I need your opinion!!! Natural vs. Relaxed.


New Member
Okay, here is goes.

in 2009, i was transitioning. I started out with my hair being colar bone length, and just really jacked up. so i did phony ponys and weaves. when i took my weave out in june of 2010, I was like, right at BSL. So me being a dummy, i gave in to my friends and family's proddings and relaxed my hair again. Im at APL now because I cut a few inches to get a blunt cut kinda look. but, id like to grow it longer. i think i can go another 6 inches this year, so im gonna put my hair up in weaves. however, I have not had a relaxer in my hair since september of 2010. so you can imagine, I have a good sized afro, plus my hair grows kinda fast. anyways, I'd like to reach waist length just to see if I can, but id like to be natural because my hair FEELS HEALTHIER when its natural vs. relaxed. But I LOVE straight hair. And I really dont do the whole curly think but about 2 monthes out of the year TBH. So im wondering, should I go natural, and once I get to waist length, slowly trim off the relaxed ends until im fully natural? or should I stay relaxed because I adore straight hair styles? There are also bkt treatments that will help with keeping my hair in a straight style so I dont have to flat iron it everyday because of sweating and things like that. i know this is long, but what do you guys think i should do?

I will listen for real.
Well have you ever thought about texlax? A lot of ladies on lhcf do that. Its in between relaxing and natural. Hope that helps. Bumping for more answers.
I'm finally all natural and I flat iron once a week and wear my hair straight. It is so much thicker and healthier than when I had a perm. My hair doesn't revert that much, maybe the sides and the "kitchen" a little if I workout.
I think you could continue stretching your relaxers like you have been doing. I think you could get to wsl that way and decide later on if you want to transition to natural.
I'm finally all natural and I flat iron once a week and wear my hair straight. It is so much thicker and healthier than when I had a perm. My hair doesn't revert that much, maybe the sides and the "kitchen" a little if I workout.
How long did you have to do that before it stopped reverting? What temp do you use when you flat iron?
I'd say continue to grow it out and slowly cut off the relaxed ends. Do your research on BKT before you decide to do a treatment.
Well theres always the option of being a straight-haired natural, its definitely doable, and if you use different natural treatments to help loosen the curl on a consistent basis I'm pretty sure your hair will get that smooth look so it won't be big and poof. I guess it really boils down to how you feel because natural hair doesn't mean less work its just natural. lol :spinning:( this was not meant to be offensive to naturals, plus I am natural).
Hi i wear my straight most of the time. at first my hair was really poofy but as i got better with my technique and as my hair got used to the heat it stays straight for very long periods of time. also i use apex pressing oil to give me a long lasting press. my presses usual last 3 weeks. since you plan to wear weaves you might as well start growing out your hair now. yo dont need a bkt to keep it straight. ive used it and it wore off really quickly plus i had Frederick Douglas roots until my hair got used to the heat. the heat is really the key.just do not use it too high or too often
I think it really depends on your lifestyle. If you workout a lot or regularly, being natural and straight MAY require extra work to maintain straight hair. Also, realistically how time & energy do you want to put into maintaining it? Keep in mind there are shortened time styles that may work for you like rollersets. but it boils down to your needs, time constraints and styling skill level.
I think at the end of the day you have to decide which you are able to maintain the best. I am relaxed, however, my dd is natural. I choose to keep her natural because of her versatility. We straighten once a month, however, throughout the late spring/summer, she rocks her curly pony tail or a braid out due to sports.
Since you love straight hair and love natural hair, I think you should just be natural and just use heat. Since you love straight hair, you don't have to worry about your kinks and curls not coming back.
How long did you have to do that before it stopped reverting? What temp do you use when you flat iron?

I transitioned for 1 year. I'm not sure what temp my stylist uses, she leaves her flat irons on all day. Prob aout 400 degrees. I kow it's a high temp. I think my hair was trained after about 6 months maybe. When I do it at home, I can never get it as straight as she does and it reverts. But usually if I sweat its just the edges and I conceal them by wearing bangs. I wrap my hair up at night.