I self-relaxed


Well-Known Member
I self-relaxed my hair on Friday and it came out alright. Eventhough I relaxed in two parts I still have underprocessed partsm, but I guess it just takes practice. I used Vitale and at first I didn't think it worked that well, but after rollersetting and feeling my hair dry, it felt really good and I think I got 1-2" of growth after a month....Yay LHCF! I really appreciate all the information that I have gathered from the ladies here on LHCF and hope to gain much more! Here are some before and after pics.


You did a great job! I wish my first self relaxer had been as good. I was still having nightmares about having less than 1/2 in of hair so I washed it out fast:eek:
thank you ladies. i figure practice makes perfect so by this year I should be a pro!:)
That is wonderful! I wish I could get the courage to self relax, I am just so worried that I would do a horrible job...BTW your hair is looking great!
devin are you going to use Vitale again or will you switch. I'm still searching and I've used Vitale in the past also.
i give you props girl just for doing it;) !

i can't wait until someone posts their step by step self-relaxing procedure with pics:D as many of you are pros at posting your steps. i desperately want to start self-relaxing, but i need instructions & photos to follow, mind you i relax the hair of a few friends from time to time.
no i am not going to use it again. i will use affirm for my next relaxer.

jasmin said:
devin are you going to use Vitale again or will you switch. I'm still searching and I've used Vitale in the past also.
thanks! yeah i used to relax my hair, but when i came to this forum realized that i was relaxing all wrong!:confused: so i just decided to go for it, b/c i know that i wouldn't get the proper relaxer at the salon...it would be left on too long and not rinsed out well enough. i know what you mean by step by step instructions. i wish we had a video forum so we can see how to do it. i am a visual person also.:)

Ebony said:
i give you props girl just for doing it;) !

i can't wait until someone posts their step by step self-relaxing procedure with pics:D as many of you are pros at posting your steps. i desperately want to start self-relaxing, but i need instructions & photos to follow, mind you i relax the hair of a few friends from time to time.
it was okay. i found that it took longer than the time suggested to get my hair straight. it did leave my hair shiny and soft.

jasmin said:
Did you like the Vitale?