I plopped for the first time today...

Black Hoya Chick

New Member
[PICS ADDED in my second post] I plopped for the first time today...

...and it changed my LIFE! If you haven't done it before curlies/naturals, give it a try. Not the traditional way exactly, but this way: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFFHUQrHpCA

I left it on for almost 2 hours. Took it off, and had moisturized, defined, and fully dried curls. Less frizz. It's fabulous. If I can find my camera, I'll add pics.

I used:
Trader Joe's Nourish Spa conditioner as a leave-in.
Curl Junkie Aloe Fix Gel
Avocado Oil
(I co-washed with the Trader Joe's first)

Unlike her though, I can never do my hair out of sections. I had 4 sections, and split each one in half as I went, layering the 3 products in the order i listed them. Then I wrapped the shirt, and just went about life for the next 2 hours.

I did this on fully wet hair too, straight out the shower, and my hair has NEVER dried so quickly and nicely. Amazed.

Any questions, comments, opinions, anything...I want to know! :grin:

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What is "plopping"?

ETA - Okay watched the video. That looks interesting. I must admit that I'm a little skeptical . . but I will give it a try this weekend . . . we'll see :grin: Thanks!
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Looks great, but it would not work for me in a million years. Don't have the type of hair that would do this. I would be in a world of hurt.
I love plopping when I do wash and go's vs. Going out with a much wetter head by not plopping. It really cuts down on the frizz. I also have to put in at least two sections to apply products. If I do it like her I feel like the middle of my hair is being left out. I like her technique better than the traditional way! Thanks for sharing!
Okay I'm wondering - do you HAVE to use a t-shirt? I have a bunch of terry cloth towels especially for drying hair . . . does that make a difference?
My lighting/camera could use improvement. But...eh.

I'm a coarse 3B/3C (with a patches of 4A above my ears) by the way. My hair is not thick or dense by ANY means, and my individual hairs are fine. (I am using Amla now to help with this. I want THICKNESS.) But I have seen girls with thicker hair ranging from 3A-4A do this successfully.





Wow this must be nice for those it works for. I heard about this technique in 2009 from RusticBeauty. I soon found out it was not for me. When I wet my hair in the shower its dry 10 minutes after Im dressed and that's without squeezing, shaking, or running a towel through it. But happy to know it works 4 ya!
Okay I'm wondering - do you HAVE to use a t-shirt? I have a bunch of terry cloth towels especially for drying hair . . . does that make a difference?

@Glib Gurl, I think so, the reason being is a Tee Shirt is thin and will allow the air to penetrate and dry the hair faster. I may be wrong, but that's my take. :rolleyes:
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I did watch the video last night. I don't think this will work for me either but I'm going to try this tomorrow night. It can't hurt. I don't have any hang time and my curl pattern is very small and tight. But the worse that will happen is I end up having to twist it up for the night.

Oh and the part about swinging the hair afterwards, ha ha, that would just make me dizzy. :lol: My hair is not going to move.

Thanks for the info OP
DO NOT use a terry cloth towel. T-shirts leave moisture in the hair. Terry cloth will suck the moisture from your hair and leave it frizzy.
So you put in your moisturizers/leave-ins first, then wrapped up your hair in the t-shirt?

I plopped once, straight from washing, before putting in any leave-ins. The curls were beautiful after I took off the t-shirt, but as soon as I put in the leave-ins, the effect was ruined. The next time I tried it, I put the leave-ins first, then the t-shirt for a few hours... my hair never even came close to drying. I haven't figured out how to make this technique work to suit me. :ohwell:
I think the whole point of plopping is the t shirt. Normal towels cause frizz and suck out too much moisture that's why the t shirt is used.

I've tried it before to dry my hair a bit when it was soaking wet. Worked pretty good.
What is plopping? I cantwatch the video. Is it like shingling--- or the curly girl method (from tightlycurly.com)

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So you put in your moisturizers/leave-ins first, then wrapped up your hair in the t-shirt?

I plopped once, straight from washing, before putting in any leave-ins. The curls were beautiful after I took off the t-shirt, but as soon as I put in the leave-ins, the effect was ruined. The next time I tried it, I put the leave-ins first, then the t-shirt for a few hours... my hair never even came close to drying. I haven't figured out how to make this technique work to suit me. :ohwell:

Yeah. I put all of my products in first, then plopped.
virtuenow, After you apply all your hair products, you wrap your hair in a t-shirt anytime from 15 minutes to overnight. when you take it off, you should have defined, dry-yet-moisturized curls.
I'll have to give this a try. The girl in the YT video makes it look so easy.
If I wasn't under the dryer right now I would wet my hair and do this if I thought it would help with shrinkage.
Tried it and I think it's a keeper. Put product (knot today and KKC) on soaking wet hair while still in the shower. The tied on the T shirt. Left it on for about 30 minutes. Finished drying with a diffusier.

Nicely defined kinks and curls. Hair was soft and shiny.

I gave it a try. Wasnt a total fail. I will need to try it again when my hair is longer. Im only SL and with the shrinkage it just looks like a fro. Not a bad fro but still a fro. It did well enough that I could have worn it out on a weekend.

I applied a version of the kimmay tube leave-in, some khemistry gel and put the towel on for 45 minutes. I had some curl definition. Maybe because my hair is shorter it would have done better using a pony tail holder first.

Its worth a try for anyone thinking about it.