I see so much about tangling, im wondering why my hair WONT tangle anymore??

I think you made a good point here. My hair does not tangle either and it could be because I don't have cones in my hair products. :yep:

Also, I noticed towards the beginning of my hair journey that hot oil treatments cause my hair to tangle as well as ACV rinses. I tried the coconut milk/lime treatment also in the past and it made my hair hard and tangled. All of these things affect the pH of the hair and maybe that's the reason why.

It's funny because I would load up on the cones thinking that it will help with my tangling issues. I realized that it was just making my hair dry, causing it to tangle more. Before, I could never de-tangle my hair with conditioner in it or after washing it out. Now it's so easy.
Sorry if my post is redundant. I don't have tangling issues but that could be because my hair is always braided (Do I hear a "duh"?). I can't remember a time when I washed my hair out of braids or twists. Also keeping your hair pH acidic helps to keep cuticles closed so that the hair strands are smooth and thus less likely to tangle. (This is why I'm not a friend of baking soda. All I think of when I hear of alkaline products used in hair is tangles galore since they open up cuticles and thus make the hair strands rough and likely to hook against each other.) I think using products that have a low pH (acidic) and using water that isn't hard (shower filter perhaps?), and using products that provide a good coating on the hair (to protect and provide slip) are some of the reasons tangles don't bother some people. Anyone suffering with tangles who's never tried an apple cider vinegar rinse should really give it a shot. ;)
I have 1 and 2, with 3-4 ish hair. I used to tangle alot until I started using apHogee Balance Moisturizer when I co-wash and as a leave-in on a regular basis. The more I use it, the better my hair behaves. It doesn't tangle at all now. I can even fingercomb it.
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Sorry if my post is redundant. I don't have tangling issues but that could be because my hair is always braided (Do I hear a "duh"?). I can't remember a time when I washed my hair out of braids or twists. Also keeping your hair pH acidic helps to keep cuticles closed so that the hair strands are smooth and thus less likely to tangle. (This is why I'm not a friend of baking soda. All I think of when I hear of alkaline products used in hair is tangles galore since they open up cuticles and thus make the hair strands rough and likely to hook against each other.) I think using products that have a low pH (acidic) and using water that isn't hard (shower filter perhaps?), and using products that provide a good coating on the hair (to protect and provide slip) are some of the reasons tangles don't bother some people. Anyone suffering with tangles who's never tried an apple cider vinegar rinse should really give it a shot. ;)

I completely agree, I don't have major problems with tangling bc of this. But I love baking soda, i just use the ACV rinse after the baking soda rinse.