I talked about this girl at work like a DOG


New Member
and now I think she was/is a LHCF member

about 3 years ago she had twins.. she had SL permed hair that before the twins she kept up nicely...

after the twins, she lost weight, was back down to like size 6 and bought a new wardrobe.. new make up and a bunch of nice shoes.... but her hair was always in a "snatch back" ponytail and though she worked PT in a beauty salon, she looked like she had like 4-5 inches of NG

then she'd get a perm and wear her hair cute for like a month before the NG would kick in and she'd be back to the snatchback ponytail....her hair was growing and she was past shoulder, then past APL

Me and my other friend had a running joke that though she was lightskinned & cute, wasnt an excuse for not keeping her long hair done... of course we'd be more crass than that...

She got a transfer so I didnt see her much though we'd talk often...and then I ran into her and she has MBL hair with a fresh perm and looked good...
We dont talk much now cuz she had some personal issues & quit work to be a SAHM....

now in retrospect, Im thinking that ***** was a LHCF member and those ponytailed times, she was going thru long stretches

Of course that comes to mind now that Im going thru a long stretch and plan on wearing that same snatchback ponytail all summer....

Hmmm. This happened to me at work before. My boss told me that I needed to wear my hair more professional. She did not like my bun and ng:perplexed I told her that my hair was fine. Which it was... I was a Testing Assistant @ Devry for incoming students. Come on now:rolleyes: I wore suits and had my hair in a bun with my glasses. I'm constantly told I look like a library teacher. Anywho I knew I was on a mission so I ignored her and apparently your co worker was on a mission also:grin: Stretches and protective styles REALLY works. I guess your stretching techniques and protective styles used varies depending on your profession:-/ Oh, and yep, that's my protective style also. A baggied ponytail, been doing it since I joined. This bad boy is going to get me to MB. LOL
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why arent ya on IM?? ya mom still there?? I have cabin fever & am going CRAZY
I'm on...I saw you log on and off a few times. I'm 'bout to go jump in the shower, though...have to leave here at 1:30 to go and do a candle show way out in West Hell...but, if it'll make me some money, so be it! :lachen:
Yup, you never know who's on the hair forums. I'd wear my hair in a "snatch back" ponytail too if I knew that would get me to MBL. I keep my hair in updos all the time though.
Hmmm. This happened to me at work before. My boss told me that I needed to wear my hair more professional. She did not like my bun and ng:perplexed I told her that my hair was fine. Which it was... I was a Testing Assistant @ Devry for incoming students. Come on now:rolleyes: I wore suits and had my hair in a bun with my glasses. I'm constantly told I look like a library teacher. Anywho I knew I was on a mission so I ignored her and apparently your co worker was on a mission also:grin: Stretches and protective styles REALLY works. I guess your stretching techniques and protective styles used varies depending on your profession:-/ Oh, and yep, that's my protective style also. A baggied ponytail, been doing it since I joined. This bad boy is going to get me to MB. LOL

Wow... was your boss black? I don't get how a neat bun is not professional. I bun my hair to protect my ends and wish someone would tell me it's not professional. Puh---leaze. lol
Wow... was your boss black? I don't get how a neat bun is not professional. I bun my hair to protect my ends and wish someone would tell me it's not professional. Puh---leaze. lol

yea reading that made me cringe.....how dare she.. long as it was neat... i dont see the problem
I started giving my sister a bunch of information about how I am trying to grow out my hair and gave her a couple links to sistaslick's articles and a while later mentioned that I really want a sedu... and she's like why you want that one the poll says the chi is the best

:lachen::lachen: what if she comes in this thread and say yes i was on here all the time, she had to be on here. Thats why i make sure i watch what i post on here :lachen:
:lachen::lachen: what if she comes in this thread and say yes i was on here all the time, she had to be on here. Thats why i make sure i watch what i post on here :lachen:
Ol girl probaly a feature of the month and got a thread in the archives on here dedicated to the nozy heffas at work:lol::lachen::lachen:
Wow... was your boss black? I don't get how a neat bun is not professional. I bun my hair to protect my ends and wish someone would tell me it's not professional. Puh---leaze. lol

Yes, she is black. Girl, one time I was sitting at my desk conversing with another co-worker who hair was past her BS. Well, my co-worker was saying she did not know what to do with her hair. So, I said Girl, you can do pretty updo's, rollersets, etc. and then I said I can't wait for my hair to get to your length. I'm going to be rocking???????? before I could finish my sentence, my boss said from her office...Your hair will never get to her length. You don't have her hair type:blush: My boss has only seen my hair once ( on the interview), so she had no idea how long my hair was then. I didn't get mad at her or anything:nono: Didn't feel like explaining nothing to her. Look at me now on my way to MB. She's my EX boss btw and yes my bun was very neat and I always wore accessories around my bun. You could never tell I had alot of ng from just looking also. I guess the reason why I didn't get mad is because this board had already prepared me for those situations. There's threads on here about this very topic. I know my purpose for concealing my hair and I'm not going to let anyone deter me from it.
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You know there's a thread in off topic somewhere about her nasty co-workers who are always laughing at her!! In fact there might even be a thread like 'I saw my nasty ex co-worker and swung my freshly permed MBL hair in her face!!'

and now I think she was/is a LHCF member

about 3 years ago she had twins.. she had SL permed hair that before the twins she kept up nicely...

after the twins, she lost weight, was back down to like size 6 and bought a new wardrobe.. new make up and a bunch of nice shoes.... but her hair was always in a "snatch back" ponytail and though she worked PT in a beauty salon, she looked like she had like 4-5 inches of NG

then she'd get a perm and wear her hair cute for like a month before the NG would kick in and she'd be back to the snatchback ponytail....her hair was growing and she was past shoulder, then past APL

Me and my other friend had a running joke that though she was lightskinned & cute, wasnt an excuse for not keeping her long hair done... of course we'd be more crass than that...

She got a transfer so I didnt see her much though we'd talk often...and then I ran into her and she has MBL hair with a fresh perm and looked good...
We dont talk much now cuz she had some personal issues & quit work to be a SAHM....

now in retrospect, Im thinking that ***** was a LHCF member and those ponytailed times, she was going thru long stretches

Of course that comes to mind now that Im going thru a long stretch and plan on wearing that same snatchback ponytail all summer....


:blush:Wow, I'm appalled:grin:
At the time you and your friend were talking about her, was your hair about SL too or longer?
Well, at least now you understand what she was doing:yep:
:blush:Wow, I'm appalled:grin:
At the time you and your friend were talking about her, was your hair about SL too or longer?
Well, at least now you understand what she was doing:yep:

yeah long and quite unhealthy... fried, over processed & re-dyed...

no biggie... no feelings got hurt & we are still cool..it was never about hating on her, just wondering WTF she never had a fresh do as she used to

You know there's a thread in off topic somewhere about her nasty co-workers who are always laughing at her!! In fact there might even be a thread like 'I saw my nasty ex co-worker and swung my freshly permed MBL hair in her face!!'


FWIW, we never said anything to her face... usually just sent an IM... I did ask her once did she still work at the salon ( in hopes she'd say no and that why she didnt have a recent perm)
Can someone tell me what a "snatch back" ponytail is? I did see it in the LHCF glossary of terms. THANKS! I mean, I am sure all of us want to know of its magical powers as well. :lick:
Can someone tell me what a "snatch back" ponytail is? I did see it in the LHCF glossary of terms. THANKS! I mean, I am sure all of us want to know of its magical powers as well. :lick:

Let's see: humpback, hatchback... but snatch back ?? I'd like to know too.
She knew what she was doing by keeping her hair in a snatchback ponytail despite the fact that others were puzzled.

Hair stays healthy with less manipulation. :yep: