I need to find a stylist who specializes in long, thick hair...


New Member
Any ideas on how to go about this? I thought about asking some ladies at the church where my mom and aunt worship but then remembered that none of those ladies have long hair.

I know virtually no one who has long hair except my cousin and she does her hair at home and doesn't wear a relaxer.

I have to have my hair relaxed every 3-4 months and that's the only time I step foot in a salon... or for a trim once a year.

Any suggestions? My current stylist acted like he was afraid of my hair last night and I'm also sensing some underlying hostility.

I think it's because I don't come very often and maybe he feels used. Well, I do pay him so I don't know what the problem is.

Also, I think he might be a little tiffed because he has had nothing to do with my progress and if any of his patrons saw my hair and asked him how did he get it so long and thick, he couldn't tell them.

Anyway, any advice? Has anyone had to change stylists once their hair got past a certain stage?

This guy simply has no experience with what I deal with on the regular and his hands were just skittish.

Thanks. Oh, WELCOME BACK, SILVER! Heehee! :)

Back to the office.
Blossssom said:
Anyway, any advice? Has anyone had to change stylists once their hair got past a certain stage?

Blossss, I sympathize with you. I was the in the SAME situation for years until I gave up on stylists.

Some folks recommended asking people when I run into folks with hair that's long & healthy, but that backfired on me multiple times so I no longer do that.

The thing I keep running into each time someone has potential is OUTRAGEOUS prices...like, their shampoo/style will normally run $50, and they'll want to charge me $65 because my hair is "more work." :mad:

They wanted to charge me much more for relaxers as well. It just wasn't worth it. I haven't had a relaxer in over a year. I'm thinking about texlaxing again, but when I do, I'm planning to do my own. I think I'd be able to do it because I always apply my DC like a relaxer anyway so I don't think it would be that difficult...especially since I don't want bone straight hair.

The longer your hair gets, the harder this becomes because you find people who may be shoulder length and healthy or even APL and healthy, but as a person with BSL+ hair, you have to wonder why they aren't beyond that length. It could be preference but it could also be poor habits of the stylist. :::sigh::::

Regardless, I'd definitely stop going to this guy since he's got ego issues and is starting not to be able to handle your hair. I've "outgrown" a stylist in the past. She was wonderful with my hair until it got to APL...then it was time to move on to someone who could handle more. The next stylist was AMAZING, and she got me to BSL-thick, healthy, and thriving. I STILL miss her dearly. :(

Anyway, maybe you could try the "ask around" thing when you see people with LHCF-ish hair. :lol: Other than that, you could post a SF Bay stylist roll call thread...
I'm just going to be on the LOOKOUT for black women who have nice hair. I just hope I can spot the real thing from the artificial hair.

I don't know what is wrong with my current stylist. Maybe he was in a funny mood.

Thanks, DI... I have four months in which to find somebody new, so :lol:
Your hair is beautiful! I WOULD NOT go back to him. Whether he was in a funny mood or not, his attitude was all wrong. You don't need his bad vibes. Unfortunately, I can't recommend anyone. You might really need to start doing everything yourself until you can find someone both capable and knowledgeable enough to manage hair of your length. :perplexed