I need some intercession y'all


Well-Known Member
Lately that old enemy of stress has been creeping in on me. You all know I have been looking for work and unable to find it. Well, I have finally accepted that God will let me work outside of my home on his time and not on my own. It is actually better since I have two toddlers to raise. Since I have accepted that, it seems like I have a whole new type of stress

I have been really stressing because it is just me and them, EVERYDAY, ALL DAY. Plus I don't know if it is the change of season or what but have been really missing both my parents lately. They are both deceased--mom passed 2003 and father passed 2006. I have really been thinking about how much of a help it would be if they were still here. They were not together but I just know I would have been able to drop their grandbabies off to them so that I could get a breather. I've been dreaming about my mother a lot and in my dreams she is always just doing normal things to help me out. When I wake up, I'm like :sad: because my dreams are so stress free with her there having my back.

My siblings all work and there isn't anyone in my family who is just available to keep my kids whenever. My sister and aunt are active in Church and work so that cuts them out. There father is a DJ so he pretty much sleeps during the day.

The other night, I had a dream about snakes being in my house and of course my mommy was in it trying to help me but in the dream a snake was about to strike and she grabbed my hand at the same time I grabbed hers. We were both trying to keep each other from being bitten, but we each got hit with one fang. I was telling her I was immune(???) so I did like in the movies and sucked the venom out her hand and we continued to protect the kids by keeping them in high places in the house until we could make a break for it, because the snakes were everywhere under the furniture and were apparently hungry/vicious. I have been stressing since that dream. I am not superstitious anymore, but I just remember my mother always warning me about snake dreams. I've been on edge ever since that dream.

About a week prior to that, I picked my brother up to give him a ride home(where my father lived) and when I pulled in the driveway, it was as though I forgot my father had died. His old Vet is still in the driveway, the truck he had been working to restore is still there---It felt weird, like he was about to walk out to the car like he use to do.

Maybe I'm tripping or maybe it's just a change of season that I'm in, but please remember me in your prayers. I don't sleep until late at night and I know from the past that when God has me up at night, there is something up.
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Lately that old enemy of stress has been creeping in on me. You all know I have been looking for work and unable to find it. Well, I have finally accepted that God will let me work outside of my home on his time and not on my own. It is actually better since I have two toddlers to raise. Since I have accepted that, it seems like I have a whole new type of stress

I have been really stressing because it is just me and them, EVERYDAY, ALL DAY. Plus I don't know if it is the change of season or what but have been really missing both my parents lately. They are both deceased--mom passed 2003 and father passed 2006. I have really been thinking about how much of a help it would be if they were still here. They were not together but I just know I would have been able to drop their grandbabies off to them so that I could get a breather. I've been dreaming about my mother a lot and in my dreams she is always just doing normal things to help me out. When I wake up, I'm like :sad: because my dreams are so stress free with her there having my back.

My siblings all work and there isn't anyone in my family who is just available to keep my kids whenever. My sister and aunt are active in Church and work so that cuts them out. There father is a DJ so he pretty much sleeps during the day.

The other night, I had a dream about snakes being in my house and of course my mommy was in it trying to help me but in the dream a snake was about to strike and she grabbed my hand at the same time I grabbed hers. We were both trying to keep each other from being bitten, but we each got hit with one fang. I was telling her I was immune(???) so I did like in the movies and sucked the venom out her hand and we continued to protect the kids by keeping them in high places in the house until we could make a break for it, because the snakes were everywhere under the furniture and were apparently hungry/vicious. I have been stressing since that dream. I am not superstitious anymore, but I just remember my mother always warning me about snake dreams. I've been on edge ever since that dream.

About a week prior to that, I picked my brother up to give him a ride home(where my father lived) and when I pulled in the driveway, it was as though I forgot my father had died. His old Vet is still in the driveway, the truck he had been working to restore is still there---It felt weird, like he was about to walk out to the car like he use to do.

Maybe I'm tripping or maybe it's just a change of season that I'm in, but please remember me in your prayers. I don't sleep until late at night and I know from the past that when God has me up at night, there is something up.

I will be praying for you, sis.:yep:

One thing that I know for sure: It's time to fill up! You have been giving out alot, especially on this forum, and there are times when you need to "fill up" again because you can certainly get weary.

Get some alone time with God. Don't own something that doesn't belong to you...stress doesn't belong to you. Allow the Father to embrace those areas of your life where you are struggling the most and you will see change take place.

You are blessed and highly favored of the Lord and He will give you everything that you need for this season.

of course keeping you in prayer....

...some places of employment have as a benefit
coporate on site daycare.....

so you can have lunch with your babies ..drop in to check on them etc
Lipton is one..Chase Manhattan was another one

can't think offhand but why not google corporations that offer onsite child care
in your area or and blitz them with resumes
some nursery schools and daycare also offer this...so I would cold call
schools and ask can my children attend on small deduction from my salary

while looking for work that is ...children to work friendly
plan a personal day each (week)month ...
or daily personal hour...

look for free ET sections in the city
spend time in nature..with the kids
when everyone is asleep ..soft music candles poetry

Keep in solution....you already have the courage and spirit of God
You are definetly in my prayers.. Whilst your parents are not here, know that the fact you are thinking about them, means they are watching over you. They are already interceeding for you from Heaven, Be encouraged! Know that your mum is fighting with you against any spiritual warfare that happens.

If God has got you up at night, I would either pray or praise God. Go to another room and worship him, sing your own song unto him. Even when you don't feel like, do something that communicates with God.

Know that this is only a season, and this too shall pass. Just ask God, that whatever he is doing within your season, he shouldn't do it without you. Know that you have got sister's in Christ praying with you and coming in agreement with you, You shall get that Job that has onsite daycare and you will be able to go visit them during lunch hours, etc. AMEN
I will keep you in my prayers! Just remember these scriptures:

Nuhum 1:7 LORD is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knows them that trust in him.

Psalm 30:5 For his anger endureth but a moment; in his favour is life: weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.
HUGS to you !! Prayer has gone up. I know all too well how it feels to be at home with small children no person over 4ft tall to speak to no moment to yourself. I have three and just went back to work. No worries. He is your strength! it sounds like you need some respite. I speak peace of mind, rest over you in the name of Jesus. All things are working for you. Employment WILL come and when it does it will be exactly what you need tailored perfectly to fit your needs.
There father is a DJ so he pretty much sleeps during the day.

Just a thought...would your dh be adverse to a discussion on the idea of him doing a Mon-Fri..9-5 with full benefits for you and the kids.. during the week

and as a compromise...on the weekends doing /promoting the DJ work until it is fully
self/family suppporting?
Weekends ..that's when usually big partying goes on anyway :-)

Seems like a lot is on you.....

Sorry.... you asked for intercession ..not advice....hope it was okay to suggest the ideas on employemnt for you both...and that I didn't cross a boundary.. if I did... I am so sorry...
and I know God will make the way for you that is right for your family
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Just a thought...would your dh be adverse to a discussion on the idea of him doing a Mon-Fri..9-5 with full benefits for you and the kids.. during the week

and as a compromise...on the weekends doing /promoting the DJ work until it is fully
self/family suppporting?
Weekends ..that's when usually big partying goes on anyway :-)

Seems like a lot is on you.....

Sorry.... you asked for intercession ..not advice....hope it was okay to suggest the ideas on employemnt for you both...and that I didn't cross a boundary.. if I did... I am so sorry...
and I know God will make the way for you that is right for your family

No problem, you know me, I am all for righteous council and from you I know that I will receive no less than that. Their father and I are not together and he has a family of his own, so unfortunately I have no say so in his career choices. This is one reason why I will instill in my own daughter to marry first, kids later. :yep: It's hard, but us single moms have to do what we have to do, even in the face of uncertainty, I'm grateful that I have Jesus to walk with me through it. And my sisters and brothers in Christ to pray with.
God bless you courageous one....
maybe home based work that is legit steady paying and
not funded from self initiatives...
such as computer companies that outsource service calls to custom service reps
(people at home...)
they patch calls through and or schedule/refer tech services
I will ask around...some of my computer geeky friends may have info on this
& report back
praying for you...

There must be grants as well to single mamas
check into that,too
Thanks Kayte,

I've been ChaChaing along with lots of other ladies over in the career forum. It is income. Not what I'm use to, but all money spends the same.
good for you... :)
saw this on Craig's list..not in your area but to let you know these exist
emailing my computer geeky friends abt poss home employ
have flu :( so everything is bit behind....

Bring your children to work with you-Child Care position available (Long Island, NY)

Job Title: Childcare Specialists-full time position
Job Location: Suffolk County-(Coram, NY)
Job Description: Seeking a creative, energetic and outgoing person to run a new daycare of 12 to 14 Children between the ages of 6 weeks to 4 years old.
Job Requirements: You must reside in Suffolk County. You must Love kids. Training will be provided. If you are a stay at home mom or your want to change your career this could be a start. It is a wonderful community of people and wonderful children who needs a little help.

Hours: 7:00 a.m. to 6 p.m

Salary: $25,000

Benefits: 9 paid Holidays and 12 Sick days and discount child care for your children (upto 2 children). If you have children of your own, then this would be perfect for you. If you care about your child's education, you should consider applying today. We would love to hear from you.
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Be blessed lady and keep your head high, your story touched my heart and I wish nothing but the best for you and as much happiness as your heart can possibly hold. Love and Blessings. I'll be praying for you.
I will pray for you. I have been feeling really down lately also, and having vivid dreams of loved ones and waking up in tears. I will pray for you.
SupaNova, rest assured God's got your back so don't give in to any type of fear. Don't satisfy the enemies insatiable desires to see you frustated and lacking in the joy that the Lord so freely gave you. You are a woman of God and you will stand firm on that rock which is Jesus Christ Himself and when your strength starts to fail you, He will bare you up in His arms. He is your confidence, your fortress, your foundation. may His peace be with you now and always, in Jesus' Name, Amen!