I sinned, and the Hair Gawds Sent Me To Hair H*LL!


New Member
Short version:

- I've been mistreating my hair when it's used to being pampered
- Went over a week without washing
- Triple and quadruple split ends appeared out of nowhere. I dusted them.
- I decide to wash and condition my hair. I try something new (yr old Henna, Humecto, Honey, and Castor Oil)
- It will not rinse out of my hair
- It still will not rinse out of my hair
- After washing fifty-levin times and using a small bottle's worth of shampoo, it STILL will NOT wash out of my hair
- I take a brush to my wet hair, without applying leave-in, and brush like a mad woman trying to get it all out
- I get most of it out. My hair is soft, shiny, and red.
- I'm going back to my old habits.


For the past few months, and ESPECIALLY the past few weeks, I have been semi-neglecting my hair. Washing it every 7-9 days, moisturizing "properly" when I remember, rollersetting every other week or every week. Basically everything that I (usually) NEVER do.

Anyhoo, all of this caught up with me today. It's been very cold and windy where I am and I guess my hair reached its breaking point... LITERALLY. :lachen: From the glow of my laptop monitor, I was able to spot tons of festive and creative looking splits, which I immediately sought out and destroyed with my scissors. :yep:

After my mini massacre, I mustered up enough energy to wash my hair. For some reason, Humecto, Keraphix, and ORS Replenishing werent good enough for me. I decided to mix up something special for my hair, sort of like a make-up gift.

I took an old pack of henna that I purchased like a yr ago. I love Henna, but I stopped using it. I added it to some Humecto. Never did that before. Then I added some honey, castor oil, and water. I mixed it up and it swelled up instantaneously and looked like baby poop. :nono: But Henna always looks like some derivative of poop, so I kept on.

I scooped up some of my special mix and "attempted" to smooth it onto my hair. Half of it stayed and half of it beaded off. Weird, Henna never did that to me before. Must be the oil or honey, I though... so I kept on. When it was all said and done, half of the mix was on my head and half was on the floor. :yawn:

I then put a plastic cap on and sat under my hooded dryer for an hour. I mashed the top of my head to see how hot my hair was and whether the henna-conditioner mix softened. I felt something on my forehead, and before I knew it, I had hot henna juice in my eye. Not cool.

So I turn the dryer off and head to the sink. I'm rinsing, but NOTHING is coming out of my hair. So I lather up with like a cup full of shampoo, I rinse, and still NOTHING is coming out of my hair. I begin to panic. So I turn the water on as hot as I can stand it. A little bit of that conditioner Sh!t starts to come out, but not enough to keep me from losing my patience. I lathered up about 4 more times and rinsed. My hair felt smooth and I didnt feel anymore clumps. So I turn the water off and head to the bathroom mirror to look at my hair to see if it took any color from the Henna.

I'm in front of the mirror and what do I see? Lots of green crap looking back at me. :wallbash: At this point, I stomped my feet (like a tantrum throwing toddler) and said a few dirty words. I tried to comb it out- no dice. I was afraid to shampoo again, so I put some more humecto into my hair, sat under the dryer for 15 minutes, and rinsed again.

I head back to the mirror and I STILL had some of the stuff there. So, without applying leave-in, I brush my hair all over like a mad woman until I get most of it out. Then I put my hair into two braids... which are drying as we speak. My hair is super red, very soft, and very shiny... but I brushed out a lot of it.

I think I'll go back to my regular washings now. :look: The Hair Gawds dont play.
Youza fool for this entire post:lachen::lachen::lachen: You just gave me a nice internal chuckle.

Yeah, the hair gawds don't play that. You had better behave over there :yep:
Come on Big Sis, Get it together!!!
Just joking I'm glad to know that I'm not the only person not feeling the "hair thing" I've been slacking slightly (not c/w for 8 days:wallbash:.)...but back on the job, and hopefully my hair will thank me and not rebel!
Come on Big Sis, Get it together!!!
Just joking I'm glad to know that I'm not the only person not feeling the "hair thing" I've been slacking slightly (not c/w for 8 days:wallbash:.)...but back on the job, and hopefully my hair will thank me and not rebel!

I know, what kind of example am I setting? :nono: LOL

Dont worry, I'm back on the grind now.

Airdried in two of these braids and this is what my hair looks like now.


Thanks! I considered chopping because I am tired of hair. It's probably just school stress that's messing with my head.

My hair feels wonderful, though.
Thanks, Tenny!

My hair STILL feels fantastic. No breakage, tons of elasticity, and very strong. How do I replicate these results? Should I even try? :rolleyes: LOL

I guess I'll go back to using Henna regularly... the way that has always worked for me.
Girl...for real...when you revert back to bad habits, your hair will PAYYYYY!!!

I went home for Thanksgiving and forgot my stain pillowcase AND scarf! BIG, BIG mistake! :wallbash:

I ended up with soo many damned split ends from sleeping on a regular pillowcase.

UGH! NEVER again!!
I wasn't sure what to expect, but that picture was gorgeous! That's the second pic I've seen tonight with henna results and I'm very impressed. LOL @baby poop-ewwwwwwwww:lachen: