I need your prayers...


Well-Known Member
Here's the scenario:

Recently, my mom came into some money and stated that she would gift me money to purchase a house (down payment). My neighborhood is really bad and my neighbor's house has been broken into several times. By God's Grace and mercy, my home has been untouched. So I begin the process of working with a lender and get pre-approved to purchase. (paying off bills, paying down my car, working to get my credit score up)


My car breaks down and I find out that the transmission is shot and it will cost 1800.00 to fix. I only have about 2000.00 left on the car to pay it off. My mom thinks that I should get a new car (she will give me the money for down payment for the car that I would have used toward getting a house) and move in with my sister so that I can save up money for a house on my own. I don't know if yall remember, but about a year ago, I was living with my sister and it was pure hell. Plus, I would have to put my things in storage and that means I would have to move twice (into my sisters house and again when I find my own place)

I want to get another person to rebuild my transmission (or used one) to give me enough time to purchase my home, then get another car next year around tax refund time.

My mother told me straight out if I don't do it the way that she says, she won't help me financially either way, with the car or with the house.

I really am confused now and I need to hear from the Lord. The enemy is throwing all these things at me to keep my focus off of what is important. I am fasting and praying for direction. I want to cry, but I won't because I KNOW that the Lord has this under control. Thank you in advance for your prayers.
Sorry to hear that you're going through this. I will def. pray for you and your family. It will all work out, just hang in there.
I will keep you in my prayers Crlsweetie! Stay prayed up and trust in the Lord. I hope and pray everything works out for you ((((HUGS)))))
Oh honey, I am sorry that you're going through this. I pray that you'll get the clarity that you need to make the right decisions.
Praying for wisdom for you in this situation. God may want you to stay put in that house for a while. If He does, He WILL SURELY protect you. Or He may want you to move in with your sister to mend the relationship. Make no decisions until you hear from Him. He loves you, He hears you, and He will surely give you direction. Faint not, Mamacita.
Sounds like the devil's using your mother to hurt you. If she was gonna give you the money it should be with no strings attached.

I'll continue to be in prayer for you crlsweetie. I love ya.
Thanks everybody! I was so down when I wrote this. Your responses really made me think! Our pastor is doing a series entitled "the blessings of endurance" and yesterday's subtitle was "I have the right attitude to endure!":dead:
He was speaking to ME! All I could say was "I hear you Lord"

So I am going to go ahead and get a new (used) car and patiently wait for God to direct me on purchasing a home. I KNOW that he will protect me and my boys no matter what! I feel like a great burden has been lifted off of me. Thanks again ladies for all your support and please continue to keep us in your prayers!!!!!
Hi Precious...:kiss:

Don't worrry anymore about this. Go ahead and cry anyway to get the 'stress' out of your system. It's cleansing.

AND go get your house and don't look back. I believe that God used your mom's orginal 'offer' to get you started on a new home search, find, and acquire. Now...it's up to you to continue to go through with it.

Angel, remember the Red Sea experience? The Hebrew children were packed and ready to leave Egypt and they came to the Red Sea. They were left with only one decision...Go forward! And God parted the waters to enable them to do such. Go Forward and cross over to the other side.

Crlsweetie...'Stand ye' still', hold your peace and SEE the salvation of the Lord. For the Lord is with you everywhere you go.

He is Jehovah Shammah...the Lord who is ALL READY 'THERE'. He's already there waiting to show you all that he's prepared for you. You see, no man will be able to take credit for this. Not mama or anyone else. This is God's victory for you to see and to live and give full testimony that it was He and no one else who brought you through.

Angel....Go forward and don't look back. For God is with you all the way. It's time to move to something better...far better which you are long overdue for and the answer to your prayers.

NOW, why does God make 'faith' so hard? To prove that we believe in HIM and not man.

I love you little sister. I'll be looking for an invitation to your new house warming. I like relish and mustard on my Hebrew Nationals...

:kiss: :bighug: :kiss: :bighug: :kiss: :bighug:


"Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath NO MONEY; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price." Isaiah 55:1

Get that house...
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Father, you tell us in your word where two or three are gathered in your name touching and agreeing on ANYTHING you are in the midst of us. I lift up crlsweetie912 to you. I ask that you continue to keep a hedge of protection about them as they come into the house their in now and when they leave, until you place her and her family where she needs to be. Stay focused on Him, Trust Him. In Jesus' name Amen.
God knows the desires of your heart. You don't want to move too quickly out of desperation. With your car situation, I pray that you come in contact with someone who will favor you and get the deal you need.
You are blessed and highly favored of the Lord!
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I have already sent up a prayer.

God will previal, the devil is trying to interfere with your blessing, but it wont happen. It will turn out even better than you expected.

keep praying.
God is soooo awesome! He moved mountains for me this weekend. And confirmed so much about me staying in the fight and being faithful in my walk with Him. Look at my new baby...




I am so blessed. No more catching the bus! And this car is a 2004 Ford Explorer, with only 24,000 miles on it, leather seats, 3rd row seat, and a DVD PLAYER for the kids! WOW! Look at God, and the payment is only $70.00 more per month than I was paying for my van! Thank you Lord!
Ladies your prayers and words of encouragement meant so much to me! Thank you for being my true sisters in Christ!
That's how BIG DADDY GOD DOES IT!!! I'm so happy your situation turned around for you!!!!There is so much power in prayer!
Father I ask that you bless your child with wisdom, which you say in your word that you give freely. You are our provider, Father. Provide for your child what she needs. Open her eyes so that she does not trust in her own understanding, but in you. Bless her, Father, for she has been faithful, and you reward those who faithfully seek you.