
Well-Known Member
Last week I used heat on my hair! I havent used heat since April and I used protective spray. I had my flat iron set on 375 degrees and I blow dried it before flat ironing. Well my hair didnt seem like it had heat damage but it seems like my curl pattern is not the same.:nono: I have been transitioning now for almost 32 weeks and I am wondering if it was all for nothing!:cry: Do I have to start all over?


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I don't think a few passes at 375 degrees is enough to permanently damage your curl pattern.

I'm sure after a few washes/co-washes it'll be back to normal :yep:
I probably won't matter because you're not fully natural anyway. By the time you finished your transition, you would probably cut those same ends that you feel are irreparable off anyway. Just transition a bit longer.
Some naturals have this problem... when they disrupt their curl pattern by brushing, picking it out, blowdrying or flat ironing, the hair kinda "freaks out" and doesn't re-clump right away after the first wash.

For this reason I always do some kind of protein treatment after straightening because it often reinforces the texture - plus gives it some strength, since you did just use heat and that can potentially weaken it. Don't do this if your hair doesn't seem to need it though... last thing I want is for you to have breakage from a protein overload on top of this. :nono:

Another thing I do that helps - I will often braid/twist it up after washing instead of trying to wear it "out." The braids/twists help the hair strands set in groups again to encourage re-clumping. :yep:
Mine reverted after a few dc treatments. I haven't straightened since my sig pic and that was maybe 2 months ago and my curls are TIGHT.
Up your dc's :yep:

Try deep conditoning overnight for a few nights this week and use a mild protein like Aphogee 2 Min or Motions CPR.
I agree with the other posters. Just wait and see. Once you BC you hair will appear different anyway. If there is permanent damage just continue to grow your hair and trim gradually.
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Awww, don't fret dear. You don't have to start over! :yay: The quickest way to get your curl pattern back is the Aphogee 2-min Keratin treatment (NOT THE TWO-STEP RECONSTRUCTOR). Next time you straighten, try using a liquid serum instead of a spray. IMO serums are much more protective, and my hair has not been damaged since I started using the IC Heat Protective Serum (or whatever it's called, lol...you catch my drift).
Last week I used heat on my hair! I havent used heat since April and I used protective spray. I had my flat iron set on 375 degrees and I blow dried it before flat ironing. Well my hair didnt seem like it had heat damage but it seems like my curl pattern is not the same.:nono: I have been transitioning now for almost 32 weeks and I am wondering if it was all for nothing!:cry: Do I have to start all over?

No, I recommed doing alot of DCing and hot oil treaments. It should snap back. The heat made it DRY. Don't use so much heat next time. Breathe.....it's gonna be ok.
Thanks so much ladies for the advice! I will get on it today! I have until December b4 the BC so I be praying! Thanks again!!!
This happened to me after I straghtened the first time but I just washed my hair quickly w/o dc'ing and the curl pattern was a lot looser. After I did a dc the next day...good ole fro was back and in full effect. Dont worry just try again, I'm sure your texture is not gone.
My curl pattern isn't quite the same after the first wash from it being straightened but by the day after wash day (I cowash daily) its right back to normal