
Well-Known Member
Okay my cousin just called me and was wanting me to look up more info on what kind of lawyer to contact b/c she just put in a relaxer and her hair came out. She has bald spots!:nono: I'm like are you serious I mean she is crying in my ear and I'm trying to figure out what happened. She said she thinks someone sold her a bad relaxer even though it states it doesn't expire until 12/08.

I asked if she was burning and she said no and that she didn't leave it in long. Okay.....I got to thinking that maybe she didn't use any neutralizing shampoo so I asked her what kind of poo did she used and she said the one that came with it. Okay.....I'm not sure what could have happened. I figured if the perm was old or bad then it wouldn't of relaxed at all and wouldn't have been strong enough to cause bald spots but i could be wrong. She also said she has used the relaxer before so I'm just not sure what the hell happened. She is really upset and if this was me I would be too. I'm not sure how bad it's actually is but she is supposedly on her way over here. She was going to this beautician but I told just to come over here. I figured me and the LHCF girls could help better:grin: or at least I hope so. I mean if you would have just heard her on the phone:sad:

Okay girls the name of the relaxer is TCB NO MIX NO LYE. Has anyone used this before? Does anyone know what could have caused this?
Okay girls the name of the relaxer is TCB NO MIX NO LYE. Has anyone used this before? Does anyone know what could have caused this?

I've never used it, but I worked at a BSS for four years where we sold a lot of TCB products. They didn't sell well, at lot of women said it was very harsh on their hair.

"Not long" is very relative, did she count from when she started applying or from when her head was completely covered in relaxer? I'm no stylist, but I know for a fact I was one of those chicks who would apply a relaxer slow as molasses and STILL use the full processing time (plus some) in hopes of getting my hair straight.

I'd asses the damage and then if it looks really bad, see a trichologist or dermatologist.
I've never used it, but I worked at a BSS for four years where we sold a lot of TCB products. They didn't sell well, at lot of women said it was very harsh on their hair.

"Not long" is very relative, did she count from when she started applying or from when her head was completely covered in relaxer? I'm no stylist, but I know for a fact I was one of those chicks who would apply a relaxer slow as molasses and STILL use the full processing time (plus some) in hopes of getting my hair straight.

I'd asses the damage and then if it looks really bad, see a trichologist or dermatologist.

I was one of those girls, too (top bolded).

Yeah, I'd get to some kind of specialist, too, and quick.

Unfortunately, I have used this perm and it is AWFUL. It's the reason my egdes on the right side are gone. A friend of mine calls it (TCB) dragon scales. He got me to switch to Optimum. Yeah, TCB is no joke.

When did she get the perm? How long was it sitting around before she used it? Did she time how long she had it in her hair? I'm surprised she's not burned because I would start burning after about 5 minutes. I ALWAYS, ALWAYS based my scalp with HEAVY grease when using this perm. Ugh!!!!!!
:sad: I'm so sorry this happened. I can't really offer any advice because I've never used that relaxer. *hugs* for your cousin.
Bout to say allergic reaction but she used it before...so i dont know.

Chemicals be like that though. Folks can just all of a sudden come up allergic and get a reaction to something they been doing or used for years.

Every time you put a relaxer in your hair, you essentially put your hair and scalp at risk. EVERY time. Scary huh??
Bout to say allergic reaction but she used it before...so i dont know.

Chemicals be like that though. Folks can just all of a sudden come up allergic and get a reaction to something they been doing or used for years.

Every time you put a relaxer in your hair, you essentially put your hair and scalp at risk. EVERY time. Scary huh??

Yeah, that's why I've decided to not do them anymore. As I said in another post somewhere, every time I had one done, whether I did it or someone else did, my heart was always in my throat. It IS scary.
I'm sorry for your cousin, but unfortunately it'll be hard to prove the relaxer itself caused her hair to fall out. When things go wrong in cases like this, it's hard to argue against user error, even if that's not the case.

User error does account for many things going wrong in home situations. Not saying that's the case here, but that's how it goes.
Bout to say allergic reaction but she used it before...so i dont know.

Chemicals be like that though. Folks can just all of a sudden come up allergic and get a reaction to something they been doing or used for years.

Every time you put a relaxer in your hair, you essentially put your hair and scalp at risk. EVERY time. Scary huh??

ANY product you use, be it chemical or herbal based/derived, can behave just like this. You take a risk every time you use anything, not just chemicals. The human body is complex and so are chemicals. We should always remember this. There are no guarantees about anything or w/ any product working well each time w/ each person.
Did she do a strand test? I know a lot of folk ignore the instructions, but they say do a strand test EVERY time before applying the relaxer.
Did she do a strand test? I know a lot of folk ignore the instructions, but they say do a strand test EVERY time before applying the relaxer.
It's true that you can use a product for years and develop an allergic reaction to by the next use. That's just the way our bodies work.

