I now believe the only way to thick ends is to TRIM

For over a year now I had desired thick ends and I am growing out a perm so that hair wold be thinner, anyway I gradually trimmed and trimmed but I couldnt bring myself to trim right up to where the hair got thicker maybe cuz it was too short,, well I just did it a couple of weeks ago( 2 inches) and man what a difference, it really worked, my hair is thick now,, i think thick hair is dependant very much on the ends so ill be less timid to trim from now on if its damaged
So very true! I need to trim like 3 inches off of my hair to get to the thickest part (because my crown is so short from breakage), but I refuse to do so until I get to BSL. Then I will trim, trim, trim until I get to thick, full BSL!
Ravenhairbellydancer said:
For over a year now I had desired thick ends and I am growing out a perm so that hair wold be thinner, anyway I gradually trimmed and trimmed but I couldnt bring myself to trim right up to where the hair got thicker maybe cuz it was too short,, well I just did it a couple of weeks ago( 2 inches) and man what a difference, it really worked, my hair is thick now,, i think thick hair is dependant very much on the ends so ill be less timid to trim from now on if its damaged

ITA with this whole post. In the beginning, I was so scared to trim and I kept hanging on to the thinner parts of my hair. However, they were underprocessed, and really needed to go before I could see some serious growth. Now that I've gotten rid them, my hair feels much thicker from root to tip. But yeah, I'm not going to be scared of trimming thin ends anymore...it makes a world of difference.
I agree whole heartedly with this. For me, because of the length of my hair, it pays to keep those ends sleek and trimmed. Reduces the tangles so much.

I plan to do a mini trim this weekend, even though I trimmed maybe two three weeks ago. I hope to slowly get rid of raggedy ends in various areas this way by doing mini trims until next relaxer.
I've got to agree with everyone. I finally cut my ends off in Nov., I hadn't trimmed since March before that. I will continue to trim every 3 months at relaxer time. I love the results. So thick, so healthy!!:lol:
hot_pepper96 said:
I agree whole heartedly with this. For me, because of the length of my hair, it pays to keep those ends sleek and trimmed. Reduces the tangles so much.

I completely agree. I keep telling myself that I need to quit trimming every few months (even though they're just tiny trims), but I know that my hair tangles even worse and the raggedy ends seem to take over so I have to keep it up. Technically, I guess it appears to slow down your process, but I'd rather do it little by little rather than waiting it out and then doing a big trim. I don't think I could handle that!

Anyhow, I still want to learn how to dust so that I can space my trims out more....
The same thing happened to me, I had bad ends when I first started in feb. I grew about two to three inchs of hair, then I cut all the bad ends. The stylist cut it all the way to where the hair is thick, if not more. After the cut, it seems like my hair got thicker or seem so much thicker. I totally agree that it could make a big difference when you cut your hair:)
Well...I guess Ive been lucky in that I didnt trim for almost 3 years and my ends thickened up on their own. Im sure trimming is the quickest way to thick ends, but Im proof that its not the ONLY way, protective styling preserved my ends.
Babygurl said:
Well...I guess Ive been lucky in that I didnt trim for almost 3 years and my ends thickened up on their own. Im sure trimming is the quickest way to thick ends, but Im proof that its not the ONLY way, protective styling preserved my ends.

You're right,, if one is able to maintain thick ends then u can have thick ends indefinitely but for someone who has damaged ends, the only way to go is to trim right up until u get to that thicker hair, my hair is sooo different now it just falls better, I hate skinny ends!
I agree... especially if you are trying to grow out layers trimming seems to slow length but if you trim slowly it's not too drastic and when you finally even out to your desired level you can grow and protect those ends and keep the thickness.