I need some Wig wearing tips


New Member
I purchased a FreeTress Fall on Saturday. I love it but was told today at work that I needed to wear a wig cap. Is this true? If so what is the best kind, netted or the ones like a stocking cap? Are there any that are silk that would better for my hair?

Also this is how I planned on wearing my fall.

1. Co-washing/washing my hair every two weeks.
2. Using a protein conditioner once a month
3. Cornrowing my natural hair and placing the fall on top of it.
4. Using BT every day 2xs per day.
5. Using soft rollers to set the fall so that it remains shiny and curly as I would like it to be.
6. Taking the fall out everynight and sleeping in a satin/silk scarf.
7. Using no heat at all, instead using the satin covered soft rollers.
8. Stretching my relaxer from every 4-6 weeks to every 10-12 weeks.

Can any of you who wear falls please tell me if this is a good plan? Is there something I can do different to protect my hair more or to help it grow better?
Poetrygirl said:
I purchased a FreeTress Fall on Saturday. I love it but was told today at work that I needed to wear a wig cap. Is this true? If so what is the best kind, netted or the ones like a stocking cap? Are there any that are silk that would better for my hair?

Also this is how I planned on wearing my fall.

1. Co-washing/washing my hair every two weeks.
2. Using a protein conditioner once a month
3. Cornrowing my natural hair and placing the fall on top of it.
4. Using BT every day 2xs per day.
5. Using soft rollers to set the fall so that it remains shiny and curly as I would like it to be.
6. Taking the fall out everynight and sleeping in a satin/silk scarf.
7. Using no heat at all, instead using the satin covered soft rollers.
8. Stretching my relaxer from every 4-6 weeks to every 10-12 weeks.

Can any of you who wear falls please tell me if this is a good plan? Is there something I can do different to protect my hair more or to help it grow better?

Hi there,

Yes I recommend you wear a wig cap or stocking or if you want to do the baggie method the conditioning cap. I have found they all work and have no issue with one versus the other. I have even used my silk night cap when I could not find or did not have the wig caps.

I wear falls and full wigs you can check out my fotki to see them. I wear silk caps or scarves at night on my head. Not sure about the relaxer part since I am all natural, someone else may chime in on that.

Keep the back of your fall looking nice you may see it bunching up in the back if you have a synthetic. Make sure you keep it washed and conditioned and placed on a wig head at night so it is not rubbing against anything.

I will usually by two of the same wig or fall now just to switch up and make them last longer.

Your regimen looks okay with the exception of the protein treatment I would maybe do that 6-8 weeks instead of once a month, you don't want you hair to become dry which is a possibility with the protein being used too often.
Sounds good. Will the BT act as a daily moisturizer? If not, I would suggest a daily moisturizer. Since I'm in a wig and cornrowing my hair I get to do my growth aid treatments more and I HAVE to moisturize more, but, as a result, much buildup occurs. So I wash 1x's a week or 7-10 days. I find that since I'm hiding my hair[cornrowing], frequent washing [I consider it frequent 'cause I use to wash 2x's a month] is good for my hair.

Regarding the protein, you know how much of it your hair can take. You stated that it was a protein con. so I'm going to assume it isn't a hard protein, like a treatment, so I think once a month is OK. I find that protein has really help me since I've started my hair care journey and even more so while I'm in cornrows and wig.

Thus, I do small protein [a protein condish] every 2 weeks and I use diluted Infusium 23 [like Robin Woods Crown and Glory Technique]on my hair while braiding. But of course I balance that out with weekly DC'ing and daily moisturizing.

And oh yeah, DC'ing is important, too.

I'm sure your hair will thrive from your regimen. I see we're both in the wig challenge!!Happy, happy hair growing and wig wearing :grin:
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I don't wear wigs or falls, but my comment is about washing your own hair more frequently. Try doing it at least once a week. It is good for your hair and keeps it moisturized.. And as long as you don't have to worry about styling, wash as often as you can, especially if you will be adding growth aids and moisturizers twice a day.

The rest of your plan looks great. Have fun with it.
Thanks ladies. I used to wash my hair once a week but my scalp and hair became very dry no matter how much I deep conditioned, moisturized or washed. I have found that every other weeks seems to be helping with the dryness and my hair seems to be taking it very well, so I am going to stick to that unless I find the buildup to be too much, I may try co-washing.

I have a wig cap, do they make these in silk as it seems these would be better for the hair.

Thanks for all the GREAT advice ladies.