I Think I Messed Up My Mothers Hair


Well-Known Member
Henna Ruined My Mothers Hair colour

Not on purpose. Well , i applied a black henna dye to her hair to cover grey, i bought it from a local Asian cash and carry. i used it before in her hair and it tunred out brilliantly, it was dark and thick and pretty her hair was healthier looking, she doesn't really take care of hair she has very fine 3b/3c texture.

now the second time i applied it was 6 MONTHS AGO, i used the same product and followed the exact instructions when i rined out the dye to my horror i noticed some of her grey hairs turned had a red colour, i was really worried, because my mother panicks easily and is short tempered in general.

i didn't really tell what happened immediately, i styled her hair and she went over the mirror and noticed a few red hairs, she was s0o vexed, because we we were about to go to my sisters wedding in jamaica she said in her Jamaican accent "i'm never using those Indian products again, they too lie". the good news is is was only a small amount of the roots that were red, i managed to do a braidout to disguise the roots, so no one could see them at my sister's wedding. Now the problem is 6 months later she still has red grey hairs, is there anything i could do to get it dark like a rinse or something.
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Tell your mother the truth so she can decide what she wants to do. How would you like it if someone did that to you? I know I wouldn't.
ThickHair said:
Tell your mother the truth so she can decide what she wants to do. How would you like it if someone did that to you? I know I wouldn't.
It clearly has something to do with the product!! if you reread my post i didn't say i never told her i said I didn't tell her immediately after as i didn't want to alarm her. Prior to that, i had used it before in her hair without any problems. She knows that i did not deliberately turn her grey roots, red i'm not an evil person. I went back to the shop to complain, I honestly though that all hennas were in fact natural, this one clearly wasn't. I'm only asking for advice on what could be done to darken the texture, safely and naturally.
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den1 said:
It clearly has something to do with the product!! if you reread my post i didn't say i never told her i said I didn't tell her immediately after as i didn't want to alarm her. Prior to that, i had used it before in her hair without any problems. She knows that i did not deliberately turn her grey roots, red i'm not an evil person. I went back to the shop to complain, I honestly though that all hennas were in fact natural, this one clearly wasn't. I'm only asking for advice on what could be done to darken the texture, safely and naturally.
den, I'm not sure what happened, but as far as henna goes, it is a natural product that builds up. But since it was her root/new growth area, it doesn't seem like build up could be the culprit. Sorry I couldn't be much help.
Allandra said:
I've never used henna, but I've used hennalucent. It always made my grey strands look an alburn color.
That's exactly how my mothers hair turned out, like auburn colour. I used the exact product before and everything went well. So i'm quite surprised why it turned out that way, i henna my own hair too with success. it has to be something to do with the product batch or maybe a chemical ingredient.
balisi said:
den, I'm not sure what happened, but as far as henna goes, it is a natural product that builds up. But since it was her root/new growth area, it doesn't seem like build up could be the culprit. Sorry I couldn't be much help.
Thanks balisi, all i can say is i'll never purchase henna from just any place again. It doesn't make any sense, i've used this product on her hair before in fact twice before and it turned out perfect, what is going here?.....
Henna is typically used by people in India and Mid. East to turn hair red, auburn. So, perhaps the batch that you got this time was mixed differently. I hope your mum isn't too sore with you.
webby said:
Henna is typically used by people in India and Mid. East to turn hair red, auburn. So, perhaps the batch that you got this time was mixed differently. I hope your mum isn't too sore with you.
My mums fine, she's not annoyed with me...just the product manufacturers...she knows how well i take care of everyone's hair including my own...
do you have Jazzi Tones in London? I think they make a black/off black rinse for the hair...I will do a lil' research and get back with ya ;)
AllAboutTheHair said:
do you have Jazzi Tones in London? I think they make a black/off black rinse for the hair...I will do a lil' research and get back with ya ;)
I've only heard of Jazzing, but i don't think that's the same thing. Thanks for your help, if i can just get a good brand to get her colour darker then that would be wonderful.
den1 said:
My mums fine, she's not annoyed with me...just the product manufacturers...she knows how well i take care of everyone's hair including my own...
I'm glad she's not upset with you, because if you could grow MY hair like that...I wouldn't care what color it was :lol:
den1 said:
I've only heard of Jazzing, but i don't think that's the same thing. Thanks for your help, if i can just get a good brand to get her colour darker then that would be wonderful.
Have you heard good things about Jazzing, b/c I was thinking maybe that would be a good rinse to try? But I haven't personally tried it before.
Den1 henna is used to turn hair a reddish/auburn color. There is actually no such thing as black or brown henna. In order for a henna product to be black or brown there must be another ingredient. It is usually indigo for black hair. Also, depending on the desired redness henna takes several applications; meaning that it probably didn't show up the first time because the product you use takes a few applications before the red is apparent. It can relate because the same thing sorta happened to me. Anyway, I would say go get some indigo.That will hopefully do the trick.
Hi Den. I think that a black rinse would work just fine. I'm not sure if they have this product where you live, but I use Clairol Natural Instincts in Midnight. It covered my annoying few gray strands as well as evened out my previously dyed ashy brown permanent color. I'm now a fan of shiny black hair. Plus, this color rinse lasts a long time......it even withstood a mild texturizer. The box says it lasts about 28 shampoos. Here in the states, it costs about 6.99 at most drugstores.

