I so hate my hair right now


I had a relaxer tu after 11 weeks and my hair grew but since I have fine hair I dont like to have it down especially since everyone is so quick to touch it.

I feel like I my hair was better when I was going to my hairdresser and getting my hair washed and dced weekly instead of just leaving it without combing for a few days. For some reason if I dont comb daily my hair is a tangled mess. Any suggestions? I am getting length but it retaining more when I would go and have it done. I wash and dc at home but I tend to slack off so my ends tend to get brittle.
If you don't mind me saying....I personally think you should go back to doing whatever was originally working for you...if its not broke, don't fix it...ya dig?!
I had a relaxer tu after 11 weeks and my hair grew but since I have fine hair I dont like to have it down especially since everyone is so quick to touch it.

I feel like I my hair was better when I was going to my hairdresser and getting my hair washed and dced weekly instead of just leaving it without combing for a few days. For some reason if I dont comb daily my hair is a tangled mess. Any suggestions? I am getting length but it retaining more when I would go and have it done. I wash and dc at home but I tend to slack off so my ends tend to get brittle.

I comb my hair when straight...no way can I not comb it. But, I use a very wide tooth comb so I don't lose any hair.

If you are going to do your hair at home, you must be consistent. If not, then go back to the salon...especially if it works for you.

Im relaxed and only visit the salon for touch-ups. I comb my hair once a week after its been washed and deep conditioned, how I do it is:

1. Finger comb daily. Never with dry hands. My hands always have either oil (castor or my grapeseed mix), moisturizer or butters on them before I finger comb. I gently massage my scalp and then slower run my fingers through the length of my hair (always in a backwards motion) Kindof like washing your hair in the shower minus the water! Any shedded hair will fall to the ends of my hair or to the floor.

2. Finger style my hair. Again never with dry hands. This is what I do in the morning before work. When I finger style Im not detangling my hair since I did that the night before via finger combing, just styling.

This method works like a charm for me.