I received my Phonypony.com ponytail and afro puff pony

I like the afro puff one, I need another one too but unfortunately my BSS doesn't carry them anymore. DangerouslyShy, how much did you pay for that one and how long did it take for them to ship it to you?
BLESSED1 said:
I like the afro puff one, I need another one too but unfortunately my BSS doesn't carry them anymore. DangerouslyShy, how much did you pay for that one and how long did it take for them to ship it to you?
i bought the afro puff from my local bss store...it was around 9-10 dollars....

thanks ladies
They both look great on you. I ordered a phonypony yesterday and they told me today that it was on backorder so wish me luck- hopefully i'll get mine soon and i can take pics too. But yeah i really like the jherri curl pony as well.
I have a puff also that I brought from the BSS, but I like the Phonypony one. it seems bigger. Has anyone brought a puff from this site? You can't really see a good picture of them.
Happy2BNappy said:
I have a puff also that I brought from the BSS, but I like the Phonypony one. it seems bigger. Has anyone brought a puff from this site? You can't really see a good picture of them.
I was wondering that as well...
They're both pretty on you, D'Shy but I'm loving the jherri curl one from phonyponies.com! (when I got my phonytail from them I combed mine out too.)
Happy2BNappy said:
I have a puff also that I brought from the BSS, but I like the Phonypony one. it seems bigger. Has anyone brought a puff from this site? You can't really see a good picture of them.

If I don't see it in my BSS when I go next week, I'm seriously thinking about ordering it from the website. I'm wary though because I couldn't really see the differences in texture between the 4 Afro curl choices, I'll let y'all know :yep: