I Re-Dedicated my Life to Jesus!


Well-Known Member
Hi Ladies!

Last night I had a very long talk with my Heavenly Father and have re-dedicated my life to Jesus!!

I am presently a second year University Student. I had a pretty good relationship with God throughout my Junior High and High School years, but things got confused when I came away to University.

I started doing my own thing and hanging out with people whose values weren't in line with how I was raised. I was/am in science courses where Profs tell me that God can't possibly be real.

Anyway for the past few months I've had feelings of emptiness and depression. I was looking to fill these voids in my life in all the wrong ways, I thought having an active party lifestyle and boyfriends was the answer. Thank God for my mother, grandmother and aunts... strong Christian women who prayed for me even when I didn't want them to and kept encouraging me to come back to the Lord.

Last night the Lord revealed to me some of the things that are cluttering up my life and stifling my joy. I finally, and I think for the first time TRULY understand that my relationship with Jesus is the most important one that I can have in my life and that I have no reason to be fearful or feel emptiness.

Anyway, I would just ask that you pray for me that I grow stronger in the Lord, and I hope to become more active in this forum!
Congrats on rededicating your life! I pray that each day you grow closer to Christ and His design for your life.
:yay: Congrats girlie!!! I'll definitely send on up for ya...God has great things in store for you. I commend you on recognizing your need for Him and submitting to His will.

God bless! :)
Congratulations! Heaven rejoices! :king:

May God bless you on your spiritual walk with Christ! :clap:
Welcome home, Kisses!!!

All the heavens rejoice along with your brothers and sisters in Christ!!!

Thank God for revelation.
KiSseS03 said:
Hi Ladies!

Last night I had a very long talk with my Heavenly Father and have re-dedicated my life to Jesus!!

I am presently a second year University Student. I had a pretty good relationship with God throughout my Junior High and High School years, but things got confused when I came away to University.

I started doing my own thing and hanging out with people whose values weren't in line with how I was raised. I was/am in science courses where Profs tell me that God can't possibly be real.

Anyway for the past few months I've had feelings of emptiness and depression. I was looking to fill these voids in my life in all the wrong ways, I thought having an active party lifestyle and boyfriends was the answer. Thank God for my mother, grandmother and aunts... strong Christian women who prayed for me even when I didn't want them to and kept encouraging me to come back to the Lord.

Last night the Lord revealed to me some of the things that are cluttering up my life and stifling my joy. I finally, and I think for the first time TRULY understand that my relationship with Jesus is the most important one that I can have in my life and that I have no reason to be fearful or feel emptiness.

Anyway, I would just ask that you pray for me that I grow stronger in the Lord, and I hope to become more active in this forum!
Praise God, he's the best thing that can ever happen let go of all the clutter.
Praise GOD, satan gets the boot once again. I will pray that you will continue to grow strong in the LORD. Q
KiSseS03 said:
Hi Ladies!

Last night I had a very long talk with my Heavenly Father and have re-dedicated my life to Jesus!!

I am presently a second year University Student. I had a pretty good relationship with God throughout my Junior High and High School years, but things got confused when I came away to University.

I started doing my own thing and hanging out with people whose values weren't in line with how I was raised. I was/am in science courses where Profs tell me that God can't possibly be real.

Anyway for the past few months I've had feelings of emptiness and depression. I was looking to fill these voids in my life in all the wrong ways, I thought having an active party lifestyle and boyfriends was the answer. Thank God for my mother, grandmother and aunts... strong Christian women who prayed for me even when I didn't want them to and kept encouraging me to come back to the Lord.

Last night the Lord revealed to me some of the things that are cluttering up my life and stifling my joy. I finally, and I think for the first time TRULY understand that my relationship with Jesus is the most important one that I can have in my life and that I have no reason to be fearful or feel emptiness.

Anyway, I would just ask that you pray for me that I grow stronger in the Lord, and I hope to become more active in this forum!

I'm glad you're growing in the Lord!
Praise God! I will pray for you as I ask you to pray for me and your other sisters here as well. We need each other.
You Go Girl!!!!!! God is Good All The Time. I am so happy for you. I say that the only way to go for me. I can remember when I gave my life to christ it was the best thing I could have done. Always remember its a growing process we are all pressing towards the mark for the prize of the high calling. it will be now that the devil will rear his ugly face. Just put your war clothes on because he will now be busy, always remember that God is the ultimate winner. Praise The Lord!!!!!!!! Oh by the way what denomination are you?

HOOORAy for Jesus. Stay strong in the Lord and in the power of his might. It will be tough but you can do it. Don't give in. I will pray for you.