The only drawback for me (as with most other rinses) is that it left my fingernails stained. But I gave them a quick soak in a little bowl of hair color stain remover and all was well. :)
webby said:
I'm glad she's not upset with you, because if you could grow MY hair like that...I wouldn't care what color it was :lol:
Its so good you can see humurous side of things...lol i honestly had the best intentions for my mothers hair colour. I try to give my mum hair tips, but shes not really into hair care, she sees how well my hair has grown and how much care i put into my sisters hair so she trusts me.
beloved1 said:
Have you heard good things about Jazzing, b/c I was thinking maybe that would be a good rinse to try? But I haven't personally tried it before.
I've heard a few good things about Jazzing but i think one of the most populr is colourshines, unfortunately i can't purchase it, in the UK.
brittanynic16 said:
Den1 henna is used to turn hair a reddish/auburn color. There is actually no such thing as black or brown henna. In order for a henna product to be black or brown there must be another ingredient. It is usually indigo for black hair. Also, depending on the desired redness henna takes several applications; meaning that it probably didn't show up the first time because the product you use takes a few applications before the red is apparent. It can relate because the same thing sorta happened to me. Anyway, I would say go get some indigo.That will hopefully do the trick.
Aww thank-you for the information, i'll consider getting the inidigo colour, which brand do you recommend?
Aquamarine said:
Hi Den. I think that a black rinse would work just fine. I'm not sure if they have this product where you live, but I use Clairol Natural Instincts in Midnight. It covered my annoying few gray strands as well as evened out my previously dyed ashy brown permanent color. I'm now a fan of shiny black hair. Plus, this color rinse lasts a long time......it even withstood a mild texturizer. The box says it lasts about 28 shampoos. Here in the states, it costs about 6.99 at most drugstores.

The only drawback for me (as with most other rinses) is that it left my fingernails stained. But I gave them a quick soak in a little bowl of hair color stain remover and all was well. :)
Thanks for suggesting, Clairol Natural Instincts in Midnight, it sounds really impressive it lasts 28 washes? Does it contain any harsh/drying ingredients? My mum wants natural black hair not jet black she doesn't want to look like that British rock star Gary Glitter lol I wonder if i could get this product in London. Thanks for tip on how to remove stain from finger-nails but i'll try to avoid this by wearing some latex gloves.
lol, Garry Glitter :lol: . It's funny that you should mention that because my b/f had me color his hair with the Clairol the other day becuase he wanted to look 'drastic and wicked'. He still looks very tame to me :lachen: Then he was like 'waaa, I wanted to look evillllll':angeldevi lol. Nope, not hardly. If anything, he looks more alive lol.

Anyway, this is a link that will tell you more about it...


It IS a very black color, but perhaps, if it's rinsed out in half the time, it would be lighter. The next lighter color is Nutmeg...which is a dark brown color. I also bought the Egyptian Plum for whenever this black color washes out.

Oh, yeah, I used gloves too, but according to the instructions, you have to add a little water and 'shampoo' the color in right before you rinse. My dumba$$ politely took the gloves OFF:look: . I guess I wasn't used to washing my hair with latex gloves on.

The only henna that I've ever experimented with was two months ago at an Indian festival. I had the top of my foot 'tattooed'. :)

ps, the stain remover that I used is a white liquid called Roux - Clean Touch
Aquamarine said:
lol, Garry Glitter :lol: . It's funny that you should mention that because my b/f had me color his hair with the Clairol the other day becuase he wanted to look 'drastic and wicked'. He still looks very tame to me :lachen: Then he was like 'waaa, I wanted to look evillllll':angeldevi lol. Nope, not hardly. If anything, he looks more alive lol.

Anyway, this is a link that will tell you more about it...


It IS a very black color, but perhaps, if it's rinsed out in half the time, it would be lighter. The next lighter color is Nutmeg...which is a dark brown color. I also bought the Egyptian Plum for whenever this black color washes out.

Oh, yeah, I used gloves too, but according to the instructions, you have to add a little water and 'shampoo' the color in right before you rinse. My dumba$$ politely took the gloves OFF:look: . I guess I wasn't used to washing my hair with latex gloves on.

The only henna that I've ever experimented with was two months ago at an Indian festival. I had the top of my foot 'tattooed'. :)

ps, the stain remover that I used is a white liquid called Roux - Clean Touch
Seriously, my mum complained one time when she went to the hairdressers to cover her grey, they made her look like she was Gary Glitter plus she's very fair like a white person too. 'drastic and wicked' is defintely not the way, my mum's a Christrian too so wants to look more angelic lol. Thanks for the link i might go for the nutmeg brown. I'll be warned to keep my gloves on then thanks for naming the stain remover. Yo've all been so helpful.