I need you...


New Member
Do you know anybody who was Christian and at some point backslidded/lost their faith but after a certain amount of time their faith was restored? Or have u ever been that person?

What caused the person to lose faith and what led the person back to Christ?

The reason I ask is because I've felt myself backslide for 3 months now, my faith has been low and sometimes I go through "zero-faith" days. Can't pinpoint what led to this state and I know that a life without joy in the Lord is not what I want. But somehow my heart tends to harden, I'm uncertain of my beliefs and I do not always pray KNOWING that my prayers are heard and will be answered. Something is holding me back, muffling my shouts of praise but I'm not able to break the devil off my back, I think because my low faith results in not so powerful prayers...
I've experienced the joy, peace and love in the Lord before and I NEED that back for the sake of my sanity. I've been reminiscing, trying to find out how I got that faith in the first place but I can't remember...

I can't live like this, so I need help praying for myself please... I believe we have prayer warriors in this place so please Ladies, please help loose whatever is holding me back... Please pray that my faith and joy is restored, that peace be mine once again... Thank you...
I think that not being in the Word and not being constantly reaffirmed of God's promises and provisions and just who He is possibly opens a person up to negative thoughts and causes a person to backslide. Im not one to give advice, however I hope that this helps. I will be looking up some scriptures and inspirational things for you.
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We have all probably been there--I know I have. Life is seasonal, it seems. This would include your Christian walk. Try not to base it on how you feel though. Know that God is still God regardless of how you feel on a particular day or how much faith you have at a certain point. Just because a cloud may block your view of the sun from time to time doesn't mean that the sun isn't there or that it is any less powerful and effective. That's how you should think of God.

I said a prayer for you. :up:
evagray said:
I think that not being in the Word and not being constantly reaffirmed of God's promises and provisions and just who He is possibly opens a person up to negative thoughts and causes a person to backslide. Im not one to give advice, because I am still going through the situation also, however I hope that this helps. I will be looking up some scriptures and inspirational things for you.

I completely agree with the bolded and I know that's why the Word should be our daily bread, since He speaks to us through his Word as well through prayer (among other means of communication).
Unfortunately at times when I read the Word it just doesn't seem to mean anything to me, it just doesn't brig any comfort or peace...

This too shall pass though...
Thanks for sharing and for any scripture you may provide. I hope you get out your own situation and wish you the best on your journey:)
Supergirl said:
We have all probably been there--I know I have. Life is seasonal, it seems. This would include your Christian walk. Try not to base it on how you feel though. Know that God is still God regardless of how you feel on a particular day or how much faith you have at a certain point. Just because a cloud may block your view of the sun from time to time doesn't mean that the sun isn't there or that it is any less powerful and effective. That's how you should think of God.

I said a prayer for you. :up:

Thank You Supergirl, thank you:)
I guess my issue is from no longer being completely firm in my knowledge that God is still who He is regardless of my situations...

Someone asked me today: how can you have a PERSONAL relationship with someone and love someone (God/Jesus in this case) you have never met, someone you don't know?

Thinking about it I realize I can't answer clearly the part about the "personal relationship", though I know talking to God one-on-one through prayer increased my sense of connectedness with Him...
In my short lifetime, especially during my teenage years, I had become a habitual spiritual runaway. I would go through periods of my life where everything was on the upside - I felt like I loved God and God loved me and everything was cool. Then I would do something or something would happen and it would send me running - away from God. Whenever I missed the mark for Godly living, I always felt so unworthy to do ANYTHING, even to pray and ask for forgiveness. I felt like I was ALWAYS missing the mark and that God was mad at me for failing to break through my bad habits. After awhile, my heart began to harden because I felt like I could never be good enough for HIM. I didn't have faith because I didn't feel like I was good enough to have faith.

The thing that brought my life into perspective was using the Bible as a mirror and learning to see myself the way that my heavenly father saw me. It was so hard for me to grasp the LOVE that God had for me. It was difficult to see that even when I miss the mark that I am the righteousness of God and I have a blood-bought right to be forgiven. I couldn't fathom that God could love somebody like me. Why should he love me when I keep missing the mark? It wasn't until I started to get myself established in the Word that I really began to understand what the Word meant when it said that NOTHING could separate us from God's love. THAT gave me something to shout about and something to have faith in. I put my faith in his unfailing love and it has been strong ever since.

I am in agreement with everyone else here. I would admonish you to re-ground yourself in the Word of God. Romans 10:17 tells us that "faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God". Just continue to read,pray without ceasing, and hide the Word in your heart. Then, when the devil comes at you and tries to remind you of your situation, you can remind him that Jesus - Name Above ALL Names - is in your corner. There's NO WAY he can win, so he may as well stop trying...

In the meantime, I will be praying for the restoration of your faith.
barnardbaby027 said:
In my short lifetime, especially during my teenage years, I had become a habitual spiritual runaway. I would go through periods of my life where everything was on the upside - I felt like I loved God and God loved me and everything was cool. Then I would do something or something would happen and it would send me running - away from God. Whenever I missed the mark for Godly living, I always felt so unworthy to do ANYTHING, even to pray and ask for forgiveness. I felt like I was ALWAYS missing the mark and that God was mad at me for failing to break through my bad habits. After awhile, my heart began to harden because I felt like I could never be good enough for HIM. I didn't have faith because I didn't feel like I was good enough to have faith.

The thing that brought my life into perspective was using the Bible as a mirror and learning to see myself the way that my heavenly father saw me. It was so hard for me to grasp the LOVE that God had for me. It was difficult to see that even when I miss the mark that I am the righteousness of God and I have a blood-bought right to be forgiven. I couldn't fathom that God could love somebody like me. Why should he love me when I keep missing the mark? It wasn't until I started to get myself established in the Word that I really began to understand what the Word meant when it said that NOTHING could separate us from God's love. THAT gave me something to shout about and something to have faith in. I put my faith in his unfailing love and it has been strong ever since.

I am in agreement with everyone else here. I would admonish you to re-ground yourself in the Word of God. Romans 10:17 tells us that "faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God". Just continue to read,pray without ceasing, and hide the Word in your heart. Then, when the devil comes at you and tries to remind you of your situation, you can remind him that Jesus - Name Above ALL Names - is in your corner. There's NO WAY he can win, so he may as well stop trying...

In the meantime, I will be praying for the restoration of your faith.

Thank You for Your Testimony, it really touched me...
Thanks for the prayers...

Once again I thank anybody who has read this and prayed for me...
This is from Joyce Meyer's "Battlefield of the Mind"

Galatians 6:9

"And let us not lose heart and grow weary and faint in acting nobly and doing right, for in due time and at the appointed season we shall reap, if we do not loosen and relax our courage and faint."

"No matter how bad the condition of your life and your mind, don't give up! Regain the territory the devil has stolen from you. If necessary, regain it one inch at a time, always leaning on God's grace and not on your own ability to get the desired results....

"...we like everything instantaneous. We have the fruit of patience inside, but it is being worked to the outside. Sometimes God takes His time about bringing us our full deliverance. He uses the difficult period of waiting to stretch our faith and to let patience have her perfect work. (James 1:4). God's timing is perfect. He is never late. Here is another good thought to think: 'I believe God. I believe He is working in me no matter what I may feel or how the situation may look. The Lord has begun a good work in me, and He will bring it to full completion (Phillippians 1:6, 2:13)"
