I think I might be finally starting to get Self Relaxing down...

I just wanted to share that I self relaxed over the weekend and I did a couple of new things based on suggestions I picked up from this board.

Using these tips took longer in preparation but was definatley worth it.

- Detanged hair and taking a small section and using a rubberband or something right at the demarcation line so that when relaxing can know you just have to go up to that point. This was a big help! I ended up doing a LOT of sections though. My hair was 14 weeks post relaxer and very dense. Also instead of having my hair in all these little pony tails w/ my hair sticking out and getting in the way while I relax I tied the ends into little knots w/ a second rubber band. So i basically had alot of little Bantu? braids all over my head. It was kind of hard getting the rubber bands out and some hair got caught and torn a little. Had to go under the water before all the rubber bands were out (which was fine)

- I tried someone's tip of using an aplicator bottle to apply the relaxer but that didn't work for me, the relaxer was too thick to come out of the little spout so I just ended up using the applicator stick from the package (phyto relaxer), next time though (and I dont' know why I didn't think of this before) but I'm going to get a little applicator brush instead, this has got be easier that a fat popsicle stick. ;)

- I mixed EVOO into the relaxer. Not sure how much but I put in about 4 capfuls (and this was a touch up so I was only using half the container), I'm not to sure if this helped, but it didn't hurt and although I stopped about 3 or 4 minutes short of the maximum I still up to that point had no burning feeling..

- I put EVOO on the all the hair strands not being relaxed, to try and protect them from the relaxer.

- Someone had said to make sure that when your using the neutralizing shampoo make sure that after the last time when you no longer see pink and it's clear still put some back on and let it sit for 5 minutes and then rinse again, you'll see pink (I did) and then just keeping going until you no longer see pink again. So that was a good tip too.

So if anyone has any comments or suggestions of how to do it better let me know!

Thanks ;)
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Hey great ideas i want to self relax in future but am kinda scared to try it. my friend at the salon who does my hair uses an applicator brush and she finds it so much easier than using just her fingers and it looks easier too.

Thanks for sharing your tips, because I'm going to do my first self-relax around the first week of June, and I'm also going to use PhytoSpecific.

What is Evoo? And how did you like the Phyto?
EVOO is Extra Virgin Olive Oil - but I'm sure you could us a different kind that's just what I had. The oil is suppossed to slow down the process so you have more time to apply/less burning, etc.

I really like Phyto of course it's the first relaxer I've ever used, but I cannot complain at all. Alot of people on here rave about it. There is thread dedicated to first time users and their questions....:)

I can't believe i"m giving people advice, I'm still a baby on here. ;)
jackie1277 said:
EVOO is Extra Virgin Olive Oil - but I'm sure you could us a different kind that's just what I had. The oil is suppossed to slow down the process so you have more time to apply/less burning, etc.

I really like Phyto of course it's the first relaxer I've ever used, but I cannot complain at all. Alot of people on here rave about it. There is thread dedicated to first time users and their questions....:)

I can't believe i"m giving people advice, I'm still a baby on here. ;)

So any kind of EVOO will do, like the one I have in my spice cupboard? :D
How many spoons do you put in with the relaxer? And does this mean that you still apply the relaxer according to the time chart that comes with the relaxer? Questions, questions....

I really look forward to trying the Phyto, this will be my first time using it as well. And I'm still a baby at this as well, only a month into my regimen, but you sure learn a lot here in such a short time! :)
next time use ouchless elastics and place them closer to the ends of the hair for each section :)

Thanks! ;) You say place them closer to the ends? I guess I liked having them ath the demarcation line though, that way I knew where to stop.

Denim and Leather-

Well I put in probably about 4 tablespoons but it was my first time and I was completely guessing! I would search and see what other more experience people use.

and you should be excited, it's ridiculous how many years I've wasted going to salons and still having bad hair and just from coming on this board i've learned so much it's amazing my hair is longer than its ever been, but I"m still learning and have a lot to learn. Right now I want my hair to be thicker!!
jackie1277 said:

Thanks! ;) You say place them closer to the ends? I guess I liked having them ath the demarcation line though, that way I knew where to stop.

Denim and Leather-

Well I put in probably about 4 tablespoons but it was my first time and I was completely guessing! I would search and see what other more experience people use.

and you should be excited, it's ridiculous how many years I've wasted going to salons and still having bad hair and just from coming on this board i've learned so much it's amazing my hair is longer than its ever been, but I"m still learning and have a lot to learn. Right now I want my hair to be thicker!!

You know what, Dee, I am excited! I really feel that I'm taking charge of my own hair, and not letting someone else control it. I suspect that if I shared with my (ex) hairdresser what I've been learning here, I'm sure she would be nothing but negative. Like when I told her about brushing hair, how it's not good, and she reacted negatively to that. I asked her about Affirm relaxer (she used Motions on mine), and she said that it's drying to the hair. From what I've seen on this board, so many people here use Affirm, so this tells me that this cannot be true.

The only thing is that I wished I'd known caring for my hair a long time ago, I would've saved a lot of money and heartache. But as the saying goes, better late than never. :)