I prayed today and it felt great!


Well-Known Member

last night, I had a conversation with God and a prayer sesson that removed all of the pain that I had been feeling for the past months. I prayed for the wonderful ladies on this board, I prayed for my family, I prayed for my good friends, I prayed for my ex, I prayed for everybody and asked the Lord to bless them and see them through their afflictions.
ladies, I have to tell you I have been feeling depressed, and going through a stage where I really didn't care about life,and had become content on not really living. After my conversation with God and prayer session, I feel so AMAZING!
I know that my life is not perfect but for the frist time in months, I am actually excited about life.
I just wanted to share!
Tamala. God sure is good. Thanks for the prayer. Remember your bout of depression is temporary. ;) Oh by the way, don't claim that mess! Rebuke depression just like you would Satan. Satan uses your past against you cuz he doesn't know your future and can feel your present leaning towards God. Satan ain't worth a diddly! God's got ya back. Stay strong in prayer,the word and fellowship with other believers. It works!
Tamala said:

last night, I had a conversation with God and a prayer sesson that removed all of the pain that I had been feeling for the past months. I prayed for the wonderful ladies on this board, I prayed for my family, I prayed for my good friends, I prayed for my ex, I prayed for everybody and asked the Lord to bless them and see them through their afflictions.
ladies, I have to tell you I have been feeling depressed, and going through a stage where I really didn't care about life,and had become content on not really living. After my conversation with God and prayer session, I feel so AMAZING!
I know that my life is not perfect but for the frist time in months, I am actually excited about life.
I just wanted to share!
So grateful to hear this. GOd is awesome and spending time with Him is time well spent. DO NOT STOP consistency is everything just like with our hair. Know that the enemy will try to come back and sometimes worse but stop him in HIs tracks through prayer and reading those scriptures to him OUT loud so he can hear. The devil run from the scriputes and Jesus name.