I noticed some change in my hair!!


New Member
Today it has been 2 week since i got my hair relaxed and I couldn't help but notice some change in my hair.When i firt got my hair done it was thinner. Even when i would pull all my hair in a pony tail it would be thin about the size of a quarter. Now my hair seems fuller. Regardless wheter its wet or not. When i pull my hair in a poney tail it's at least 5 times the size it was. Plus my hair is still straight and all. I don't lnow what to think, does thi mean I'm getting some hair growth?:confused:
Congrats on the thickening of your hair- there are several possible reasons to explain this- one of them of course being hair growth. My question to you is - have you been doing anything different to your hair - have you washed more frequently, have you increased in your vitamin in take, have you started using hair growth aids such as MTG or surge???
determined_to_grow said:
Congrats on the thickening of your hair- there are several possible reasons to explain this- one of them of course being hair growth. My question to you is - have you been doing anything different to your hair - have you washed more frequently, have you increased in your vitamin in take, have you started using hair growth aids such as MTG or surge???

Now to think of it yes I have done a few things differently to my hair. I now do ACV rinses. I also use amla oil on my scalp, which i didnt before. I have been using a lot of protein on my hair. Yesterday, I did a pre-poo with 2 eegs on my head, kept it on for 2 hours. THen, washed my hair with garlic shampoo. I did a deep moisturizing conditioner that i kept for 15 mins. then rinsed and did my garlic conditioner.I had some breakage. I also take mutli vitaimins.

As for MTG, well I used it earlier this year and experience great growth but there was one problem. I had severe neck pain, mugraines and eye pain. So i switched and started using Sulfur 8 wtih glover's mane( back in late march towards april). Well the pain still was there. A few weeks ago i was with my mom at the beauty shop and we were looking at all the hair products. We passed near a Sulfur 8 hairgrease section and I tell her that I'm allergic to those.Mom tells me:" I used to put all that stuff in your hair when you were little. It works great" I was like, :eek: whoah! It clicked to me that i didn't have any pains( neck, migraines, etc) at all as a child.

Later that night, severe neck pains and all came back...Mind you hadn't used sulfur in more than 3 months. Well , I discovered the problem. I went to another doctor explaining the problem i had. Guess what my problem was ??!?? My darn pillow !!!:lachen: apparently when i sleep my neck and head is in a bad position and that is why i get all those pains. Plus i was not sleeping enough and not sleeping well at all. My muscles were never relaxed and plus the stress i was going through didn't help.

I ordered a specialize pillow as advised and no more pains!!! :lol: :clapping: :woot: SO i got back on the MTG wagon again!! so far i have used it for over a week along with sulfur 8 mixed with glovers mane. I HAVE HAD NO PROBLEM SO FAR AND NO PAIN!!!:lol: :clapping: :woot: I'm, also using some hair pousse plus and some hairarobics on my scalp as well.
nadine1977canada said:
Now to think of it yes I have done a few things differently to my hair. I now do ACV rinses. I also use amla oil on my scalp, which i didnt before. I have been using a lot of protein on my hair. Yesterday, I did a pre-poo with 2 eegs on my head, kept it on for 2 hours. THen, washed my hair with garlic shampoo. I did a deep moisturizing conditioner that i kept for 15 mins. then rinsed and did my garlic conditioner.I had some breakage. I also take mutli vitaimins.

As for MTG, well I used it earlier this year and experience great growth but there was one problem. I had severe neck pain, mugraines and eye pain. So i switched and started using Sulfur 8 wtih glover's mane( back in late march towards april). Well the pain still was there. A few weeks ago i was with my mom at the beauty shop and we were looking at all the hair products. We passed near a Sulfur 8 hairgrease section and I tell her that I'm allergic to those.Mom tells me:" I used to put all that stuff in your hair when you were little. It works great" I was like, :eek: whoah! It clicked to me that i didn't have any pains( neck, migraines, etc) at all as a child.

Later that night, severe neck pains and all came back...Mind you hadn't used sulfur in more than 3 months. Well , I discovered the problem. I went to another doctor explaining the problem i had. Guess what my problem was ??!?? My darn pillow !!!:lachen: apparently when i sleep my neck and head is in a bad position and that is why i get all those pains. Plus i was not sleeping enough and not sleeping well at all. My muscles were never relaxed and plus the stress i was going through didn't help.

I ordered a specialize pillow as advised and no more pains!!! :lol: :clapping: :woot: SO i got back on the MTG wagon again!! so far i have used it for over a week along with sulfur 8 mixed with glovers mane. I HAVE HAD NO PROBLEM SO FAR AND NO PAIN!!!:lol: :clapping: :woot: I'm, also using some hair pousse plus and some hairarobics on my scalp as well.

I definitely think those could be the reason why your hair is thickening up. I hear so much about the ACV what exactly does it do for your hair?
Also I would just like to advise you about the protein that to much of it can lead to breakage-- I think I did this a few years ago with DRC (before LHCF).