I swear some hairstylist....

J Glazin

New Member
So right now im at the hair salon under the blow dryer and i was just thinking.... I swear some hair stylist say your hair is breaking just to make extra money. Think about it if your hair stylist say: 'Girl i haven't seen u in a while, let me look at your hair. hmmm that looks damage what have you been doing? You need to come in and get your hair done more offen to maintain it.' My hair stylist told me that today. I had no respond because my mom always told me if you do not have anything good or positive to say, don't say anythin at all. So i didn't.
I kno my hair is in great shape so what is she talking about. Have anyone been down this path?

O you may ask why do I go to the hair salon?? To answer your question, i do my hair at home. I believe I am the only one that can provide great care to my own hair. I wash it twice a week when i need a relaxer and once a week when i just had a relaxer without all the crazy new growth. I only go to the salon when i need a touch up. Honestly, im afraid to do my own touch up.
Yes. This is true. In fact I asked the stylist to show me the specific damage. I was polite. I merely asked in a 'curious' way while saying that I couldn't find any damage. The stylist then pointed to a shorter small section of my hair. I told her it wasn't breaking, that the damage had been done a while back and that it was now growing back. She then said if I didn't want a trim, I could wait until the next time, but that I better trim if I wanted my hair to be healthy. Okay then.
Exactly, so you know what im talking about!!! Actually, i've been there myself. When i lack knowledge about my hair and the mind manipulative of a hair stylist I listened and 'trimmed' my hair. Now i see why i barely noticed any results.
Ditto here...that's why i do not frequent salons anymore... i have visited a salon twice this past year, both times all i got was a wash, style, and very light (I mean light) trim... other than that, i'm a complete Do-it-yourselfer...
This why I don't go to salons very often, and when I go I ask if they are offended if all they need to do is twist it. I do my own co-washes, dc.moisturizing and sealing. Then I let her twist and only because I don't like doing it and that's a rarity. Stylist are in to making money not the health of your hair.:rolleyes:
This just happened to me today at the salon! Why was she like, "you can't wait this long to get a relaxer, you need to get relaxed more often...you have real african hair!" I almost fell out the chair laughing...and I know next time she's going to have even MORE new growth to deal with because I'm streching for 16 weeks...sucka
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This is why I only go to stylists for relaxers!!! Ha Ha, she told me I should relax monthly because my hair was beyond thick and kinky. She's also a very bad stylist so I will be switching, but for the most part all I want a stylist to do is put the relaxer in my hair and smooth it, finished. I don't have time for that mess.
Bad hairstylists are the major reason why I am natural today. I rather take the time to do my own hair than to roll the dice with them, especially when it comes to using relaxers. :nono:
I swear, I would still be spending ALL DAY Saturday in the salon if my stylist hadn't kept cutting my hair back to barely shoulder length. Well, she did me a favor because now I can wash whenever I want as often as I want, and I can relax when it's convenient for me.

I'd like just one stylist to explain to me how trimming helps damaged hair. It's not like damage is an infection that can spread to other hair, so why is trimming always the answer? In my mind, when hair is damaged it breaks, so how is trimming going to help?
My stylist is lovely on the whole, she doesn't lie to me or try to make more money out of me, but she is not a highly talented stylist. On the one hand I would love to try and self-relax but I'm too scared to try that, and I worry about seeing a new stylist in case someone new messes up my hair. My hairdresser has been doing my hair for a long time, so maybe it's a case of better the devil you know.

ETA: It's true though, they don't really like the thought of you stretching out your relaxer for obvious reasons.
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I had one sorry hairstylist tell me that my hair was breaking off . and she WILL take care of it when i come back:perplexed:lachen::lachen:next TIME.I had been going to her for about 5 months and she never said or did any protein treatment or deep con.I DIDNT know any better ,when she was done i ran to the bss. ask a lady what i could use for breakage she show me CPR and some deep con and said NEVER SHAMPOO YOUR HAIR WITH OUT DEEP CON :look:RAN HOME WASH MY HAIR WITH CPR AND DEEP CON.AND USED A LEAVE IN AND ROLLER SET/AIR DRY.GOT OUT MY LAP TOP AND FOUND LHCH:yep:NEVER WENT BACK TO HER. I ONLY GO TO MY DD LADY FOR A RELAXER OR TOUCH UP. I AM SCARED TO DO THAT.SHE ONLY DO VERY LITTLE TRIMS AND ALWAYS DO DEEP CON WITH OUT ASKING. SHE SAID WHAT EVER I AM DOING TO MY HAIR AND DD KEEP IT UP.and i can bring my own stuff:yep:
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I had this thought just the other day. I was watching a television show about makeovers and noticed that the stylist had the client facing the mirror. My thought: I have NEVER sat in any stylist chair facing the mirror. WHY!!! Oh, they will turn me AROUND once they are finished and give me a mirror to view the back. What's funny I really don't understand why I never said "HEY, can I see what your doing to me":blush: