I think I damaged my hair...help


New Member
*** I found Carlitas thread, with her having the same issue of me. I will try the tips offered there*** LHCF saves the day again.

Ok so I had been natural for the past 2 years. I would wash/blowdry/flat iron my hair weekly and it retained length but would get pretty dry.

To ease up on the heat I decided to get a texturizer and do wash and gos in april the results were great. I did another one in June, not as great. so I decided no more texturizers. BTW when the text. was put in it was only the roots, because the ends are "texturized" from the previous flat iron regimen.

So I have been doin co washes and then leave-in some conditioner and put my hair in a pony tail or bun. It doesnt look as good without the roots being texturized, so I wear head bands.

Anyway ylately I think I have been lazy and my lon manipulation, has become basically no maniputlation. I havent been moisturizing in the evening either which helps to hkeep my hair soft and silky. So be evening my hair is pretty dry.

Anyway last night I'm taking down my pony tail. Comtemplating whether I want to straigten my hair when I wash in the am. And I feel the middle. some pieces are kinda matted/knotted. I havent really been that diligent in coming throungh the curls. I have 3B/C hair.

Ugh, So I know I need to deep condition. I willprobably go back tgo my wash/flaat iron regimen esp. since the weather is changing.

But for now I need to get through this wash. I put some oil moisturizer (jojoba and almond based) in myhair last night at an attemot to soften the knots.

What do you all recommend to do when washing to reduce the amount of hair that breaks and knots when I wash today.

Ughhh I got lazy and now I am paying the piper.

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Hey lady hope this is not too late but try some oil rinsing first and then a nice deep conditioning followed by a steam treatment. Just baby your whole head of hair, it may take some weeks to get it back where it needs to be. I would make sure that the moisture level is good also......