I'm sorry about what happened to your cousin, but like other posters have said, it's going to be difficult to prove that her mishap was due to anything else besides user error.
what condition was her hair in prior to this application? did she overlap? how long exactly did she leave it on? "not that long" says to me that she didn't know exactly how long it was on and that's an issue. i agree that she should have done a strand test. i think she's may have a hell of a time on her hand proving that the relaxer itself was to blame and she has no responsibility for how her hair turned out.
Sorry this happened to her. I'd start first by taking some pictures of the current condition of her hair. And I'd ask her to write down everything that happened: where did she buy the relaxer?how did she apply it? did she notice anything wrong from the begining? how long after applying it her hair started to burn? How long did the relaxer sit on her hair before she washed it? Did she wash (neutralize it) properly? Did the neutralizer shampoo sit on her hair at least 5 min before she rinsed it? Did she neutralize until the water was crystal clear?What did she do to her hair at least the last 7 days before applying the relaxer? Did she scratch her scalp? Did she add or change a product in her hair regimen? Did she apply some color to her hair? What was the state of her shedding and breakage before the relaxer? Was her hair under weave or in braid before applying the relaxer? Was her hair completely dry before? Did she base her scalp properly? What did she use to do so? Did she put protein treatment after the relaxer or before? Which one? At what point after the relaxer did her hair start to break? Right after she'd put any other products on it? Did she try some kinds of products and then the hair started to fall out? Last but not least, is her hair breaking or shedding (with white bulbs)? Hope that helps
That's crazy!!!! This BSS near me sent out a weekly ad that had the TCB relaxer listed for $.99 I hope everything works out for your cuz.
Okay my cousin just called me and was wanting me to look up more info on what kind of lawyer to contact b/c she just put in a relaxer and her hair came out. She has bald spots!:nono: I'm like are you serious I mean she is crying in my ear and I'm trying to figure out what happened. She said she thinks someone sold her a bad relaxer even though it states it doesn't expire until 12/08.

I asked if she was burning and she said no and that she didn't leave it in long. Okay.....I got to thinking that maybe she didn't use any neutralizing shampoo so I asked her what kind of poo did she used and she said the one that came with it. Okay.....I'm not sure what could have happened. I figured if the perm was old or bad then it wouldn't of relaxed at all and wouldn't have been strong enough to cause bald spots but i could be wrong. She also said she has used the relaxer before so I'm just not sure what the hell happened. She is really upset and if this was me I would be too. I'm not sure how bad it's actually is but she is supposedly on her way over here. She was going to this beautician but I told just to come over here. I figured me and the LHCF girls could help better:grin: or at least I hope so. I mean if you would have just heard her on the phone:sad:

Okay girls the name of the relaxer is TCB NO MIX NO LYE. Has anyone used this before? Does anyone know what could have caused this?

First of all, I am sorry that your cousing had this experience. Secondly I only used a LYE TCB relaxer once and I hated it. It burned my scalp even while I was putting it on, never mind that I had based my scalp very well at all. And to top it all off, it didn't even relax my hair. I think it's an aweful relaxer so needless to say I never used it again. It didn't damage my hair thankfully so I am sorry I can't be of any real help here. Just wanted to come in and give you some support.
I'm sorry to hear what happened to your cousin however I am not exactly sure if she can sue because that is the purpose of warnings and disclaimers that printed on the relaxer. The purpose of the warning works two-fold it informs the consumers of the risk and protects the company from lawsuits.
I kinda did that about ten years ago and burned out my edges in the front. Not real bad, but noticeable. I did everything right but I think I left it in too long. My fault. I found some Indian Hemp grease to put on my edges (well all over because I wanted to see how it worked), and it helped my edges come back fairly quick. I have some now, too. I don't think she's going to able to sue, however. Sounds like it was her error. Sorry about that. Tell her to try some MT and Indian Hemp mix and that might help with the regrowth. And to stay away from those damn chemicals!!!!!
Bout to say allergic reaction but she used it before...so i dont know.

Chemicals be like that though. Folks can just all of a sudden come up allergic and get a reaction to something they been doing or used for years.

Every time you put a relaxer in your hair, you essentially put your hair and scalp at risk. EVERY time. Scary huh??

That is so true, when I put one in the few times before going natural, my scalp would tingle and itch like crazy and then my crown area would go bald, I mean smooth scalp showing, But before I could perm all day and nothing happen. But once I stopped the perm my hair grew in nicely.
What Mamato said^^^^^^

And sHe needs to call a products liability and/or personal injury lawyer.

I'm not sure she'll have a claim or even find an attorney whose willing to take the case but it's worth a try.
So sorry to hear that...

Is she on any kind of medication? Certain types oof medication in the system will also cause hair to fall out...And relaxing would make it even worse.
Okay my cousin just called me and was wanting me to look up more info on what kind of lawyer to contact b/c she just put in a relaxer and her hair came out. She has bald spots!:nono: I'm like are you serious I mean she is crying in my ear and I'm trying to figure out what happened. She said she thinks someone sold her a bad relaxer even though it states it doesn't expire until 12/08.

I asked if she was burning and she said no and that she didn't leave it in long. Okay.....I got to thinking that maybe she didn't use any neutralizing shampoo so I asked her what kind of poo did she used and she said the one that came with it. Okay.....I'm not sure what could have happened. I figured if the perm was old or bad then it wouldn't of relaxed at all and wouldn't have been strong enough to cause bald spots but i could be wrong. She also said she has used the relaxer before so I'm just not sure what the hell happened. She is really upset and if this was me I would be too. I'm not sure how bad it's actually is but she is supposedly on her way over here. She was going to this beautician but I told just to come over here. I figured me and the LHCF girls could help better:grin: or at least I hope so. I mean if you would have just heard her on the phone:sad:

Okay girls the name of the relaxer is TCB NO MIX NO LYE. Has anyone used this before? Does anyone know what could have caused this?

I work in insurance and I know she needs to keep the product, the box it came in any receipts for purchase.

If she want to place a product claim, the relaxer will need to be tested.
I would give it to my attorney only to find a lab to do the testing.

I have a co-worker that has had a ball spot for over 5 years because she purchased color
that was expired, did not know it until her hair came out.
She has seen a few doctors but cant get the hair to grow back.
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She could have picked up the wrong strength without noticing. my mom did this and her hair is really soft and fine. she picked up a super instead of regular. she comb alot of her hair out.:blush:
Has she done anything else to her hair prior to this, like dyeing her hair, or highlights? When was the last time she relaxed? What did she put on her scalp recently?

If you have a really good neutralizing poo I would poo her again & DC w/ hot oil like evo.
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Updates Ladies: I finally did see her hair and it's not really that bad. It could have been worse. She has a bald spot on the right hand side(edges) and a thin side on the left edge and the nape is completely clean like it had been shaved off. The good part is her hair can cover up all the spots:)

She admitted to having gel on her hair and brushing it out. This is something I wouldn't never do. This is something she does on the regular but nothing has ever happened-ya know. She said the girl who done it said it started coming out(shedding) like the moment she started applying. If that was the case she should have stopped and started rinsing right then but I'm thinking that since her hair wasn't detangled then I understand why some of the shed/breaking hair. Also the girl was combing it through which is wrong. I asked if she only applied to the newgrowth she said yea but tell me why all the relaxer is gone but a dime size amount-wrong. She doesn't even have enough to get tested. She's still upset and talking about sueing but I'm sorry ladies she doesn't have a case b/c she can't prove anything.

I'm sad this happens to her. It can happen to anyone. I still don't know what caused this. Her and the beautician thinks it was a bad perm.

Thanks to all the ladies who reponded:)
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Updates Ladies: I finally did see her hair and it's not really that bad. It could have been worse. She has a bald spot on the right hand side(edges) and a thin side on the left edge and the nape is completely clean like it had been shaved off. The good part is her hair can cover up all the spots:)

She admitted to having gel on her hair and brushing it out. This is something I wouldn't never do. This is something she does on the regular but nothing has ever happened-ya know. She said the girl who done it said it started coming out(shedding) like the moment she started applying. If that was the case she should have stopped and started rinsing right then but I'm thinking that since her hair wasn't detangled then I understand why some of the shed/breaking hair. Also the girl was combing it through which is wrong. I asked if she only applied to the newgrowth she said yea but tell me why all the relaxer is gone but a dime size amount-wrong. She doesn't even have enough to get tested. She's still upset and talking about sueing but I'm sorry ladies she doesn't have a case b/c she can't prove anything.

I'm sad this happens to her. It can happen to anyone. I still don't know what caused this. Her and the beautician thinks it was a bad perm.

Thanks to all the ladies who reponded:)

Product liablity claims are very hard to prove.
The court will rely test results of the product.

I any case she should start to work on the damges
so sorry this happened to her.
Well ladies she went to see a lawyer on Thursday and it looks like she has a case. Her lawyer told her to go see a dermatologist and that TCB would more than likely want to settle out of court.
Well ladies she went to see a lawyer on Thursday and it looks like she has a case. Her lawyer told her to go see a dermatologist and that TCB would more than likely want to settle out of court.

I bet they will. I know they have been sued b4. TCB was my 1st relaxer--tore my hair up!
I bet they will. I know they have been sued b4. TCB was my 1st relaxer--tore my hair up!

Really? Did you sue them? What happened to your hair?

Update Ladies: Her hair is filling in. I gave her some MT mixed w/ castor oil and gro aut oil. I'm not giving out anymore......MT is expensive.
well i know when i was little like 8 or so my aunt would always say a tcb perm would take out your hair so dont ever use it and u know what i cant even tell you y because i never used one after she said that