I think I OVER Tipped


Natural Again
I have not been to a salon in about a year and the salon I used to go to, it was one woman who did everthing. Today, I went to a Dominican salon where there was one lady who washed n conditioned, one who rolled, and one who unrolled it, blew it out, and did a doobee.

I gave the shampoo woman $1, the roller $3, and the stylist $5. I feel like I spent too much though. Does this sound reasonable? Did I under tip :ohwell: ? What tips do you guys give/would give in a situation where it's multiple ppl working on your head?
How much did you pay for everything?..usually I take 10-15% of my tab and divide it among who ever.
You don't even want to know how much I tip. I am just so greatful that anyone would be willing to touch my thick head of kinky hair without complaining and without tearing it out. Its worth it because I only get my hair done about 4 times a year.
Maybe its just me but I have never heard of tipping at a salon until here. My grandmother owned her a salon for over 30 years and all the time Ive spent in there I never seen a hairstylist get tipped.
Ayeshia said:
How much did you pay for everything?..usually I take 10-15% of my tab and divide it among who ever.

it was 25.00 (the plus my tip rounded me out to 34.00). that's a good idea ayeshia :yep:
Normally you tip the shampoo girl because they don't make nowhere near what the stylist make and the tips help them out alot, the stylist is tipped when the do something extra special, or you lood out for them so every now and then you don't have to pay some of your services, other than that I don't tip a stylist cause they get paid good doing what they do.
I never knew the correct amount to tip...when i went to a black salon frequently, I'd tip $5 when i got a $35 rollerset, and $6 when i got a $55 relaxer.
Now I go to an international salon and I tip $5 for a $20 rollerset, and I tip $12 for a $45 relaxer, because the lady knows what she's doing and she takes care of my hair during the relaxing process. Just as a way of saying thanks, i know i have alot of thick hair, so thanks for being patient and not yanking all of it out. u know!
When I go, I personally tend to tip 20%. I don't hold back on tips because I never know when I will be in a Jam and need them to stay later, have special hours or bump me up on the waiting list.

I think what you tipped was right in line :)
dont feel bad....I gave a $25 tip once......

as far as normal styles...if I give a tip, i'll tip $5 to $10.

I should add that I only tip the main person that did my hair and not her flunkies :)
Liz25_Ga said:
I didn't know you was suppose to tip. I never tipped any hair stylist that ever did my hair.

You don't HAVE to....if you think they deserve it then you give it to them. You don't owe them anything but the bill....everything else is a GIFT...freely given. I tip if I 1. have the money 2. think they did an excellent job 3. was courteous the whole time 4. the price to begin with is not steep (there are exceptions though in this case)
NYCQT16 said:
I have not been to a salon in about a year and the salon I used to go to, it was one woman who did everthing. Today, I went to a Dominican salon where there was one lady who washed n conditioned, one who rolled, and one who unrolled it, blew it out, and did a doobee.

I gave the shampoo woman $1, the roller $3, and the stylist $5. I feel like I spent too much though. Does this sound reasonable? Did I under tip :ohwell: ? What tips do you guys give/would give in a situation where it's multiple ppl working on your head?

I don't go to the Dominicans anymore but when I did, I would just give the stylist that also set my hair 5.00 and two to the shampoo girl. See they swear they are so slick splitting all that work up :lol: no really I remember I use to go uptown to 145 to Carmens ( I wonder if they are still open) and they use to have the sylist do everything wash, set, and wrap, or style...but that was when I was in High school which is over 10 years ago so :look:

I don't think that is so bad though.