I think i understand now...3 hair-dos


i understand how girls grow there hair...

i remember back in 2005 i was just randomly looking at hair websites... and i fell across this one website made my a white male hairstylist he wrote how if you want to grow your hair you must not comb it often.. avoid using combs!

now every girl i know who has long hair hardly combs their hair...
keeps it in simple hairstyles and uses little heat...

they use minimal heat, simple hair styles, and less combing

I'm gonna call this the 3 hair-dos

do you agree or disagree?
i understand how girls grow there hair...

i remember back in 2005 i was just randomly looking at hair websites... and i fell across this one website made my a white male hairstylist he wrote how if you want to grow your hair you must not comb it often.. avoid using combs!

now every girl i know who has long hair hardly combs their hair...
keeps it in simple hairstyles and uses little heat...

they use minimal heat, simple hair styles, and less combing

I'm gonna call this the 3 hair-dos

do you agree or disagree?

I totally agree!:yep: I comb my hair once/week, never use direct heat and wear low-manipulation styles. My hair has never been healthier or longer.
I agree. :yep: This is what I learned here at LHCF, combing just on wash days and using no heat, in my case.
i think it depends on the hair type.:yep: if I try to go more thn two days with out combing my hair will be fugggggged up:perplexed. it has to be everyday and if not Im doing more harm than good.
I comb to detangle. Sad thing is I haven't been using a comb to part when doing twist or flat twist. My parts are hand made and look that way too. Hahahah I dont' care. I just figure it adds to the natural-ness. Even though I know that is no the truth.

I think the 3 do's have some truth to them.
Yes, that works, I love it! I remember a girl in the beginning days of my journey, who always talked about a similar philosophy...the "3 Ps"...Protection, Preservation, and Patience. :)
ITA - the less stress and manipulation the less splits and breakage. Leave your hair alone and it will grow. It seems so simple yet I still want to mess w/ my hair.
low manipulation.. i do agree with.. not combing your hair on weeks on end... i disagree...there are wasy to comb your hair to avoid breakage... use a wide tooth comb... also if you hair breaking due to comb that just means you have another issue you need to take care...
low manipulation.. i do agree with.. not combing your hair on weeks on end... i disagree...there are wasy to comb your hair to avoid breakage... use a wide tooth comb... also if you hair breaking due to comb that just means you have another issue you need to take care...

I agree. It's not the combs fault your hair is breaking.
I definately agree. . . for me fingercombing means less shed and breakage.

And from my experience, the less I mess, the more hair i get.
Absolutely!!! I've been doing all three for the past 5 years and my hair has never, in all my 43 years been as long as it is now.
i understand how girls grow there hair...

i remember back in 2005 i was just randomly looking at hair websites... and i fell across this one website made my a white male hairstylist he wrote how if you want to grow your hair you must not comb it often.. avoid using combs!

now every girl i know who has long hair hardly combs their hair...
keeps it in simple hairstyles and uses little heat...

they use minimal heat, simple hair styles, and less combing

I'm gonna call this the 3 hair-dos

do you agree or disagree?

ITA. In fact, I remember Sareca starting a no-manipulation challenge a little while ago, and she calls combs "hair thinners"! :grin: My question is...if I only comb on wash days, and I wash 3 times per week, does that mean that I should lessen my wash days?
low manipulation.. i do agree with.. not combing your hair on weeks on end... i disagree...there are wasy to comb your hair to avoid breakage... use a wide tooth comb... also if you hair breaking due to comb that just means you have another issue you need to take care...

It dosen't have to be weeks though. Just a reduction in your normal combing is enough to make a difference. It's not set in stone that you can't comb your hair for weeks....it's mainly about reducing it to as little as possible which can mean different things for the individual person........it can range from combing once a day, every other day, once or twice a week, three times a week, once every two weeks, etc. etc.
I definitely agree. Following a bad haircut about 5 years ago a wore my hair in rods for about a month and a half and my hair flourished!!! The only reason I stopped was because I was tired of trying to "sleep cute":rolleyes:, but I may start this back up again to finally reach my BSL goal.