I need/want some candid advice from EVERYONE(long)


New Member
Now I know that everyone will give me varying responses about this and I am ok with that...just give me something...I am going to relaxing my hair with with Revlon Realistic Mild in about 2 weeks. I attempted to relax my hair the last week in may and had to wash it out due to burning...now, the the relaxer(Revlon Reg) was on LONG ENOUGH to relax my hair, but my hair turned out pretty "underprocessed". Now, I am ready to relax again after not having had properly straightened hair since January of this year. I am considering pulling the lye through (up until the last inch which is straight) for the last 3 minutes of smoothing the relaxer. My hair is in decent shape strengthwise, just a bit dry. Ok..pull the relaxer through, yes or no, why or why not???
Id hate to tell u to go through with this and for u have bad results. If u are going to do it I suggest giving your hair a hardcore protein treatment the week before to strengthen it.

I have a lot of underprocessed hair too and keep going back and forth about correcting it. If I do have it corrected, Im leaving it to a professional!
You left it on long enough to relax your hair but its 'underpocessed'. Does that mean that you still have kink left? I'd leave it alone and just get your next touch up at your regularly scheduled time. Sounds like your hair might end up 'overprocessed'
From Shamboosie's book it says that it's okay to put a lye relaxer over a no-lye relaxer for the last five minutes to help the underprocessed hair. I actually had a hairdresser do this on my hair even before I read the book. I had no shedding. but I was pregnant then so my hair was really strong at the time. She pulled it through all my hair cause I use to do my hair myself and it was all underprocessed.

what strength relaxer are you using? After having had my relaxers done by a stylist for a year I decided to start doing them myself again. From the very first one my hair was severely underprocessed, so much so that it was obvious which parts I did myself and which one the hair dresser did. Each relaxer after that turned out equally underprocessed.Eventually I started losing hair. I tried all kinds of protein and moisturizing treatments. Switched relaxers and did all I could think of. Finally I switched from regular strength to super and that is when my hair became straight enough and stopped breaking. I never used super before in my life because my hair is very fine but apparenty it was the mild/regular relaxers that was causing my hair to break off. It had nothing to do with how long I left the relaxer in or how often I relaxed my hair, so take that into consideration also.
i think you should try using a stronger strength relaxer or try smoothing it it better that way it wont come out underprocessed.
Chamber, my coils were just barely loosened...crazy..i was using regular, this time im using mild because my hair is closer to the "fine" side of the spectrum. I've relaxed before and have no prob getting my hair straight. This will only be my 2nd time using lye and I think I may only have 1 inch of no lye hair left. Bree, I think smoothing it better might work for me hopefully
I think if your hair is already different textures and partly damaged, then why damage it even more by spreading the relaxer all the way through the hair? Just try smoothing it out more like bree said.
I think you shouldn't pull the relaxer through. If you can be SURE that you will ONLY relax the new growth and the hair that you are attempting to "correct" will only be subjected to the relaxer for 3 minutes, I can see why it might be tempting, but I would be afraid.

Only because once it's done - it's done.

It's a hard question because I don't think a stylist could do it will either.

There just no way to be sure...