I need your votes!!!!!


The Generous Queen
Help a sistah out....?

Hey guys, so I never do this. I enter contests from time to time but it's not something I'm very enthusiastic about because I know the chances of winning are slim. However, I've seen other ladies do this so I figured-why not give it a shot?

I entered the Hydratherma Naturals Giveaway on facebook.
I've been reading, admiring, and drooling over these products for a couple of years now but financially I just can't budget them. Any time they have a contest (which is maybe every 4-6 months) I enter, in hopes of perhaps being chosen out of the random numbers the owner picks. This is the first time I've seen a contest that requires voting, so I found a picture of my favorite hair style and decided to give it a go.

Here's the picture:

Here's the linke to vote for me: https://www.facebook.com/DeluxMagazineStl/app_477948252227620

Also, if you're natural, love these products, and have a facebook go ahead and take this opportunity to enter! I don't believe in shade, so even if I don't win it would still be REALLY cool to see someone on this hair board reap the benefits of this contest.
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love it and you got my vote (now remember that when Hairitage Hydrations has a contest for me to enter lol).
this is actually a great idea to have the ladies on here vote for you, you have an advantage over the rest and I'm pretty sure you have fb friends and fam that can help as well, GOOD LUCK! When does the contest close?
this is actually a great idea to have the ladies on here vote for you, you have an advantage over the rest and I'm pretty sure you have fb friends and fam that can help as well, GOOD LUCK! When does the contest close?

Thank you!! Yea, I posted the link everywhere I could think. The contest end in 8 days
I was about to ask why you entered a photo contest with a pic other than your own :lol Very nice pic...looks professional. Voted!
You look awesome! Just voted - you have 56 and Justlike Candy had 49.

I think the quality of the photo should factor in along with the votes. It is obvious that YOU TOOK THE TIME TO PRESENT YOURSELF and didn't just take a picture and send it in. Also I think your picture suggests you would be a good representative (hair and camera wise) for the product.

I would vote for you over the other ladies on that fact alone - even if I didn't know you.

But since I do - I'm going to vote again later!

I do hope you win. :yep: