I think I messed up but maybe I didn't.


please never send a text like that again

but also work on yourself so that you dont think you need to send someone a text like that in the first place. i only read the first two lines and had to stop out of overwhelming second hand embarrassment.

a simple "im not looking for an f buddy" message will do.
You're right.. I feel like an idiot.

Don't. He isn't all that special, Mocha.

When you're on the same path with someone and you're headed to the same place, you both know it. If you feel the need to question them, you probably aren't. He already told you he hadn't "thought about things" and that tells you all you need to know in a nutshell.

Men that aren't in relationships for the long haul HATE this line of questioning. They'll stick around while it's easy breezy but when you start asking questions and making demands, they scoot. This isn't necessarily a loss although you may feel so at the time. If he is good for sowing oats and such, sow your oats but keep your eye out for the real deal. He's not going to be the one.
Don't. He isn't all that special, Mocha.

When you're on the same path with someone and you're headed to the same place, you both know it. If you feel the need to question them, you probably aren't. He already told you he hadn't "thought about things" and that tells you all you need to know in a nutshell.

Men that aren't in relationships for the long haul HATE this line of questioning. They'll stick around while it's easy breezy but when you start asking questions and making demands, they scoot. This isn't necessarily a loss although you may feel so at the time. If he is good for sowing oats and such, sow your oats but keep your eye out for the real deal. He's not going to be the one.

Thank you GoldenRule

I should've left my post above but after the first comment, I felt foolish. I Certainly appreciate your feedback. It's a definite shot to my ego, and you're right, he isn't the one.