I saw the perfect bun today...


Well-Known Member
On a dude!! Man, he was wearing the "ish" out of that bun too! He looked like he was either hawiian, samoan or mixed with a tall thick muscular build like a football player. His bun was perfect!! I mean, you could tell he had extremely long hair (I'm guessing low midbackfrom the size and thickness of the bun) and he'd twisted it rope like to the ends and then rolled or wrapped it around itself at the base of his skull so it resembled a knot almost and then secured it with a single band. It was thick, jet black, glossy and not a hair out of place! He was cute but I was drooling over the bun! I can do decent donut buns finally but I'm dreaming of the day it's long enough to do the knot like his was! sigh...
maybe he was Sikh...its an integral part of their religious beliefs to not cut hair and grow it long and take care of it...they usually wear it in a turban but the younger generation wear them out.

I don't know how to use those donut bun helpers. I do my donut bun just by twisting my hair around and then pinning it. I've gotten good enough to where I can do it and only need one good day pin to secure it but I do usually put a scrunchie over it just because. I want to be the queen of bun/pin up styles! I have one friend who's phillippino and has butt (classic) length hair and she can whip her hair into a super bun in 6 seconds flat with no pins to hold it. I'm jealous! Not of her hair but of her bun technique!
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