I refuse to call my wigs "units". Enough of this wiggery its a wig people, a wig!!


New Member
:lol: Ok I have to add a disclaimer, this is in no way attacking, ridiculing anyone who chooses to call a wig a"unit"

You see to me, a unit, is a space that has yet to be allocated a purpose. can anyone tell me when this fashion for calling wigs "units" came into being. I mean really.
I love wigs, weaves, all manner of wiggery but I'll be dammed if I'll start giving it anomalous names, should I be looking forward to tales of " the unit", does " the unit" have a voice?? I mean seriously, step away from the "unit"

I am a huge fan of April on YT, lovekisses99, all all the wiggy diva's, love em. But has anyone else noticed the glazed eye look women get ( women that are into wigs that is) when they put on, style the wig? its like watching someone take wig crack. lol

ok i'll admit, when i put on a really good wig it makes me do a little dance in the mirror, I strike a pose or two. completely normal right??

I am protective styling the ish out of my hair until it obeys me and falls softly beyond my bra( or thereabouts), wigs are my friend. Units are my enemy...uuuuugh!
Re: I refuse to call my wigs "units". Enough of this wiggery its a wig people, a wig

But has anyone else noticed the glazed eye look women get ( women that are into wigs that is) when they put on, style the wig? its like watching someone take wig crack. lol

I bust out laughing so loud at this. I just hate when people call wigs 'her'. "Oh I love her! She is hot!" Seriously?! :lol:
Re: I refuse to call my wigs "units". Enough of this wiggery its a wig people, a wig

I hate when they call it "her", "unit", and when the call them by names period. I know they have to call the wig SOMETHING to be able to tell them apart...but talking to the wigs and calling them by name, like they are friends of yours? :lol: :perplexed

How about just calling them wigs?:look:
Re: I refuse to call my wigs "units". Enough of this wiggery its a wig people, a wig

great proclamation. I don't understand where the term came from either.

i consider toupee's as something that could be called a unit though . . .cuz it ain't fooling NOBODY.
Re: I refuse to call my wigs "units". Enough of this wiggery its a wig people, a wig

Funny...I never heard anyone call a wig a unit..I think I would look @ them crazy if they did LOL
Re: I refuse to call my wigs "units". Enough of this wiggery its a wig people, a wig

lol, @ this post

I think its creepy when ladies refer to wigs as "her" reminds me of an incident wen I saw my gramma takin off her wig. i was abt 6 and I thought she was taking off her head.
not cool :(
Re: I refuse to call my wigs "units". Enough of this wiggery its a wig people, a wig

Loool. I'm so glad i'm not the only one that has noticed this. Not trying to offend anyone though

I'm all about detaching myself from the wiggery, if the wiggery is so convincing to me and others that I forget my own hair underneath and I am more concerned with making good wiggery than growing my own ish, then houston, we have a problem. I say this because I read on another forum a lady who had just got her full lace "UNIT" and was very happy with it. right. Her biggest boast was that she went to Sally's and a lady ( who was a hairdresser) complimented her on her hair, even after looking through it because the lady thought the wig was her real hair. not saying she was disconnected from her hair, but... seriously???

I totally understand the love of wiggery, but a rose by any other name still smells as sweet, right! I was gonna write something about how they call them "her" and "she" when the wig arrives, they say" oh she came today, she's soooo cute". When i first started watching these vids and reading forums , at first I thought they had had a baby. some cute lil baby called Jazmine, the daddy's name being Outre. I finally clicked
Re: I refuse to call my wigs "units". Enough of this wiggery its a wig people, a wig

OP I feel you and know where you are coming from. :lol:
Re: I refuse to call my wigs "units". Enough of this wiggery its a wig people, a wig

I almost bust an intestine laughing at this. Probably the same reason why my husband has a thing about wigs too, even though i'm gonna wear em. his granny used to send him to get her church hair, and her going out hair, he used to be scared of the drawer full of wigs. lol.
Re: I refuse to call my wigs "units". Enough of this wiggery its a wig people, a wig

Referring to wigs as "her" sounded weird at first but I'm used to it now. "Unit" is technical but makes sense if you think of it as an attachment - remember some people have to wear wigs and that ought to put the finger pointing and hair politics into perspective. Wigs bring out features and personalities you never knew you had if people knew how fun they are maybe they wouldn't be so prejudiced about them. Finally no talkin' bad April and LoveKisses99 - those ladies are talented presenters and anyone who's watched their channels has learned a lot not just about wigs and extensions but about the direction of internet tv in general.
Re: I refuse to call my wigs "units". Enough of this wiggery its a wig people, a wig

lol I understand what you mean. I call them wigs and sometimes pieces.
Re: I refuse to call my wigs "units". Enough of this wiggery its a wig people, a wig

Funny thread! I must admit with my favorite wig, I do use her name. :lol: But it's funny when some of the YT wig guros are able to throw out names of wigs that have letters & numbers. "Oh, I was wearing the Sensationnel HZ 7047 the other day." Whaa? They have all of the wigs memorized. :lol:

For some reason I always thought units meant lace front wigs & toupes for people with hair loss issues. The first time I ever heard of a unit was through one of those hair loss commercials. I figured unit was a more sensitive word than wig, especially for men.
Re: I refuse to call my wigs "units". Enough of this wiggery its a wig people, a wig

Referring to wigs as "her" sounded weird at first but I'm used to it now. "Unit" is technical but makes sense if you think of it as an attachment - remember some people have to wear wigs and that ought to put the finger pointing and hair politics into perspective. Wigs bring out features and personalities you never knew you had if people knew how fun they are maybe they wouldn't be so prejudiced about them. Finally no talkin' bad April and LoveKisses99 - those ladies are talented presenters and anyone who's watched their channels has learned a lot not just about wigs and extensions but about the direction of internet tv in general.

I'm a huge fan of these youtubers and no one is talking bad about them... They just brought up something funny they noticed in general...
Re: I refuse to call my wigs "units". Enough of this wiggery its a wig people, a wig

Referring to wigs as "her" sounded weird at first but I'm used to it now. "Unit" is technical but makes sense if you think of it as an attachment - remember some people have to wear wigs and that ought to put the finger pointing and hair politics into perspective. Wigs bring out features and personalities you never knew you had if people knew how fun they are maybe they wouldn't be so prejudiced about them. Finally no talkin' bad April and LoveKisses99 - those ladies are talented presenters and anyone who's watched their channels has learned a lot not just about wigs and extensions but about the direction of internet tv in general.

ma'am maybe you need to re read from the beginning. this isnt hair politics, or even an attack at april and lovekisses, and i said so from the beginning. wowser. its a summation of every YT vid that I have seen. its simple humour observation.

thanks for someone actually being helpful enough to point out that the term "unit" began with people who suffered from alopecia and such. I never thought of it like that. though you have to admit that not everyone has any condition when you wear them. lol.

thanks for all the replies

Re: I refuse to call my wigs "units". Enough of this wiggery its a wig people, a wig

Kinda OT, but related.. I never understood why people refer to weaves as "installs"??
Re: I refuse to call my wigs "units". Enough of this wiggery its a wig people, a wig

Kinda OT, but related.. I never understood why people refer to weaves as "installs"??

right. install a kitchen, install a computer...a weave???? it's all wiggery I tell you. Thats what makes us special
Re: I refuse to call my wigs "units". Enough of this wiggery its a wig people, a wig

LOL! I dunno...I named my natural hair so I named my wigs too, it's like putting on a different personality. I do it to be goofy though so I dunno about people being all serious.
Re: I refuse to call my wigs "units". Enough of this wiggery its a wig people, a wig

Hah! I have often wondered why lace wig wearers call them "units".

I have no problem with people calling a wig "her" or "she" but did laugh at this thread.
Re: I refuse to call my wigs "units". Enough of this wiggery its a wig people, a wig

Referring to wigs as "her" sounded weird at first but I'm used to it now. "Unit" is technical but makes sense if you think of it as an attachment - remember some people have to wear wigs and that ought to put the finger pointing and hair politics into perspective. Wigs bring out features and personalities you never knew you had if people knew how fun they are maybe they wouldn't be so prejudiced about them. Finally no talkin' bad April and LoveKisses99 - those ladies are talented presenters and anyone who's watched their channels has learned a lot not just about wigs and extensions but about the direction of internet tv in general.

I think the OP was clearly referring to people who wear wigs for fun & for fashion, etc......it was just a funny observation, nothing serious.....

This thread was hilarious.
Re: I refuse to call my wigs "units". Enough of this wiggery its a wig people, a wig

Lol thats how I feels when I hear people calling weaves, installs?
Re: I refuse to call my wigs "units". Enough of this wiggery its a wig people, a wig

I think the OP was clearly referring to people who wear wigs for fun & for fashion, etc......it was just a funny observation, nothing serious.....

This thread was hilarious.

I get that - I'm not serious about wigs at all and as stated wish more people would see the fun side of them. I think that's also what naming the wigs is all about.
Re: I refuse to call my wigs "units". Enough of this wiggery its a wig people, a wig

:lol: funny thread OP

I found the names a bit odd at first, but it makes sense. I much prefer a name than remembering HZ 3458 or whatever. I guess since they all have female names it follows that you could refer to them as "she" and "her". What I don't really like is calling LF units or weaves installs; sounds so...mechanical.