I need stylish hair accessories


I was wondering where I can find nice hair accessories online. I usually see members like Dlewis with really nice clips. Now that im gaining a lil length I was wondering if anyone knows. Please post some links it will be of great help. A girl needs to vamp up her protective styles. Thanks in advance.
Originally Posted by mwedzi
You know I do. :grin: My favorite is Etsy because, since it's all hand-made, you get one of a kind items and can find really beautiful interesting pieces:

Search for hair forks

Search for hair sticks

Search for hair pins

I'm not sure if I can join this challenge. I guess I'll be in my own personal sub-challenge. I won't buy any more products for the month, but I can't promise I can stay away from the hair accessories. I mean, I neeeeeed it. :lick: I realized that I don't have a blue hair comb or pin. Must I be satisfied with just my blue flower? And red? I got nothing! *cries*
Originally Posted by mwedzi
You know I do. :grin: My favorite is Etsy because, since it's all hand-made, you get one of a kind items and can find really beautiful interesting pieces:

Search for hair forks

Search for hair sticks

Search for hair pins

I'm not sure if I can join this challenge. I guess I'll be in my own personal sub-challenge. I won't buy any more products for the month, but I can't promise I can stay away from the hair accessories. I mean, I neeeeeed it. :lick: I realized that I don't have a blue hair comb or pin. Must I be satisfied with just my blue flower? And red? I got nothing! *cries*

Thank you so much. This is so helpful. suggestions please.