I think I'm becoming a PJ


New Member
Since I joined LHCF I've started getting the things necessary to help me take care of my hair. Well one day my shea butter comes in the mail, I sent it to my Moms because she doesn't work during the day, and I had already bought new rollers, bobby pins, poo, cond, oil, dc, more rollers... and said I needed to get some more stuff. My Mom says, well hell you might as well go to the shop, you've spent enough to cover the cost of getting it done already! lol And NOW I want to go find some of that haitian castor oil the ladies were talking about, I want a new flat iron, I want some of the flex rods... oh man my wish list is soooo long. I fear I'm becoming a PJ and I don't know how to stop it! lmao.
Thanks Melissa, I feel better now.

Is it bad that every single store I go in I'm looking to see what kind of hair products they have?
^i went to the hair shop a lot when i first came to this bored. But once you find your essential items and staples you'll hopefully calm down. Just try one thing at a time, like 1 oil, 1 moisturiser and only get a new or replacement when it's finished.
It just makes me happy to be in the hair aisle of a store. Even if I don't buy. LOL
But I was like that before LHCF too a little, but now even moreso.