I Ripped Out My Hair :(


Well-Known Member
This is making me really sad. I was taking a class and we were playing a game outside and I happened to fall on the ground and with the way I landed I happened to rip out two of my braid extensions at the top of my hair. And not only the braid fell out, but my hair as well. I wanted to cry soooooo badly because even though my instructor said it wasn't noticeable it is like I have a bald patch in the front of my head. :cry: And there is not enough hair there now for me to redo the braids. It almost looks as though I have alopecia in this one spot, there is so little hair So i am wearing my hair up now, so it wont be as noticeable, but it still bothers me. I want to grow my hair back really fast. I have MTG and Mega Tek. I was wondering if this has happened to any of you ladies and what did you do to grow it back quickly? I probably going to put MTG on it twice daily until it grows back. I feel so frustrated and angry with myself.
Ouch, that hurts. I've had my braids fall out like that before. I've never tried Mega Tek or MTG but if you have it, why not try it and see.

Your hair will grow back, it will just take a little time. Six months from now you'll be able to look back and laugh about this.

Right now I would try to focus on some styles that kind of hide the area.
Oh my goodness, that sounds painful.
I am sorry this happened to you, make sure you nurture your scalp in that area and tie up your braids/hair when you're doing activities. I am sure that patch will grow back in NO time.

In june of 2008, I had a palm sized bald spot (no hair follicles or anything) from a sew in that was entirely too tight. I felt the same way you did, I looked in the mirror daily and wondered if my hair would ever grow back. I decided at that time just to big chop since I was transititoning anyway and I had to wear a wig for about 4 mths, but my hair started to grow in nicely. I still have a smaller than dime sized spot that will not grow in because of scarring but you will never ever be able to tell...So i feel your pain and I am here to tell you that I PROMISE you will over come it...I used mega tek and also nioxin follicle booster on my area until it grew back which was total in about 5 mths, and that was a palm sized bald spot....SO there is hope!!!!! Im sorry you had to go thru this.