i need to know, was Jesus black, or not?

princess me

New Member
I always heard that Jesus might have been black but I never gave much thought to it. But recently, one of my friends told me about some scriptures in the Bible that describe features of Jesus that would make him black. For ex:

Revelations 1- he is described as having hair white as wool - white/Arab people dont have wooly hair, thats for sure. the passage also described him as having feet that looked like brass, like if they were burned in a furnace.

there are pictures of Russians, the Pope, Queen of England, and other dignitaries bowing down to images of a black Jesus

when Jesus was born and God told Joseph to go hide in Egypt, back then Egyptians were mostly black so if the family was white-looking, how could they hide? wouldnt they stand out?
ok, can you Crown, or someone else point me to where the truth might be?

i dont know where to look in the Bible and the only information I seem to find on the internet is from Black Hebrew Israelites. Are they speaking the truth?
OP I think Jesus is black because of the way they described him in the Bible. ex: Hair like lambs wool and feet like brass..
General statement.... I don't understand why people are so obsessed with knowing his race. I mean, if he weren't your race would you love him any less? If he is your race would you love him even more? If the answer is yes to any of those questions then you need to reevaluate why you love Jesus Christ. He die for our sins and with that we must live for him. So his race shouldn't be a factor.
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Honey, with all my heart I believe that Jesus was black. I just believe a more olive tone brown complexion (Think Tatiyanna Ali from the Fresh Prince)
to reply to your general statement: i understand that the "race" doesnt matter to most people, but i am curious, thats why i have to know. I also feel like I deserve to know the truth... If Jesus was not white or white looking, then it is simply wrong for the Church to perpetrate these false images. IMO

in addition, if jesus was black, then it means that there may possibly be some truth to the claims that black people in America/Caribbean are really the Chosen people spoke about in the Old Testament.
i also came across this video on Youtube of a white lady stating facts about how she figures Jesus was black and what it means for blacks in America.

I dont agree 100% with everything she said but if the general message is true, then I have a lot of things to think about.

this is the video
I'm not sure what "black" means. Like, was Jesus of African descent? Black is a very vague term that describes a lot of different things. We know Jesus' lineage, which is of the Hebrew people. We know where Abraham was from, in Mesopotamia, today's Middle East. People in that area have a variety of physical characteristics and hair types. Some are dark, some are light. Some have very fine hair, and yes, some do have "wooly" hair. Heck, I know white people with wooly hair.

I don't think we have to be concerned with claiming Jesus as "black" or "white." Those are completely contrived terms anyway and products of our social history and structures. Jesus probably had light brown skin and wooly hair and was an average looking Jewish man (Jewish for the time, not Jewish as we see it today)
to reply to your general statement: i understand that the "race" doesnt matter to most people, but i am curious, thats why i have to know. I also feel like I deserve to know the truth... If Jesus was not white or white looking, then it is simply wrong for the Church to perpetrate these false images. IMO

in addition, if jesus was black, then it means that there may possibly be some truth to the claims that black people in America/Caribbean are really the Chosen people spoke about in the Old Testament.
I dont think we will ever know the truth until judgement day.:ohwell: Black people can't be great in some white people's eyes. Maybe thats why they depicted him as a white man. I thought the Jews were the chosen people? They seem the most blessed. But then again black people are blessed too but we often have our blessings down graded,taken away from us or we just don't see it.
hanna_light, i'm sure everyone at that time had a least one black ancestor, thanks

nicola- thank you for your input. i'm not sure what else Black means other than 'of African descent', so that's what I meant regarding Jesus being black. the fact that the terms black/white are products of our society makes it interesting to me. if being black didn't really mean anything then i wouldn't care, but in America, i think it stands for a lot.

im mostly curious about if Jesus was black and people know this to be fact, what is the reason for making him seem white/white-ish? there must be some significance to him being 'white', or else they wouldn't have made him seem that way if he really wasn't. right? idk, maybe im trippin...
I dont think we will ever know the truth until judgement day.:ohwell: Black people can't be great in some white people's eyes. Maybe thats why they depicted him as a white man. I thought the Jews were the chosen people? They seem the most blessed. But then again black people are blessed too but we often have our blessings down graded,taken away from us or we just don't see it.

i think that maybe there is some truth to the fact that at least back in the 1600s til even 1900s, when most of the chuch's artwork was created, black people were inferior. we werent even considered 100% human so how could Jesus have been black (to them)? therefore, they would never even consider depicting him that way. which is deceitful imo

i know that Jewish people are supposedly the Chosen people but some people point to facts that say the Jewish people of today are not the 'real' Chosen people... it has something to do with the history and geography of the tribes. I didn't follow the information too much, i just skimmed over it really. and IDK about Jewish people being the most blessed, i guess monetarily they might be, but blessings go farther than that i'm sure. arent you curious to know whether or not you might be from a tribe of the real chosen people? wouldnt that give you even a little but more pride? even a tiny little bit? (yes, i know pride is not favored in the Bible, but still...)
hanna_light, i'm sure everyone at that time had a least one black ancestor, thanks

nicola- thank you for your input. i'm not sure what else Black means other than 'of African descent', so that's what I meant regarding Jesus being black. the fact that the terms black/white are products of our society makes it interesting to me. if being black didn't really mean anything then i wouldn't care, but in America, i think it stands for a lot.

im mostly curious about if Jesus was black and people know this to be fact, what is the reason for making him seem white/white-ish? there must be some significance to him being 'white', or else they wouldn't have made him seem that way if he really wasn't. right? idk, maybe im trippin...
It goes down to racism. In the past (and still present day) black people and people with dark skin tones were looked down upon. So making him dark would be horrid. I don't think those predigest people didn't want to worship a black God especially since they despised black/dark people. I know we often see Jesus predicted with blonde hair and blue eyes, not just because its considered pure, but those feature are the most desirable.
It goes down to racism. In the past (and still present day) black people and people with dark skin tones were looked down upon. So making him dark would be horrid. I don't think those predigest people didn't want to worship a black God especially since they despised black/dark people. I know we often see Jesus predicted with blonde hair and blue eyes, not just because its considered pure, but those feature are the most desirable.

SMH... the world we live in... not everyone can be from eastern europe where these features are the norm... it doesnt make you less of a person just because you dont have these features.

i guess if Jesus really was black, or black-looking, it might be too late to put the truth out there. imagine all the upheaval it would cause for the Catholic church.
i think that maybe there is some truth to the fact that at least back in the 1600s til even 1900s, when most of the chuch's artwork was created, black people were inferior. we werent even considered 100% human so how could Jesus have been black (to them)? therefore, they would never even consider depicting him that way. which is deceitful imo

i know that Jewish people are supposedly the Chosen people but some people point to facts that say the Jewish people of today are not the 'real' Chosen people... it has something to do with the history and geography of the tribes. I didn't follow the information too much, i just skimmed over it really. and IDK about Jewish people being the most blessed, i guess monetarily they might be, but blessings go farther than that i'm sure. arent you curious to know whether or not you might be from a tribe of the real chosen people? wouldnt that give you even a little but more pride? even a tiny little bit? (yes, i know pride is not favored in the Bible, but still...)
Im not going to lie it would be cool to know, but either way it wouldn't change my love for him. I don't think you're wrong for questioning Jesus' race and why he was depicted as being white?, when we all know he's not. I've done it and it would be nice to know the truth. I've heard people say Jesus was every race....if that makes sense. I know for a fact that pages have been ripped out the bible and there is a lot of things we don't know about Jesus.
thanks. its good to know im not alone in my curiosity. im sure it wouldnt change my love for Jesus either, but like you said it would be pretty cool.

its interesting to hear that Jesus was every race. i haven't heard that one before... hmmm...

Does anyone think there would ever be a way to find out what was taken away from the Bible? Maybe that information was supposed to be taken out? like werent there claims that Jesus was married and he had children? wheres the proof of that? I would like to know where his genealogy has ended up today, if that was the case
to reply to your general statement: i understand that the "race" doesnt matter to most people, but i am curious, thats why i have to know. I also feel like I deserve to know the truth... If Jesus was not white or white looking, then it is simply wrong for the Church to perpetrate these false images. IMO

in addition, if jesus was black, then it means that there may possibly be some truth to the claims that black people in America/Caribbean are really the Chosen people spoke about in the Old Testament.

If Blacks in the Americas and the Caribbean are the true Jews, then what about the Jews from Africa and the Middle-east who still practice the religion passed down from their ancestors? It would be kewl to learn that you actuallly do descend from Hebrews but not all Blacks in Africa are Hebrews. So, you could descend from Africa and still not be Hebrew. Know what I mean? Unless you know what your individual family history is and that includes tribe and clan with intact lineal information, you cannot just say you descend from Jews. Ex., there are Jews in Nigeria. Say someone descended from Nigerians...but not from the tribe that is Jewish. Then they are not Jewishly descended. Jesus was not only Hebrew, but Jewish...with intact lineage, as most Jews know about, esp. those from Africa and Asia.

But I know what you mean about feeling pride in knowing that the Messiah might be Black. I do not believe Him to be. But I do certainly comprehend what you mean. But, if He were in fact Black, then an Eastern Asian might have the exact same issue with inclusion and pride...no representation racially and culturally. The thing is, He revealed His Will at Mt. Sinai and was incarnated in Bethlehem 2,00 years later. He prescribed the Hebraic faith and it belongs to a minority people to bring the Messiah. It's what He's done for all mankind, not just that He might have been Black. What we suffer here is the result of white colonialism and had no bearing on His choice in past. It was the Hebrews who took His plan in obedience, none other. Now we all benefit. The Black/White issue is not our fault but certainly a creation of the imperialists.
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thanks. its good to know im not alone in my curiosity. im sure it wouldnt change my love for Jesus either, but like you said it would be pretty cool.

You are definitely not alone. I used to wonder the same thing. I think growing up here in America it is natural considering all of the pains that were taken to strip ppl of color of their dignity. What I can't understand is those still allowing that to happen to them now but:perplexed, I digress. I began to pray and ask God about this very thing several years ago. For me, his response was to not focus on what color his skin was while he was here in the flesh. He specifically told me to concentrate on what his blood had done for me instead. Then he made me aware of a song called 'The Blood song' that I'd never heard of up until that point.:yep:
We know100% that he was not blond haired with blue eyes and oh so pale white skin. We also know why he was often depicted that way. The same reason good guys wear white and all that is scary, nasty, sad, and evil is represented by the color black. Slave owners and later the powers that be could not have positive upbeat intelligent slaves/blacks b/c they would not have any claim to the lies that they were somehow born superior. History repeats itself. The slave ships couldn't have been loaded down with ppl bound for the new world if Africans hadn't sold other Africans into slavery. The Europeans didn't know enough about Africa to go there and find ppl. They had help and planty of it. Those ppl made a small fortune. God was not pleased. You reap what you sow. Many of their decendants aren't faring well right now.
Slavery existed on every continent. This new world slavery was just extra barbaric though.:nono:
We also know that Jesus made it perfectly clear that his love and salvation were for all ppl. There were 12 original tribes of Israel. As time went by and they moved around some did marry Nubians or Ethopians. There are black Jews. Adam and Eve (who we all came from) were not white either. All biblical ancestors are usually depicted as white even though we know they were no where near Europe. I think that is why God says not to make graven images. That's why I do not have angels and pictures of God etc all around me. (Before anyone gets upset, if you do or don't no one is putting you in hades-ok.:look:) Images sometimes cause strife over who is right and the focus on what matters the most (Loving God with all your mind, soul, strength, possessions. Loving your fellow man as you love yourself) is lost. Remember, divide and conquer is and always will be a simple but effective tool in the devil's repertoire.
Though the description in the bible makes it pretty clear Jesus was not fair skinned, he probably looked a lot like the ppl who currently live in the middle east right now. Many of which do have wooley, thick, curly hair and bronzey skin. They have not had a lot of mixing with outside cultures for quite some time and pretty much look the same.
All of God's children (not to be confused with his creations) can know the truth and be free. One of the main functions of the Holy Spirit is to lead us into the truth of all things. OP, Have you prayed and asked God about this topic? There is nothing wrong with your questions. I hope you find the truth of God concerning all of them.:yep:

John 16:13
13But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.

TWO: 'You shall not make for yourself a carved image--any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.'
SMH... the world we live in... not everyone can be from eastern europe where these features are the norm... it doesn't make you less of a person just because you dont have these features.

i guess if Jesus really was black, or black-looking, it might be too late to put the truth out there. imagine all the upheaval it would cause for the Catholic church.

Actually, the Catholic Church is in possession of a number of sculptures and paintings of The Black Madonna and has been for centuries. (Google "Black Madonna"). These pieces depict a woman thought to be the Virgin Mary with black skin, either made by paint or by ebony wood. Of course, some theologians propose that the black skin was due to materials available to the artist; some say it was because the pieces were dedicated to Mary during the period of the Black Plague (although that doesn't sound right); and others say that the pieces even predate modern Christianity, and must be representations of some other religion's Madonna. Others acknowledge that while the skin is black, the statues and paintings clearly have European facial features, and that the black skin must be an example of artistic license, rather than accuracy.

Either way, the Catholic Church took enough interest to procure large numbers of these pieces. It's all quite startling that any of these Christians bothered with artistic renderings of Mary or Jesus, given this passage in Habbakuk 2:18, which basically called a maker of images a "teacher of lies."

In any case, I don't know if Jesus was what we would call "black." Heck, there are people from India with African features from head to toe whom we would probably not call "black" -- but that's a thread in itself. Judging by the few descriptions the Bible gives and by my limited knowledge of anthropology, I think it safe to say Jesus looked more black than Eskimo.

I do know that whatever He looked like, there'll be a lot of people of all races who'll want 2 forms of ID from Him when he returns.
Volver, thank you for your response, your post was very enlightening. You are right, Africa is such a huge continent, we could have came from a tribe anywhere in Africa- but not one of the 'special' tribes...
You are definitely not alone. I used to wonder the same thing. I think growing up here in America it is natural considering all of the pains that were taken to strip ppl of color of their dignity. What I can't understand is those still allowing that to happen to them now but:perplexed, I digress. I began to pray and ask God about this very thing several years ago. For me, his response was to not focus on what color his skin was while he was here in the flesh. He specifically told me to concentrate on what his blood had done for me instead. Then he made me aware of a song called 'The Blood song' that I'd never heard of up until that point.:yep:
We know100% that he was not blond haired with blue eyes and oh so pale white skin. We also know why he was often depicted that way. The same reason good guys wear white and all that is scary, nasty, sad, and evil is represented by the color black. Slave owners and later the powers that be could not have positive upbeat intelligent slaves/blacks b/c they would not have any claim to the lies that they were somehow born superior. History repeats itself. The slave ships couldn't have been loaded down with ppl bound for the new world if Africans hadn't sold other Africans into slavery. The Europeans didn't know enough about Africa to go there and find ppl. They had help and planty of it. Those ppl made a small fortune. God was not pleased. You reap what you sow. Many of their decendants aren't faring well right now.
Slavery existed on every continent. This new world slavery was just extra barbaric though.:nono:
We also know that Jesus made it perfectly clear that his love and salvation were for all ppl. There were 12 original tribes of Israel. As time went by and they moved around some did marry Nubians or Ethopians. There are black Jews. Adam and Eve (who we all came from) were not white either. All biblical ancestors are usually depicted as white even though we know they were no where near Europe. I think that is why God says not to make graven images. That's why I do not have angels and pictures of God etc all around me. (Before anyone gets upset, if you do or don't no one is putting you in hades-ok.:look:) Images sometimes cause strife over who is right and the focus on what matters the most (Loving God with all your mind, soul, strength, possessions. Loving your fellow man as you love yourself) is lost. Remember, divide and conquer is and always will be a simple but effective tool in the devil's repertoire.
Though the description in the bible makes it pretty clear Jesus was not fair skinned, he probably looked a lot like the ppl who currently live in the middle east right now. Many of which do have wooley, thick, curly hair and bronzey skin. They have not had a lot of mixing with outside cultures for quite some time and pretty much look the same.
All of God's children (not to be confused with his creations) can know the truth and be free. One of the main functions of the Holy Spirit is to lead us into the truth of all things. OP, Have you prayed and asked God about this topic? There is nothing wrong with your questions. I hope you find the truth of God concerning all of them.:yep:

John 16:13
13But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.

TWO: 'You shall not make for yourself a carved image--any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.'

i never heard of the Blood Song, I'm going to look it up. I didn't really ask God to give me the answers because I don't really know how that works. I got this information last Friday and its been on my mind ever since, then last night I came across the woman on youtube and i had to create this post today to get some clarification.\

you know, I never considered that maybe some Africans are suffering now because they sold slaves to Europeans. I always thought that Europeans went in, set up shop and stole the non-violent tribes who had no protection against the Europeans. Or maybe they sold them thinking that the people were gonna come back... IDK

you know, i forgot all about those scriptures regarding making images. even though I though they were in reference to statues, like for idols- but I guess it can apply to an image of Jesus as well, since he is in heaven now and it says no images of things in heaven/below the earth
Actually, the Catholic Church is in possession of a number of sculptures and paintings of The Black Madonna and has been for centuries. (Google "Black Madonna"). These pieces depict a woman thought to be the Virgin Mary with black skin, either made by paint or by ebony wood. Of course, some theologians propose that the black skin was due to materials available to the artist; some say it was because the pieces were dedicated to Mary during the period of the Black Plague (although that doesn't sound right); and others say that the pieces even predate modern Christianity, and must be representations of some other religion's Madonna. Others acknowledge that while the skin is black, the statues and paintings clearly have European facial features, and that the black skin must be an example of artistic license, rather than accuracy.

Either way, the Catholic Church took enough interest to procure large numbers of these pieces. It's all quite startling that any of these Christians bothered with artistic renderings of Mary or Jesus, given this passage in Habbakuk 2:18, which basically called a maker of images a "teacher of lies."

In any case, I don't know if Jesus was what we would call "black." Heck, there are people from India with African features from head to toe whom we would probably not call "black" -- but that's a thread in itself. Judging by the few descriptions the Bible gives and by my limited knowledge of anthropology, I think it safe to say Jesus looked more black than Eskimo.

I do know that whatever He looked like, there'll be a lot of people of all races who'll want 2 forms of ID from Him when he returns.

LOL thats funny because you are right on the money with that one...

I did know about images of a Black Madonna but I didnt even consider them in regards to Jesus being black. Now that I'm thinking about it, there are even people in Southeast Asia with black features who arent considered black so I guess its not that big of a deal, if Jesus looked black. Its just that the way the information was presented to me, made it seem like a huge deal and we are missing out by not realizing Jesus was black

So, does this mean that the Black Hebrew Israelites are wrong in their beliefs??? Are they wrong for thinking that Jesus was black and they are the chosen people? I know we are all children of God created in His image and likeness but are they wrong for taking it to the next level?
You may want to see if you can find a copy of the history channel program about the face of Jesus. They concluded that he looked middle eastern, which was what I always thought. They basically reconstructed what Jews in that area looked like at that time. He probably was brown with curly hair but not black.
I know this article is about Christmas, but when I read the OP I felt like I should link it, you should scroll to I believe the middle of the page, where it shows two different images of Jesus, one of which Jesus most likely looked like. Although the articles cover many different things it could answer some other questions you have.


thanks for the link, there's a lot of information on there. it also refers to king james as a mason, was he really a mason? i know for sure that masons are linked with satanic rituals, so if he was a mason, how could he have anything to do with the current version of the Bible that most use today?
You may want to see if you can find a copy of the history channel program about the face of Jesus. They concluded that he looked middle eastern, which was what I always thought. They basically reconstructed what Jews in that area looked like at that time. He probably was brown with curly hair but not black.

thanks, im gonna try to see if I can get a hold of that program somehow
hanna_light, i'm sure everyone at that time had a least one black ancestor, thanks

nicola- thank you for your input. i'm not sure what else Black means other than 'of African descent', so that's what I meant regarding Jesus being black. the fact that the terms black/white are products of our society makes it interesting to me. if being black didn't really mean anything then i wouldn't care, but in America, i think it stands for a lot.

im mostly curious about if Jesus was black and people know this to be fact, what is the reason for making him seem white/white-ish? there must be some significance to him being 'white', or else they wouldn't have made him seem that way if he really wasn't. right? idk, maybe im trippin...

This is a painting of Cesare Borgia, the man who influenced all European paintings, sculptures and carvings of Jesus.

Many scholars believe the image of Jesus has been manipulated, a skewed, and outright fabricated throughout history. This article will address such an issue.

Cesare Borgia was the Son of Pope Alexander VI. In fact, he was the popes most loved and illegitimate son. (at one time papacy members were allowed to marry.) Pope Alexander VI was known for having multiple mistresses and in 1476 bore a son named Cesare Borgia. Cesare was the favored son, and by the age of 15, he had already become the Bishop of Pamplona. By his 18th birthday, he had become a Cardinal. Borgia had an older brother named Giovanni who was Captain General of the Papacy Military forces. Cesare envied his brothers position and many scholars believe he envied it so much that he had his own brother assassinated in order to obtain the office. Other records show the brothers slept with the same mistress, the wife of their younger brother Goffredo. Many believe the inflamed love triangle between the brothers and their so-called mistresses is what led to young Giovanni's demise. Following Giovanni's assassination, Cesare Borgia resigned his position as Cardinal and became Captain General of the Papacy Military. During this time, the Catholic Church was waging war on Islam and Cesare was about to play a vital role in the history of the Church. At the time, the Muslims had successfully made their way to Germany and taken control of Turkey. This threatened the Churches stronghold over the empire. During the same period, the image of Jesus was that of a Muslim and the church was having a hard time selling its ideologies in the region. Some say they devised a plan to correct this issue and used Cesare Borgia as its tool. Consequently, the pope came up with a plan to have every painting of the original messiah destroyed. Next, Alexander VI commissioned Leonardo Di Vinci to reinvent Jesus in the image of his own beloved son, Cesare Borgia.
This is a painting of Cesare Borgia, the man who influenced all European paintings, sculptures and carvings of Jesus.

Many scholars believe the image of Jesus has been manipulated, a skewed, and outright fabricated throughout history. This article will address such an issue.

Cesare Borgia was the Son of Pope Alexander VI. In fact, he was the popes most loved and illegitimate son. (at one time papacy members were allowed to marry.) Pope Alexander VI was known for having multiple mistresses and in 1476 bore a son named Cesare Borgia. Cesare was the favored son, and by the age of 15, he had already become the Bishop of Pamplona. By his 18th birthday, he had become a Cardinal. Borgia had an older brother named Giovanni who was Captain General of the Papacy Military forces. Cesare envied his brothers position and many scholars believe he envied it so much that he had his own brother assassinated in order to obtain the office. Other records show the brothers slept with the same mistress, the wife of their younger brother Goffredo. Many believe the inflamed love triangle between the brothers and their so-called mistresses is what led to young Giovanni's demise. Following Giovanni's assassination, Cesare Borgia resigned his position as Cardinal and became Captain General of the Papacy Military. During this time, the Catholic Church was waging war on Islam and Cesare was about to play a vital role in the history of the Church. At the time, the Muslims had successfully made their way to Germany and taken control of Turkey. This threatened the Churches stronghold over the empire. During the same period, the image of Jesus was that of a Muslim and the church was having a hard time selling its ideologies in the region. Some say they devised a plan to correct this issue and used Cesare Borgia as its tool. Consequently, the pope came up with a plan to have every painting of the original messiah destroyed. Next, Alexander VI commissioned Leonardo Di Vinci to reinvent Jesus in the image of his own beloved son, Cesare Borgia.

OMG, what a conspiracy! I would love for someone to objectively write down the entire history of the church- the catholic church that is. There always seems to be another scandal under the surface regarding something else. Thanks for the information, I'm gonna look that up.


i also found this link about cesare borgia which supports the claims from the link you provided crown: http://www.macquirelatory.com/False Images of Christ.htm
I feel so deceived, and to think I was in Catholic school from grades 1-12. who knows what other false information is implanted in my brain. like the concept of original sin, smh.
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Josephus the historian described the appearance of Jesus. You can read an online version of his ancient accounts. We have the image of His mother, Mary, as she appeared in Mexico. Not Black. Blacks did live in Jerusalem and Ethiopians made pilgrimage yearly to the Temple. The first convert was an Ethiopian and remember, "to the Jew first." That was the command to spread the good news...to the Jews first. The Ethiopian Eunuch...Jewish. Pagans had no concept of what the Jewish Messiah would be according to Jewish law.