I reallllllllly NEED ADVICE I Dont know what to do


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies! MY last relaxer was on nov 22,2010. On jan 23,2011 I decided to get some plaits to continue my stretch. I intended on taking them out on or around March 22,2011 and about week later get a relaxer. Here is my problem I have purchased new products(I'm dying to try them out), I have lots of new growth and (drum roll) I am just itching to take them out in about a week and get a relaxer in about 2 weeks for spring break. I dont know what to do because part of me want to take them out so I can see my progress and swing my hair but the other part of me knows my hair will love me for the stretch and my pockets would to!! Anyone else been thro this? Hellpppp what should I do? Any encouraging words either way? I feel like an addict or something and this the only place I could come because I dont believe anyone around me would understand.lol:lol:
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Your products aren't going to grow legs and walk away! But, I know how it is to want to try them really badly. Sometimes, I'm on some real pookie stuff...

My products are callin' me...:perplexed
I was just in the same boat. Instead of relaxing, I flat ironed to check length. Then I decided I needed a trim and I cut off 2 inches. I worn a bun for the few days it was "out" and ended up getting my hair cornrowed 2 days ago and am back in my wig until May or June. I figure the longer I stretch, the more growth I will see when I finally relax.

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Step away from the products and leave your hair alone like you originally planned. You'll thank yourself when you see that swang.