I *REALLY* need everyones help.....(Scalp problem)


The comb is stuck.
My hair has been thinning for some time now, but lately it's been noticable. My scalp is extremely irritated and I just don't know why. The only different things I've done in the past months is 1) change gel -Curl activater gel and a black fantasia gel, 2) gone 5 months with no touch up, and 3) air dry only with no heat at all.

<font color="red"> If you have ever had any scalp disorder: What was it? How long did it last? How was it treated? Did the hair grow back? </font> I have an appointment with a dermatologist (can't see tricologist) but it's not until 9/29.

I wash at least once a week with Keracare hydrating and follow with humecto or keracare dry itchy scalp. Ocassionally I do a jojoba hot oil, and occasionally I do distilled water rinses (water is extra hard, I live in NY). This is what my hair looks like now with thinning.
Pictures actually look worse. One with flash one no flash.



P.S. Scalp is irritated, I have had eczema in the past but never on the scalp, there is no sign of a rash just irritation, it is at the top of my head.
The only thing I can suggest is not to use gel b/c gel can dry out the hair and maybe it could dry out the scalp, too. Good luck with your appointment.
My only but most important suggestion would be to not miss your appointment and to please ask your dr. if this kind of thing can be a side effect from an illness or other physical ailment. Please be sure not to just ask about your scalp's condition but also what might be physically wrong with you. Good luck
-- jainygirl
I'm sorry to hear about your scalp issues. I don't know what could be the cause of the thinning hair, but I hope you find out what's going on very soon.
Thanks yall.

Janygirl- I'll ask for a blood test and allergy test while there. Thanks
I agree with Hairlove about using the gel.

Was your hair already thin before now? I would definately run some blood and allergy tests, let the dermatologist know what medications you're on, what type of relaxer you use. Is your hair shedding? How are you wearing your hair?
Re: I *REALLY* need everyones help.....(Scalp prob

I really can't help, but I'll be praying for you. Hopefully it's nothing serious.
Re: I *REALLY* need everyones help.....(Scalp prob

I wish knew what to tell you but I'm not sure. I had a fungus on my scalp when i was 9 it would have lasted a month or less but my meds were swithced. i was bald and yep it all grew back. But I guess the prognosis depends on your actual diagnosis. Now I have noticed for the last 3-4 yrs my scalp will get irritated all of the sudden and feel like it has perm sitting on it. It feels that way now. To soothe it i spray it with water then try to moisturize my scalp. Today it tried some....gulp.....left over GREASE. Don't nobody spank me it said it was anti itch with tea tree oil. It felt great tingled and all that. Then about 2hrs later started feeling irritated again. Dang I just thought of something It may be my beloved wigs. You don't wear wigs do you?
Re: I *REALLY* need everyones help.....(Scalp prob

Ok...here's my .02 I have seborrheic dermatitis. It is a common skin disorder that can be easily treated. This condition is a red, scaly, itchy rash most commonly seen on the scalp, sides of the nose. My dermatologist says that it cannot be cured, only managed. For years, I thought that I had a severe case of dandruff and would scratch my scalp til it bled
He prescribed Luxiq for my conditon. Its a steroid in foam that controls my flare ups. You could try Nizoral shampoo until you see the dermatologist. HTH

Also my hair did shed A LOT!! Once I got it under control, that slowed down.
While I saw a dermatologist (WF)about 3 months ago and she really could not give me a diagnosis. My blood work had already been tested by me PCP which were normal. But in my opinion, I think I have a form of scalp dermatitis. My crown area would itch, but no flakes and every now and then I would get a pimple in that area. So from telling the Derm. about the itchiness and the pimple, we decided to go with a compound of Betamethasone (steriod) and Clindamycin (antibiotic). I have been applying the compound and washing my hair 2 or 3 times a week. Also the majority of my shampoos are sulfate free. My hair has started growing back, but thinner.

Get your blood work done! Also certain high blood pressure meds can thin the hair.
Re: I *REALLY* need everyones help.....(Scalp prob

I would consider everything you put in your hair myle....

Glycerin (in most curl activator) can irritate the scalp. So can silicone (it's in the Keracare you use most likely)...

If it were me, the first ting I would do is look for products tat are hypoallergenic. I would go with a non-commercial brand, if possible.

Also, try boiling some calendula up in your distilled water (it's an herb you can find thehealth food store). It may help to calm and soothe the scalp.

I would keep oil etc. off of it.

Def. keep that docs appointment. Have you been having trouble with your weight lately? Have him/her check your thyroid too....
Re: I *REALLY* need everyones help.....(Scalp prob

Do you have stress in your life? My friend has a lot of hair loss problems also. Try Nioxin she said it works and try not to worry about it. That stress makes it worse.
Re: I *REALLY* need everyones help.....(Scalp prob

I have a seriously itchy scalp. The keracare made it worse. The medications I take for pain make it even drier. Use a very gentle shampoo I have to use a head to toe baby wash periodically . Rinse your scalp with a lot of H20 after every wash. No oil on the scalp unless your doctor says it is okay.
Re: I *REALLY* need everyones help.....(Scalp prob

I don't wear wigs, but I do tie my hair every night with a satin scarf. Maybe my scalp needs to breathe more?
Re: I *REALLY* need everyones help.....(Scalp prob

Well Tracey,

I have been using a lot of glycerine products like the no drip spray and gel. I had no idea it could irritate my scalp.

I have also had a lot of other things that have been bothering me. When I type them all together and do a search it comes up with hypothyroidism as a possibilty, but I have have many blood test in the past and they always come up normal, but I never feel normal.
Re: I *REALLY* need everyones help.....(Scalp prob

mly3e said:

I have also had a lot of other things that have been bothering me. When I type them all together and do a search it comes up with hypothyroidism as a possibilty, but I have have many blood test in the past and they always come up normal, but I never feel normal.

[/ QUOTE ]

Have you made an appointment with your physician yet? You should get this checked out ASAP.
Re: I *REALLY* need everyones help.....(Scalp prob

But normal is a wide range of hormone level. You can be "normal" on the range and have low thyroid hormones for you personally. So you need for your pyhsician to check your levels against your previous levels. The greater the past history the better.
Re: I *REALLY* need everyones help.....(Scalp prob

I'm very sorry to hear about your scalp issues.

Re: I *REALLY* need everyones help.....(Scalp prob

Aubrey Organics has a shampoo and scalp treatment with calendula. They are both very good. Maybe ORS Uplifting shampoo could be helpful, and stop using the gels for awhile!