I THINK i might just transition............;')


Well-Known Member
Im loving my waves right now lol. my last relaxer was april 7th and the one b4 that was october 6th. i was going to get a perm next week whe ni come back from the beach but..... i am going against the creamy crack if possible lol. for my birthday I want ot treat myself to a milstan feather flat iron !:')! too excited. but until then I have to find some ways to make my hair sleek and shiny with bounce, as is i had a relaxer, any tips ladies? i want to try and stick with it this time. last time i went for 5 or 6 months and gave in. i dont want to do that this time lol. TIA

this girl is my inspiration! i love her hair!

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If you're really serious about transitioning I would advice against using heat to do it. Could cause a lot of breakage at the point where the relaxed and natural hair meet. I would try bunning. Hth.
ty for ur response ;') during my last stretch and during my fall and winter reggie i use heat with no problem-- lots of deep conditioning etc. i bun now and have been for the last 3 months but thats only because it's too hot lol. any of tips ladies?
What kind of tips? Like ways to keep get your hair straight?. In my opinion, you do the same thing you would to your relaxed hair - either rollerset it or blowdry it, and then flat iron it. I would say do small sections so you can get your roots straight. You should check out the natural threads on what products they use to combat humidity. I would guess some type of serum...

However, I would suggest you limit the heat as well. Braidouts/twist-outs are a great way to wear your hair down without the heat! Just reserve the flat-ironing for special occasions or trims! Good luck.