I need some honest opinions PLEASE


New Member
I am REALLY not loving my hair right now. I'm on that dreaded quest for APL and beyond. I'm kinda disappointed with my progress after removing my last sew-in . I have to give a quick shout out to longhairluva though. That growth is awesome!:yep:

I need to stick with protective styling because I'm always in my head. So, I will braid it up for the rest of the spring and summer months. I'm looking for some opinions though. What do you guys think about my progress from Jan until May? I know everyone has different results but am I stressing for nothing? I definitely notice more thickness which is great. I guess I just need a little encouragement before I give up and cut it into some trendy style that I will regret later.:rolleyes:

Sorry, here's bigger pics
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to me it looks like the ends are hanging a little lower. we ahve all felt like you are feeling. dont do a cut that you will regret. keep in mind that not everyone is getting super fast growth. and i know its easier said than done but you need to try and be patient. it will come. your doing great! :yep:

Can you make the pics a little bigger. Its hard to see....

but without looking at the pics, I think you should just keep doing what you are doing and remember that health comes before length...since you said your hair is thicker.. I think you are on the right track. Just try to be patient and stick with your regimen. HHG!
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The pics are little small but from the looks of things you made some good progress.

I always look at it this mindset - better to gain little than lose big

It seems like you got an inch of growth for being 15 weeks (15 weeks is great; that's where I am at now in my stretching going on week 16 this saturday)

NOOOOO... don't cut it....it's growing!:yep:
15 weeks - that's a little under 4 months - you've got good growth!

In the first picture, you can clearly see your necklace through your hair, and barely any hair is 'behind' your back.

In the second picture, you can't see your necklace at all, and not only are your 'thin' ends WELL on your back - the thick bits are on your back too!

I think you've done well - stick to it, and you'll keep progressing!
You have good growth. Your hair is inching down your back. Just keep up with your regimen and you'll be fine. The braids this summer sounds like a good idea. I'm pretty sure but the end of summer you'll be presently surprised that you will be much closer to apl. :yep:
Thanks ladies! I needed your opinions and it gives me that boost of encouragement to keep on pushing on:grin:
Hey girl,

Your hair is def growing. I'm a little paranoid about using sew ins for growth. I think that as the hair grows out, too much stress is put on the hair = breakage.

Braids are a fab idea. IMHO keep them moisturized and baggied at night. I can't wait to see your hair at the end of summer.

Good growing.
That looks like a good amount of growth to me. More than an inch... closer to 2 inches. You're right on track. Your hair isn't growing slower than average or anything like that...

Just be patient and keep it up and you'll continue to get growth and it'll thicken up. Don't get discouraged!
I know sew-ins are very iffy. The outcome definitely depends on how well maintained the hair is under the weave. I'm gonna take a break from the sew-ins though and see how well the braids help out.
Hang in there girly! It looks to me like you got an a couple of inches or so of growth and seemingly thicker as well. Please DONT CUT IT!!!! Do your DC and then get it in that protective style for the rest of Spring/Summer. You will regret the cut especially if you are a bit undecisive about it, so just stick with what you have and push forward. We are happy for your progress and support your growth efforts, so happy growing!:yep:
Don't feel bad. I have taken pics of my progress from Jan to May and I see absolutely no difference at all. So at least you got something. It looks like 2 inches to me, which is about right for 4 months.
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Your doing fine stop tripping.....you got nice amount of growth since Jan ....Keep up the good work
Don't get discourage... You did experience some growth but some people just have slow growing hair. I'm experiencing the same thing.. I kept it in braids for 1 year and even though I had a about 5 inches of new growth, it doesn't look like much to me. When I look at other girls here who started after to me and to see how much growth they have in 3 years or so, it leaves me scratching my head. Just be patient and keep doing what you are doing.:yep:
It is growing, don't give up chica! I see progress. I see more length from where you started. I felt like my hair wasn't growing a bunch of times.. but it was!
to me it looks like the ends are hanging a little lower. we ahve all felt like you are feeling. dont do a cut that you will regret. keep in mind that not everyone is getting super fast growth. and i know its easier said than done but you need to try and be patient. it will come. your doing great! :yep:

Yes, I agree. I wasn't 100% satisfied with my results in February (see progress pic in siggy) but it is just like Jynkx said, be patient and it will come! You are doing a great job and I see at least 1-2 inches of growth :yep: :yay:
I think you've made great progress! I see a few inches, so that means you're retaining the hair that you're growing. Keep doing what your doing; it seems to be working well for you. :yep:
DON"T CUT IT! Take it from me, I have gone from growing out, to "I don't know what to do, Imma go get it cut." And after 2 days, I was really depressed. And I liked short hair. Your hair is growing, believe you me. I know how you must feel. OT, but back in November, my hair was the longest it had been in years, and I went to get a dye job, a bad one at that. Well, all the dyed parts feel out:nono:, and I cut my hair off and rinsed it black. Well, looking in the mirror recently, I noticed the tips of my hair still had that color. The NG or new hair after that was only 2" long. I was sooooooooo sad.:perplexed So in 6 months, I grew only 2 " of hair. But, I am going to hang in there.
I say this to let you know how great your progress has been. I would love to take out a sew in and have that length. It looks good. Maybe just try another PS.:grin:
I am REALLY not loving my hair right now. I'm on that dreaded quest for APL and beyond. I'm kinda disappointed with my progress after removing my last sew-in . I have to give a quick shout out to longhairluva though. That growth is awesome!:yep:

I need to stick with protective styling because I'm always in my head. So, I will braid it up for the rest of the spring and summer months. I'm looking for some opinions though. What do you guys think about my progress from Jan until May? I know everyone has different results but am I stressing for nothing? I definitely notice more thickness which is great. I guess I just need a little encouragement before I give up and cut it into some trendy style that I will regret later.:rolleyes:

Sorry, here's bigger pics

I think you've made good progress in just 4 months. Congrats.