don't rip my hair out. My hair grows great with them. With all that I just said, Don't get micro braids. I can deal with them because I do them and Iknow how to take them out with out ripping my hair out. You can get micro braids if your hair is not healthy. They will rip out any dead ends you have. If you get to much hair added on,they will rip out your hair from the roots. it will then out your hair. Like I said before I love micro braids but i will never tell anyone to get them. I say a big:nono:
i dont know if i put this up before, but i have had micros before in high school when i was 15. i took the braids out and didn't lose any hair, in fact i went to straightening my hair with a curling iron and didn't lose any then... :rolleyes: actually... over the course of 4 years after the micro braids came out my hair went from between neck length and shoulder length down to being right at shoulder length, and then an inch or two after that. thats not a lot of growth, of course, but i trimmed a lot and didn't know what deep conditioning was and slept on a polyester pillowcase with a bandana every night... :ohwell:

so part of me really doesnt think it could really kill me. my edges have NEVER been bone straight, and i have left relaxers on for 45 minutes just to see if they ever would be... and low and behold they were still nappy. in fact... they wouldn't even break off! i think my hair is strong enough on my edges to handle it... but i do want to try thicker braids... like pencil sized or something like it was suggested

i just feel like some people are exaggerating, or they did the braids wrong or took them out wrong. i am Nigerian, and my mom wanted everyone to know it so she had me in braids from the time i was potty trained until high school (with a break or two along the way)... and i had cute hair... i mean i didnt have split ends or breakage and it was all the same length when the braids came out and went back in... so maybe if i do them really good they wont hurt? can we get some more positive replies? i know yall are out there... i think im actually going to just do it... my hair is too strong for perms, gel, and anything else they could make for it... so i really do feel like now that i have 3 inches of NG and have cut away a lot of overprocessed ends along the way... maybe my hair can stand up to microbraids?
Different people have different experiences. For me personally box braids (with synthetic hair) are more damaging for my hair because of the weight. I actually have in micros right now, and have had my hair braided in some way since July.
I had micros over the summer. They didn't take my hair out... although I was sweating bullets the entire time while taking them out after hearing all of the bad reviews and advice to NOT get them while on here.

I had had them before and they never took my hair out, so I decided to take a chance. I was like the OP and I was sick of doing my hair. One day I walked into the African braiding salon and the rest was history.

If you do decide to get them, get those that are knotted at the ends. This way I was able to wash my hair to keep my hair from drying out. The ones I had had before were unwashable because the ends were left loose. Even without washing, my hair still didn't fall out. I've always used human hair extensions with micros.

I usually wear braids for up to 8 weeks. I think as long as your hair isn't freshly relaxed before you go into braids, you should be fine. A few days before I got braided I gave myself a protein treatment, following by a moisturizing DC. I made sure my hair was in tip-top shape before braiding or else I wouldn't have risked it at all.

I'm not getting them anymore not because of damage, but because of how time-intensive it is to take those suckers out. Do you know it took me 5 days to take those dayum things out of my head? Never again. :nono:

Next time I'm going with pencil-sized braids or bigger.
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