I purchased the Gallon Size Of MT- Did I make a mistake!


Well-Known Member
Are we all crazy? it works yes, but whats really going on. How can our hair grow so fast? is it a mistake to make it grow faster? whats happening inside our bodies, what is the product doing. its says cell rebuilder is it really rebuilding the cells at a rapid rate. Are we overworking the cells. Can we really use this for the long term. Of course I didnt think any of this until after I paid $163.00 for the gallon sizes. then I thought what am I going to do with a gallon of MT, keep it of course, no issue there, but really thats a lot of product. I went through two bottles of MT and one bottle of Ovations so thats why I decided to go for the big stuff, no sooner after I paid for it I have regrets. I could have paid off a bill. I have one full bottle of Ovation and two full bottles of MT left the gallon will sit until I am done with those bottles. I am somewhat worried about the future. Of course the way we are buying this product its going to be so expensive to use. Right now Eqyss as far as I know hasn't raised thier prices they are to busy trying to work Ovations, which didn't work for me at all. I am still using it with alternate MT but it didnt' do anything but give me tingles. Anyone feel me. don't get me wrong I am going to use all my MT but then where do we go from there?

eta: uh, I didn't mean I didn't pay a bill. I am saying instead of buying that I could pay off a bill here or there not that I am not paying my bills. I would never make a decision such as that. Also I am not having MT overload. I am just questioning the need to stock up on it.
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Well, we didn't buy all that stuff...you did! :look:
I think you need to go into Eqyss rehab and take a breather from the OT/MT threads if you're subscribed to them. Wanting to grow hair is one thing, but letting go paying bills to buying hair products is a no go! :blush: What's the use of long hair if you become homeless?
Save your money and pay them bills girl! Try not to stress out about obtaining long hair. If you stick to your natural regimine, the length will come..patience is a virtue.
You could have paid off a bill?!

Listen, I understand that you want your hair to grow. I like long hair, too. But consider taking a break from the growth aides. Try patience and good, gentle, simple hair care and good, basic nutrition. It works. You can go back to MT...after you pay off that bill. Just a suggestion.
Trudy is just coming to the realization that she is a junkie. I don't think she said that she is neglecting her bills, it's just that that money could have gone toward a bill.

Trudy just make a pledge not to buy any more products for 6 months or whatever, you will be fine, knowing is half the battle. :look:
I was a junkie too. I was ordering anything and everything I read a thread about when I was transitioning. I finally took drastic measures and vowed to use up everything I had already purchased before I bought another product. It really worked, I used up tons of conditioners, leave-ins etc. and finally made a decision to just throw out stuff I didn't like. Now I have a really simple routine and great progress.

That being said, if you want to unload a portion of that gallon sized MT you just bought, PM me. I have been tempted to do a 6 month experiment to see if I notice a difference in growth rate.
Are we all crazy? it works yes, but whats really going on. How can our hair grow so fast? is it a mistake to make it grow faster? whats happening inside our bodies, what is the product doing. its says cell rebuilder is it really rebuilding the cells at a rapid rate. Are we overworking the cells. Can we really use this for the long term. Of course I didnt think any of this until after I paid $163.00 for the gallon sizes. then I thought what am I going to do with a gallon of MT, keep it of course, no issue there, but really thats a lot of product. I went through two bottles of MT and one bottle of Ovations so thats why I decided to go for the big stuff, no sooner after I paid for it I have regrets. I could have paid off a bill. I have one full bottle of Ovation and two full bottles of MT left the gallon will sit until I am done with those bottles. I am somewhat worried about the future. Of course the way we are buying this product its going to be so expensive to use. Right now Eqyss as far as I know hasn't raised thier prices they are to busy trying to work Ovations, which didn't work for me at all. I am still using it with alternate MT but it didnt' do anything but give me tingles. Anyone feel me. don't get me wrong I am going to use all my MT but then where do we go from there?
$163 on a gallon size!:blush:!:blush:! Wowsers girl, you must really want long hair, and you want it bad!!! I must say that I have to agree with the other posters here and their suggestions. We all want long hair honey, but there should be a limit on what you're willing to do for it. That $163 indeed could have paid a bill, put groceries on your table, or could have went toward something more useful. Now I'm not telling you how you should spend YOUR money (GOD only knows I can't criticize anyone in that aspect), but it's quite obvious (judging from your post) that you admit to making a bad, unwise, regrettable decision. We all make mistakes, but we just have to learn from them (hence, the reason why I no longer go out and spend a ton of money on hair care products anymore). I agree that you should take a break from the MT for a while and just try a simple, basic routine. And furthermore, was it really necessary to buy a whole gallon of MT after you already had 2 full bottles of it?!?!?!:ohwell:
Well if you think you made a mistake you can always send it to Ms. Cocoaluv!!!!! Just kidding. If I were you I'd put the credit card down for awhile when it comes to hair products for awhile.
I just think she's having buyer's remorse, people. I'm sure she would really neglect her bills and/or other obligations for long hair. I'll admit to doing the same thing when I first found this board back in July. In about a two week spread I spent close to 200.00 on hair products, herbs and other 'things' to have my hair grow. But it was a little here, a little there, not one big pop. I would consider getting a whole gallon myself, but I'm going to wait and see what my results are from using it first before I do that. I figure like this: As long as she or her kids aren't on the street with a sign and a cup, or her lights/water or other utillities aren't shut off or she has gas in her car and she has the money to do that, let her. I'd rather be a hair product junkie than a real junkie anyday. People spend that and more on drugs all day every day......Think about it.
I'm thinking that she bought the gallon size because she thinks that the price may go up since many people are buying it,and I did not gather that she is neglecting any bills-only that she 'could have" used the money for a bill.

but,darling..I agree with those that say to back away from the products for awhile.
I just think she's having buyer's remorse, people. I'm sure she would really neglect her bills and/or other obligations for long hair. I'll admit to doing the same thing when I first found this board back in July. In about a two week spread I spent close to 200.00 on hair products, herbs and other 'things' to have my hair grow. But it was a little here, a little there, not one big pop. I would consider getting a whole gallon myself, but I'm going to wait and see what my results are from using it first before I do that. I figure like this: As long as she or her kids aren't on the street with a sign and a cup, or her lights/water or other utillities aren't shut off or she has gas in her car and she has the money to do that, let her. I'd rather be a hair product junkie than a real junkie anyday. People spend that and more on drugs all day every day......Think about it.
I totally agree. I plan to buy the gallon size when I see that it works. Yesterday I went looking for the cell rebuilder in my city. One store sells Eqyss products but not the rebuilder. I was thinking about just going on and getting the gallon so I don't have to keep reordering. I spoke to the sales associate about ordering the product and she said they would:look:. Trudy if you are second guessing if the product will work like I did, you will be happy to know that right before I left the store the sales lady said I have a customer that buys Eqyss for her and her DD and they have really long hair. I was like "you don't say":rolleyes::yep:
It's going to be alright girl. I agree with most posters who said you are having buyers remorse. Many of us can't shake a finger at you though. Like CurlyLocks said, everyone needs to add up the stuff they've bought in the name of long or healthy hair. I don't do the growth aids but girl if you saw how many tubs or coconut oil, bottles of castile and balls of shea butter I have! It's gotten so bad that I have an EFT set up with my bank to have extra virgin coconut oil, borage oil capsules and ev coconut oil capsules sent to me every two months. I call it convenience, but what is it really? The capsules are for health and just so happens to aid in healthy hair growth. The oil, I just had to throw that in strictly for the hair but I won't have to worry about ordering or running out. So you see, we all have our little quirks with products. Keep you MT and use it however you feel it's safe. If you feel or discover it to be unsafe...a lesson learned. Look at the money you won't be spending every so often. Buying in bulk does save you money as long as the stuff doesn't go bad or spoil. From now, do it in moderation so you won't feel so bad about getting up off of so much $$$.
Wow that's alot for the gallon. I am just as bad as you are. I tend to be a compulsive shopper.. whether its hair products, expensive bags, make-up, you name it! If you can take it back, do it. If you can sell it to somebody I'd oops I meant we'd love to take it off your hands

I'll buy it off of you, if you want your money back. I'm always willing to help a sista out. ;)

But, on the serious tip, if you are feeling that conflicted about what you are doing with/to/and for your hair, it might be time to step back, take a deep breath, slap in a long term protective style, and direct your obsessive energies someplace else. :lol: I know of what I speak, because every 6 months or so, I have to do the same - just step back from the hair game, and keep on doing what I'm already doing without trying to get fancy and add in something else.


Or, maybe you just needed a place to vent - thas all good, too. Whatever you decide, I hope you find peace in your choice.
Yeah Kiya, I think she just needed to vent. I don't think discussing this with people who don't understand would help. They'd think she's crazy...like us!
I just found out that the local farm and plant shop on the corner of my neighborhood sells EQyss products! I went in yesterday but I didnt buy the 32 oz of shampoo because it was called Micro Tek instead of Mega Tek... What is the difference? Should I buy it? It was 32oz for $31.99... Is this the right one?

Micro-Tek is the shampoo, but I don't know how many of us are using it.

??? If Micro Tek is the shampoo but no telling how much are using it, then what is Mega Tek? The one EVERYBODY on this board seems to know about? I REALLY don't want to purchase the wrong thing!!! Thanks!
??? If Micro Tek is the shampoo but no telling how much are using it, then what is Mega Tek? The one EVERYBODY on this board seems to know about? I REALLY don't want to purchase the wrong thing!!! Thanks!

Mega-Tek is a treatment that Eqyss sells.

I strongly, strongly suggest that you read the threads before you buy and start using this on your head. People who have tried to skip that step seem to have more setbacks than those who took the time to fully educate themselves before jumping in with both feet.
I thought I had read them all... for the last 2 weeks I've seen Mega Tek this and MT that... but nobody seems to have posted pics of which product they are talking about that helps your hair grow... but all seem to luuuuuv it! Do you know which one? I read on one of the threads it was the black bottle w/the blue writing, so I know it's not the bottles w/the pink writing... but that is all I know!:perplexed
I'd start with reading the challenge thread that's currently active, as well as the previous challenge thread that is linked from the first post of the current thread. Those two threads will have all the information and details that you need.
Doing a search on the board of 'Mega-Tek' will also pull up other most useful threads.

Good luck!
Thanks JustKiya! I did a search on MegaTek and sooo much came up! :spinning:
It's just soooo much to read, I was hoping to just find out now already! I've been reading forever and my head is spinning!:drunk:
Every post is worth reading, trust me. You'll learn enough to be able to plan your own MT regimen, and to avoid any setbacks - no sense in remaking the mistakes that others have made, and you can learn from, is there?
Are we all crazy? it works yes, but whats really going on. How can our hair grow so fast? is it a mistake to make it grow faster? whats happening inside our bodies, what is the product doing. its says cell rebuilder is it really rebuilding the cells at a rapid rate. Are we overworking the cells. Can we really use this for the long term. Of course I didnt think any of this until after I paid $163.00 for the gallon sizes. then I thought what am I going to do with a gallon of MT, keep it of course, no issue there, but really thats a lot of product. I went through two bottles of MT and one bottle of Ovations so thats why I decided to go for the big stuff, no sooner after I paid for it I have regrets. I could have paid off a bill. I have one full bottle of Ovation and two full bottles of MT left the gallon will sit until I am done with those bottles. I am somewhat worried about the future. Of course the way we are buying this product its going to be so expensive to use. Right now Eqyss as far as I know hasn't raised thier prices they are to busy trying to work Ovations, which didn't work for me at all. I am still using it with alternate MT but it didnt' do anything but give me tingles. Anyone feel me. don't get me wrong I am going to use all my MT but then where do we go from there?

well, if you decide that you don't want your hair growing as fast as it is and are just WAY too concerned about the possible side effects, i know one of Niko's cousins in Denver who would be ready, willing, and able to take that MT offa your hands and test it out for ya ;)
Every post is worth reading, trust me. You'll learn enough to be able to plan your own MT regimen, and to avoid any setbacks - no sense in remaking the mistakes that others have made, and you can learn from, is there?

Kiya, now be honest...with all due respect, EVERY post isn't worth reading...:nono:
i've read most of BOTH challenge threads...

eta: and it is easy for those who have been "active" in these threads since the beginning to tell the one's who haven't to read through thousands and thousands of posts to find the answer to one question. *shrugs*
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Kiya, now be honest...with all due respect, EVERY post isn't worth reading...:nono:
i've read most of BOTH challenge threads...

eta: and it is easy for those who have been "active" in these threads since the beginning to tell the one's who haven't to read through thousands and thousands of posts to find the answer to one question. *shrugs*

Honestly, I think that every post is worth reading (or at least skimming), but I also think that almost all knowledge is worth having. *sigh* I wish there was a quick, do this, do that, do this thread for MT/OCT, but there isn't. Each head is different, and each head has different levels of tolerance, and the threads - as huge and as long as they are - are an education on what works, what doesn't work, and in most cases - and most importantly - why it does/doesn't work, and why people chose to do XYZ instead of ABC.

I so strongly encourage people to read all those thousands of posts because I think that's the wisest thing to do when you are about to use something new on your head, that does have a risk of causing setbacks, and that is being used 'off label' - as in the mfg's instructions have little to no relevance to how we are using it. I honestly believe that your (in general) hair is worth taking the 3 weeks to read the threads to be fully educated on what those who are using it have done - and know better than to do. Especially considering the number of setbacks those who have not made an attempt to read the threads have encountered. And it's usually very obvious whether you have or have not made an attempt to read/skim the threads before you post a question....

But then, that's just me, personally, and that's how I handle my hair. I don't jump in and just start using stuff because I've seen a couple of people get good results - I do my research, first - I value my hair too much to allow my impatience to get me in trouble (and I'm reaaaaalllllllll impatient :lol:) , and I wouldn't feel right to suggest to others to do anything differently.
Thanks everyone for your response but I guess no one is questioning the product at all. It works thats it. I am questioning the product and the cost and how much is to much to continue to use. My bills are not an issue It was just something I could have done, not that I am not doing it and I put the money aside for the MT its been several months of doing that so it was not a burden on me and I was a PJ but I am not anymore. I just knew that others were having a hard time buying the MT and I decided instead of me getting bottles here and there might as well stock up on it then I was thinking what happens next. then I was thinking I spent all that money on a product. I mean I spent more on blow dryers and curling irons and no I dont' have it like that but I put money aside to obtain what I want. My next question was, what does it do to our bodies producing so much hair not talking about me but us in general that are receiving all this growth do you ever wonder. I don't know maybe I am to deep because I spent that much on conditioner. I am not having buyers remorse I regretted not thinking things all the way out but either way I was going to buy it. I also share with my two daughter however one is no longer going to use it until her baby is born. I just wanted to know if anyone felt like I did. I didn't think it would turn out to be about me.