Well I now know to stay away from TCB. I'm happy your cousin seems ok now, hope she wins her case if the relaxer was the cause.
I'm a chemist who used to work for a hair manufacturing company (Lady Velvet) when I first finished school. One of my duties was to run a chemical test after a batch of relaxer was made to determine if it had the right percentage of active ingredients. If the percentage was too high, they would have to add a component (I forgot what exactly) to bring it down, and I would retest after it was mixed. If it was too low, they would add more of the active ingredient, and again... it would be retested.

I said all this to say.... it could be that it was a bad batch... meaning that the percentage of active ingredient was too high and it got past the QC person. Tell her to make sure she keeps the packaging that has the lot number. The company will be able to pull a retain sample from that particular lot/batch, and re-test it (they are required to keep a sample from each batch made, just for this purpose).

Hope this helps...:ohwell:
Okay my cousin just called me and was wanting me to look up more info on what kind of lawyer to contact b/c she just put in a relaxer and her hair came out. She has bald spots!:nono: I'm like are you serious I mean she is crying in my ear and I'm trying to figure out what happened. She said she thinks someone sold her a bad relaxer even though it states it doesn't expire until 12/08.

I asked if she was burning and she said no and that she didn't leave it in long. Okay.....I got to thinking that maybe she didn't use any neutralizing shampoo so I asked her what kind of poo did she used and she said the one that came with it. Okay.....I'm not sure what could have happened. I figured if the perm was old or bad then it wouldn't of relaxed at all and wouldn't have been strong enough to cause bald spots but i could be wrong. She also said she has used the relaxer before so I'm just not sure what the hell happened. She is really upset and if this was me I would be too. I'm not sure how bad it's actually is but she is supposedly on her way over here. She was going to this beautician but I told just to come over here. I figured me and the LHCF girls could help better:grin: or at least I hope so. I mean if you would have just heard her on the phone:sad:

Okay girls the name of the relaxer is TCB NO MIX NO LYE. Has anyone used this before? Does anyone know what could have caused this?

I'm so sorry for what happened. She should see her doctor. You should take pics of her. Does she have the store receipt and all the box, bottles with the kit...everything? That is so distressing. I'm wondering if the shampoo they put in the box was the right kind of shampoo.
SMH. Gorgeous, I am so sorry this happened to your cousin. I never liked TCB products so i definitely stay away from their relaxers. I hope she gets some kind of relief for this.
I'm sorry for your cousin, but unfortunately it'll be hard to prove the relaxer itself caused her hair to fall out. When things go wrong in cases like this, it's hard to argue against user error, even if that's not the case.

User error does account for many things going wrong in home situations. Not saying that's the case here, but that's how it goes.

She should document everything and contact the company as well as the Food and Drug Administration. She certainly does have some leverage and the company might be liable pay some of her damages. I'm not sure how this works but they don't like negative publicity. This should definitely be pursued because it looks like there are others out there complaining about the TCB line of relaxers:
